Lesson Plan


Date: Time: Grade: Teacher:

I. National Health Education Standards

Health Education Standard 8: Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health.

II. National Health Education Standards Performance Indicator

8.8.1 state a health enhancing position on a topic and support it with accurate information.

III. Valued Outcomes

§  Students will understand how tobacco, alcohol, and other drug use affects crime rates and the economy.

§  Students will identify government programs that help fight stimulant abuse.

§  Students will identify several positions on the government’s role in fighting stimulant abuse.

IV. Description of Strategy:

1.  Explain that drug use costs the United States billions of dollars every year.

2.  Explain that a portion of the taxes that their parents pay supports government institutions (military, police, prisons, and hospitals) that are actively involved in preventing drug use. Make the connection between drug use and crime in the community.

3.  Identify how drug use is fought in the United States (police enforcement, prosecution, prison terms, etc.).

4.  Have students discuss how they feel about their families having to pay for fighting drug use. Ask students to describe other ways that this money could be used.

5.  Have each student write a report about an example of stimulant use affecting the economy or crime rates. Instruct students to use some form of media (newspaper or magazine article, television news report) as a source for their report. This will get them involved in making connections between stimulant abuse and crime/economic issues.

V. Materials Needed:

§  none

VI. Formative Evaluation


§  Level 1: Student was able to identify government programs that fight stimulant abuse.

§  Level 2: Student was able to identify government programs that fight stimulant abuse and can list a few ways stimulant use affects crime rates and the economy.

§  Level 3: Student was able to identify government programs that fight stimulant abuse and can list many ways stimulant use affects crime rates and the economy.

§  Level 4: Student was able to identify government programs that fight stimulant abuse and can list many ways stimulant use affects crime rates and the economy. Student was able to argue several positions on the government’s role in fighting these problems.

VII. Points of Emphasis:

1.  Explain the correlation between stimulant abuse and crime rates.

2.  Explain how the cost of fighting stimulant abuse affects students and their families.

3.  Explain how money spent on anti-drug programs could be spent on other things or saved.

Teacher Evaluation

1. Keep the lesson as taught? ð Yes ð No

2. What I need to improve

3. Next time make sure

4. Strengths of lesson

Chapter 14, Lesson Plan 2 Page 2 of 2