Name: ______
AGEN 161
Schematic Reading Lab
From the New Holland 1030 schematic, answer the following questions.
- How is the bale wagon powered? Why did the engineers design this system like this?
- List at least 3 errors in the schematic.
- Is this system open or closed center? What determines this?
- Why did the engineers design this system as an open or closed center system?
- What is the purpose of the lockout valve?
- What is the purpose of the selector valve? (the selector valve and the load rack & push-off feet control valve share a common control mechanism that the operator actuates) What occurs when it is pushed:
- to the left?
- to the right?
- What is occurs when the bale loader & loader motor control valve is:
- pushed in?
- pulled out?
- What type of cylinders are the following?
- Loader lift
- 1st table
- 2nd table
- load rack
- push-off feet?
- Why are the two load rack cylinders connected in parallel? Would it work if they were connected in series?
- What causes the second table cylinder to retract?
- The filter is placed is in located in a different place in the circuit than most filters are. What are the issues in respect to this?
- Can you operate the second table while the push-off feet are operating?
- The operator is complaining that the loader motor is too slow. What could cause it? How would you test for this?
- Fill in the chart below
Disp (in3/rev) / Output Flow (gpm) / Speed (rpm) / Pressure (psi) / Horsepower (hp)
0.58 / 3600 / 2000
0.66 / 10.3 / 3600
6.4 / 3600 / 3000 / 13
25 / 1800 / 1800
- For the valve labeled A, describe what happens when the valve is: (in words and colored)
- In neutral
- Pushed to the right
- Pushed to the left
- As completely as possible, label all of the numbered components on the schematic below.
- What is the purpose of the two relief valves under item twelve? Describe in words and colorize.
- What is the purpose of having two DCVs below the cylinder that is the furthest to the right on the schematic? Describe what occurs in every possible position of each valve.