Guidance Notes for Creating a New Module/Amending an Existing Module (2017/18)


Edinburgh Napier University is undertaking a project to develop an online system to enable modules to be created and amended directly into the Student Record Systems (SITS) via an easy to use portal. The project aims to make the process of creating and amending modules more straightforward and efficient, ensure that information provided in the module descriptor can be automatically used to populate student-facing information – such as the module catalogue, and improve version control and module data archiving. However, until this project has been completed, we are asking staff to continue to use templates (in MSWord) to provide information relating to module development and changes.

For new modules, staff are asked to complete the module information on the module descriptor template form.

For changes to existing modules, staff are asked to present the changes requested on the module change form (with the existing approved module descriptor appended for comparison purposes).

These guidance notes are intended to support academic colleagues in completing/amending both of these templates.

The guidance is presented according to each specific field. The numbered fields correlate to the latest version of the module descriptor template for new modules.

Some fields form part of core module data. This is the data which applies regardless of when or where the module is delivered. Other fields are ‘occurrence’ specific. This refers to the location of where the module is delivered, for example – if the module is delivered overseas within a transnational education programme. Occurrence also refers to the timing of delivery, eg. the trimester of the delivery.

The approval level indicates who has to approve changes made to the individual fields. These approval levels were confirmed by Quality & Standards Committee in September 2016. If more than one change is made to the module descriptor where fields have different approval levels, then the module would need approval by the highest level. For example if you added a pre-requisite (which requires head of subject approval) and a learning outcome (which requires panel approval) – then the module would go to panel for approval.

