October 8, 2014

The Board of Education of the Wall School District #51-5 met in regular session on Wednesday, October 8, 2014, in the Library of Wall School. Members present: Chairperson Eisenbraun, Vice-Chairperson Johnson, Members Cordes, Kjerstad, Bielmaier, and Trask. Also attending were Superintendent Garnos, Business Manager Mohr, Elementary Principal Sykora, Shawn Cutler, and Brett Blasius. Chairperson Eisenbraun called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

All action taken in the following minutes carried by unanimous vote unless otherwise stated.

Business Manager Mohr took a roll call of the board members. All members were present.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

4971. Cordes moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Trask. Motion carried.

4972. Trask moved to approve the consent agenda as follows: Seconded by Bielmaier. Motion carried.

·  Approve minutes of September 10, 2014 board meeting.

·  Approve minutes of September 17, 2014 board meeting.

·  Approve October claims.

08-31-14 / $406,639.31 / $27,411.01 / $200,709.74 / $4,128,694.31 / $(3,410.76) / $9,416.45 / $4,769,460.06
Local Sources: / $19,223.70 / $2,660.09 / $1,886.27 / $529.06 / $7,224.95 / 4,290.34 / $35,814.41
County Sources: / $1,128.77 / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00 / $1,128.77
State Sources: / $57,333.00 / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00 / $57,333.00
Federal Sources: / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00
Other Sources: / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00
General Journal Revenue: / $25,540.00 / $0.00 / $3,235.00 / $2,178.53 / $0.00 / $0.00 / $28,775.00
Total to be accounted for: / $509,864.78 / $30,071.10 / $205,831.01 / $4,129,223.37 / $3,814.19 / $13,706.79 / $4,892,511.24
Disbursements: / $199,753.99 / $163,178.85 / $13,417.18 / $0.00 / $3,967.83 / 3,625.38 / $383,943.23
General Journal Disbursements: / $(7.10) / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00 / $(7.10)
EOM BALANCE: 09-30-14 / $310,117.89 / $(133,107.75) / $192,413.83 / $4,129,223.37 / $(153.64) / $10,081.41 / $4,508,575.11

Brett Blasius, President of First Interstate Greater Wall Fund, was present to visit with the board about different options for fundraising for the Athletic Facility project. The school could handle donations/pledges or the money could possibly be put in an account held by South Dakota Community Foundation for a fee. The Foundation would not handle pledges. Blasius suggested the District discuss the options with their audit firm before any decision is made. There was also discussion by the board on the amount that should be set as a fundraising goal.

Garnos asked the board to approve an administrative waiver for Michelle Ruland, since she does not have her Master’s completed at this time. She is working on it and will have it completed.

4973. Johnson moved to approve the administrative waiver for Michelle Ruland. Seconded by Kjerstad. Motion carried.

Next, Garnos discussed the option of renting the Community Center for the gymnastics team to use for practice. The District would pay a fee of $10 per practice and may need to move the equipment out occasionally if the Community Center has a large event.

4974. Trask moved to approve signing a contract with the Community Center for $10 each gymnastics practice. Seconded by Cordes. Motion carried.

Garnos gave the board an update on the Athletic Facility project. The dirt work is in progress. Garnos sent copies of the pre-construction meeting notes around to the board. He also sent around a copy of the AIA contract for the board see. Fundraising and the possibility of a loan through WREA foundation/Rural Development were discussed by the board and administration.

Elementary Principal Sykora handed out copies of the 2013-2014 District Report Card. Community members can view the information at the school or at various local businesses. Parent-teacher conferences will be held October 15th and 16th and the Book Fair will also take place those dates. The proceeds from the Book Fair help earn new books for the school library.

Business Manager Mohr informed the board that the annual audit was completed last week. Casey Peterson will be coming to the November or December board meeting to present.

Superintendent Garnos asked the board to approve the various sports/activity rules they were given.

4975. Bielmaier moved to approve the 2014-2015 Gymnastics rules. Seconded by Cordes. Motion carried.

4976. Johnson moved to approve the 2014-2015 Junior High Girls Basketball rules. Seconded by Kjerstad. Motion carried.

4977. Bielmaier moved to approve the 2014-2015 One Act rules. Seconded by Cordes. Motion carried.

Garnos gave an Impact Aid update. He attended a conference in Washington DC during September. At this point in time, our District is still considered ineligible for the 8003 Impact Aid Program. This affects the District by approximately $5,000 per year.

Next, the Board approved the Native American policies and procedures for purposes of Impact Aid funding.

4978. Johnson moved to approve the Native American policies and procedures. Seconded by Kjerstad. Motion carried.

Garnos asked if any members were interested in attending Delegate Assembly on November 22nd.

4979. Cordes moved to approve Member Anderson to attend Delegate Assembly on behalf of our Board. Seconded by Bielmaier. Motion carried.

Garnos informed the board that the District’s enrollment on the last day in September was 259, which is higher than it has been in seven years. Hand washing classes have been given to the elementary students and there will be hand sanitizers placed outside the classrooms. Hopefully, this will help keep the sicknesses to a minimum. Starting in November, the board meetings will be starting at 6 pm instead of 7 pm.

4980. At 8:53 p.m., Johnson moved to go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing personnel, according to SDCL 1-25-2. Seconded by Cordes. Motion carried.

With no further business brought to the board, Chairperson Eisenbraun declared the meeting adjourned at 9:34 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Niki Mohr, Business Manager


Scot Eisenbraun, Chairperson Niki A. Mohr, Business Manager

Published once at the total approximate cost of ______.