



DIRECTIONS: For each of your courses in the Specialist Program in Curriculum and Instructionyou are to validate your mastery of the SpecialistCandidate Learning Outcomes by making entries into a learning log and submitting them for approval to the respective professor for the courses you have taken. Your entries are threefold. First, you are to describe insights, new learning, and experiences you have had in the course. Second, you are to describe the impact of these experiences on your growth as an educator and scholar including describing any changes that have taken place as a result of this learning experience. Lastly, you are to outline a plan/goal by which you will take this new insight into the schools to improve your teaching, which in turn improves student learning. This plan/goal should include a method of evaluation toward the goal.

This log is to be kept in print format and should be maintained by the student. It is the student’s responsibility to submit the forms (one for each course) to your advisor upon completion.

You are to make entries for a minimum of two outcomes per course. Each outcome must have at least one entry and some outcomes may have multiple entries. You are to maintain this log throughout the program and turn it in completed to your program advisor. All outcomes must have a minimum of one entry.

SPCLO # 11. Specialist Candidates will demonstrate advanced ability to plan, implement, and evaluate instruction to facilitate student learning. Standard 2

Entry 1- Experiences______




Entry 2- Impact ______




Entry 3- Plan/Goals ______




SPCLO # 12. Specialist Candidates will demonstrate advanced knowledge of the student as influenced by cognitive, physical, emotional, social, cultural, environmental, and economic factors. Standard 4

Entry 1- Experiences______




Entry 2- Impact ______




Entry 3- Plan/Goals ______




SPCLO # 13. Specialist Candidates will demonstrate advanced ability to design, implement, and evaluate curriculum that promotes student learning including knowledge of resources, technology and best teaching practices. Standard 1

Entry 1- Experiences______




Entry 2- Impact ______




Entry 3- Plan/Goals ______




SPCLO # 14. Specialist Candidates will demonstrate advanced depth and breadth of knowledge and skills in academic discipline and pedagogy. Standard 3

Entry 1- Experiences______




Entry 2- Impact ______




Entry 3- Plan/Goals ______




SPCLO # 15. Specialist Candidates will demonstrate the ability to use research to promote student learning and to contribute to the teaching profession. Standard 5

Entry 1- Experiences______




Entry 2- Impact ______




Entry 3- Plan/Goals ______




SPCLO # 16. Specialist Candidates will demonstrate the ability to create learning communities that incorporate advanced knowledge and understanding of cultural and linguistic contexts of learning. Standard 4

Entry 1- Experiences______




Entry 2- Impact ______




Entry 3- Plan/Goals ______




SPCLO # 17. Specialist Candidates will demonstrate advanced ability to differentiate instruction through the use of best practices in a democratic learning environment. Standard 2

Entry 1- Experiences______




Entry 2- Impact ______




Entry 3- Plan/Goals ______




SPCLO # 18. Specialist Candidates will demonstrate high standards for professional practice through continual self -assessment and reflection. Standard 7

Entry 1- Experiences______




Entry 2- Impact ______




Entry 3- Plan/Goals ______




SPCLO # 19. Specialist Candidates will demonstrate high standards for academic rigor, intellectual inquiry, and professional integrity. Standard 7

Entry 1- Experiences______




Entry 2- Impact ______




Entry 3- Plan/Goals ______




SPCLO # 20. Specialist candidates will demonstrate advanced knowledge of assessment and the ability to use multiple sources of assessment for maximizing student learning. Standard 6

Entry 1- Experiences______




Entry 2- Impact ______




Entry 3- Plan/Goals ______


