A.  Current or Proposed title:

B.  Current or Proposed degree or certificate:

C.  Current or Proposed total credits:

D.  Department offering program:

E.  Effective date of change:

F.  Responsible faculty or staff:

G.  Total Credits changed in this modification

H.  Date of Previous Modification

I.  Total Credits Changed in Previous Modification

J.  Department Head's signature ______

K.  Date: ______

PART II: Review By Associate Dean, Office of Assessment & Curriculum

Signature ______Date ______

Dates of Internal Actions

Proposal Received by Dean of AA ______

Presented to Curriculum Committee ______

Curriculum Committee Action ______

PSO Action ______

President's Action ______

Dates of External Actions

Proposal to Modify a Program sent to SUNY* ______

SUNY Approval ______SED Approval ______

* Required by SUNY if there is a change in program title, cumulative change from SED’s last approval of the registered program of one-third or more of the minimum credits required for the award; if there is a change in a program’s focus or design; if it involves adding or eliminating one or more options, concentrations or tracks; or if it involves adding or eliminating a requirement for program completion (such as an internship, clinical placement, cooperative education, or other work or field-based experience).

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A.  Brief proposal summary including justification for proposal. Address the impact of this modification on transfer and/or job opportunities (specify name of other educational institutions and potential employers.)

B.  Provide details of all changes to the program. Describe any new courses, course modifications (title, course description, prerequisites, contact/lab/credit hours), or changes in the sequencing of courses. (see also Part V of this form)

C.  Attach revised catalog material (exactly as it should appear in both the program and course description sections). Compare the new program to existing program by displaying the catalog material side by side.

D.  List the Program Learning Outcomes that students should demonstrate upon completing the program.

Please attach curriculum map for PLO’S and ISLO’s (see also Part V of this form).

E.  Identify Liberal Arts and Science courses and credits (see Curriculum Committee handbook for Minimum Liberal Arts Requirements for A.A., A.S., and A.A.S., Programs).

F.  Identify the SUNY General Education Courses (by appendix)

G.  Identify major courses (courses that are specific to the proposal)

H.  It is expected that all DCC graduates will achieve the Institutional Student Learning Outcomes (ISLOs). The ISLO’s will be achieved through courses specific to the program and other institutional course requirements.

Please attach curriculum map for PLO’S and ISLO’s (see also Part V of this form).

I.  Results of Intra-departmental review:

J.  Results of Inter-departmental consultation where necessary (when program changes or course deletions affect other departments or programs.)

K.  Results of consultations with transfer programs. Attach a transfer course equivalency table listing the equivalent courses at transfer schools for any new courses or substantially modified courses.


List any additional program resources that will be required to implement this modification:

1. Faculty

2. Support staff

3. Equipment

4. Facility modifications

5. Library resources



Modify Course Form and Extended Course Outlines for revised courses

Add Course Form and Extended Course Outlines for new courses

Curriculum Maps

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