Language Arts 9 - Course Outline
Mrs. Zawislak
Room 27
Voicemail 4049
Homework Hotline 3027
Welcome to Language Arts! The following handout provides a brief overview of information. Should you require further detail, please feel free to contact me.
Course Content:
- Writing and reading
- Elements of a short story and novel
- Viewing and representing
- Poetry and literary devices
- Media literacy
- Critical reading (detection of bias, prejudice and stereotyping in written text, interpretation of various forms of literature)
- Conventions of Language (punctuation, vocabulary, grammar)
- Oral presentation
- Research
General Objectives:
- To explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and expressions.
- To comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media text.
- To manage ideas and information.
- To enhance clarity and artistry of communication.
- To respect, support, and collaborate with others.
- Further information may be obtained on Alberta’s Learning website
- three ring binder- agenda
- lined loose-leaf paper- blue and black pens, pencils, highlighters
- 3 duo tangs- project materials (pencil crayons, glue, felts)
- thesaurus- dictionary
Student Behavior and Expectations:
Student responsibilities and behavioral expectations as they are outlined in the student agenda apply in this pod and in this classroom. Behaviors that demonstrate a respectful, positive attitude are essential for a caring and safe learning environment. Respect for each other, the school environment and ourselves are the basis of these expectations.
Student Evaluation:
Assignments and Projects: Throughout the year the students will be given assignments and projects that will complement their learning. Students will be encouraged to individualize assignments and projects, while following expectations and guidelines outlined by the teacher and student rubrics. These evaluative processes are consistent with the Tom Baines School Assessment Policy.
Quizzes and Tests: Quizzes and tests will be held periodically throughout the year. These will be created to help students confirm understanding, reinforce student knowledge and allow them to identify material overlooked. Students are given ample opportunity and notice to prepare for quizzes and tests.
Homework: Homework will be assigned throughout each of the three terms. Homework may include assigned classroom work, preparation and steps within major assignments and projects and various other forms.
Term Breakdown:
Process 30 - 40%
Product 50 - 60%
Process is the continual practice needed to improve writing, reading, speaking, listening, viewing, and representing skills. Examples include and are not limited to responses, editing, literature circles, information retrieval, or note taking. Product is the end result of a student’s efforts. It might be a final copy of a poem, story, essay, research project or oral presentation.
Final Mark:
Term 1: 30%
Term 2:30%
Term 3:30%
Final Exam: 10%
Students who plagiarize by copying a piece of writing verbatim with the intention to take and use as their own will receive a zero and they will notify their parents. To prevent plagiarism, students will hand write research notes into their own words and in point form. Students will be expected to reference and cite information they use, including pictures. Students involved in writing will be expected to show their rough drafts. They need to show evidence of attempts to change and improve their written expression. Seeing the stages of the writing process helps a teacher determine whether a written piece has been plagiarized. It also helps a student prevent what may be unintentional plagiarism.
Homework Hotline:
Mrs. Zawislak’s homework hotline (#3027) is used for informing students and parents of due dates for upcoming projects, tests, and daily homework assignments. It is generally updated daily. Also homework due dates are recorded daily by students in their student agendas as well as on the homework board in each homeroom.
I am thrilled to have the opportunity to teach and learn from my students this school year. I strongly believe in one’s ability to communicate orally and visually are critical to articulate one’s thoughts, ideas, knowledge, and imagination. Strong literacy skills are fundamental for student success. I also believe everyone student is capable of achieving this success.
At anytime, if you have questions or concerns, please speak to me personally. This will help identify issues and obstacles throughout the year and allow positive changes to occur, making our classroom a safe learning environment.
Mrs. Zawislak
777-7190 (4049)
Parent SignatureStudent Signature