Field / Core /Occurrence Task / Revised Approval Level / Guidance
1. Module Title: / Core / NA / The title of your module, please make this as succinct as possible. As the module title appears on the student transcript it is recommended that module content is reflected in the title.
2. SCQF Level: Select Level. / Core / NA / You will select from levels 7-11 (first year undergraduate to masters level). Please refer to the Scottish Credit and Qualification Framework level descriptors to ensure alignment:
3. SCQF Credit Value: Choose a value. / Core / NA / A module at Edinburgh Napier University will normally be 20 credits (with the exception of dissertation/project modules and work-based learning and placement modules which may be multiples of 20)
4. ECTS Credit Value: Choose a value. / Core / NA / This is automatically generated field based on the SCQF credit value. This field is a sector requirement
5. Module Code: / Core / NA / Entered by the School Support Service following local conventions
6. Approval Status (Approved / Under Review / Awaiting Peer Review) / Core / NA / Automatically generated field
Date of approval / Core / NA / Automatically generated field
Date of approval commencement / Core / NA / Automatically generated field
7. Module Leader: / Core / Head of Subject (or designate) / Please enter the name of the module leader
8. School: (defaulted). / Core / NA / This should be defaulted to your School title
9. Edinburgh Napier Subject Group Area: Choose from list below. / Core / Head of Subject (or designate) / Select appropriate subject group (only those available from within your School will be available to select – if your subject group is not appearing, please contact ).
10. Prerequisites – To study this module you will need the learning equivalent to the module listed or have passed this module / Core / Head of Subject (or designate) / If other modules should be undertaken prior to this module, as pre-requisites, you should provide the information below
Is a Prerequisite Required? / Core / Head of Subject (or designate) / Select Yes or No
Module Title / Core / Head of Subject (or designate) / Populate the module titles of the pre-requisite module(s) as appropriate
Examples of Equivalent Learning / Core / Head of Subject (or designate) / On some occasions, students may claim that although they have not studied the pre-requisite modules, they have equivalent experience. You may wish to provide examples of how students would demonstrate that they had met the pre-requisite learning outcomes?
11. Learning Outcomes of the module / Core / Panel / You are recommended to provide between two and six learning outcomes for your module. It is important that your assessment instruments enable you to assess achievement of each learning outcome. You should consider the appropriateness of the learning outcomes to the SCQF level of the module ( and also refer to the appropriate QAA Subject Benchmark Statements (where applicable):
It is important that module learning outcomes can map to the programme learning outcomes of the programme of study(ies) that this module will contribute to, and module leaders are expected to liaise with programme leaders accordingly in the development/changes of module learning outcomes.
LO1: / Core / Panel
LO2: / Core / Panel
LO3: / Core / Panel
LO4: / Core / Panel
LO5: / Core / Panel
LO6: / Core / Panel
12. Module Content / Core / Module Leader / This section is to provide information about what the module offers in terms of knowledge and skill development and information about the topics covered within the module. Include information about why the students should wish to study this module. This information is published on the module catalogue and may be used by students making module choices.
13: Core Reading (change to Indicative References) / Core / Module Leader / In Summer 2017, the Library introduced specialist reading list software called Leganto. Module leaders are expected to use Leganto to create and update module reading lists and to provide the link to the reading list within the module descriptor.
*14. Occurrence (Year/Trimester) / Occurrence / Head of Subject (or designate) / Occurrence data is specific to when and where the module is being delivered. For example the same module may be offered in Trimester 1 in Edinburgh, but also during Trimester 1 and Trimester 2 at a partner location. Depending of the location or timing, the module may have varying LTA approaches. The following fields are specific to each occurrence.
14a. Primary mode of delivery: Choose a mode of delivery. / Occurrence / Head of Subject (or designate) / Select the appropriate mode of delivery from the options provided: blended, face-to-face, online (fully online), self-study pack, placement learning
14b. Location of Delivery: Choose a location of delivery. / Occurrence / Head of Subject (or designate) / Select the appropriate location of delivery from the drop-down list (if the location is not available - select NOT LISTED and when this is entered into SITS by S3 staff, this will trigger an email to the Quality & Standards Team for follow up)
14c. Partner: Choose a partner. / Occurrence / Head of Subject (or designate) / If the module is delivered in partnership with another institution, select the partner organisation (if the partner is not listed - select NOT LISTED) and when this is entered into SITS by S3 staff, this will trigger an email to the Quality & Standards Team for follow up)
14d. Module Contact / Occurrence / Head of Subject (or designate) / This will be the module leader by default, but if this is not the point of contact for the module for that particular occurrence select another member of staff
14e. Module Occurrence requires timetabling at an Edinburgh Campus (Y/N) / Occurrence / Module Leader / Select Yes or No
If Yes is selected, data provided within this module descriptor may be used in the creation of the student timetable.
14f. Expected number of students / Occurrence / Module Leader / Provide an indication of the number of students expected on the module (within this occurrence).
*15. LTA Approach / Occurrence / Panel
Learning & Teaching methods (including their alignment to Learning Outcomes) / Occurrence / Panel / In completing this section, module leaders are asked to set out how students will be expected to learn, and supported in their learning. It is an opportunity to explain to students how the 200 notional study hours required within a 20 credit module have been allocated and to explain how these will support students in meeting the module learning outcomes.
Module leaders may wish to consider the aims of Strategy 2020 and the Academic Strategy. You should also consider how the LTA methods align with, and complement those of other modules within the programme(s) of study that this module will sit.
It is important that module leaders amending existing modules check that this field is full and complete, as a previous iteration of the template restricted content to a fixed number of characters which may have caused some data to have been lost.
15b. Formative Assessment / Occurrence / Panel / The University is committed to increasing the emphasis placed on formative assessment across programmes which produces rich feedback that is linked to, and can inform the summative assessment. The University’s guide to assessment and feedback practice provides some helpful information about how module leaders may wish to build formative tasks into their modules. If your module will include formative tasks and activities you should describe them here.
15c Summative Assessment / Occurrence / Panel / This section is intended to be used to describe to students the summative assessment approaches employed within the module and how they are aligned to the module learning outcomes.
*16. Student Hours / Occurrence / Panel / Provide the details of the activities undertaken to fulfil the required amount of student hours e.g. 200 hours for a typical 20 credit module.The categories of activities are pre-determined as this data is used to compile information for students and prospective students around the contact time in their modules/programmes, and need to be mapped accordingly.
*17a. Formative Assessment / Occurrence / Panel / This field is intended to gather data on the planned formative assessment approaches for new modules. Data within this section cannot currently be uploaded into SITS – and will need to be retained separately for the module data to be updated at a later date. The categories are intended to be broad enough to accommodate most forms of assessment (for example part of a summative assessment might include a draft; a literature review section; and artefact that might form part of the summative assessed piece).
*17b. Summative Assessment / Occurrence / Panel / Provide the details of the formal assessment/s that will contribute to the students overall mark/grade for that module. Module leaders may wish to reflect upon the implication of the Assessment Regulations set out in B5 and C5 of the academic regulations when considering the use of components of assessment (
18. Length of module delivery. Over how many trimesters is this module delivered? / Core/Occurrence / Head of Subject (or designate) / The University regulations permit 20 credit modules to be delivered over one trimester or two trimesters. If the module is to run over two trimesters, students are expected to enrol on another module delivered over two trimesters to support the management of their workload.
19. Trimester(s) of delivery / Occurrence / Head of Subject (or designate) / Specify which trimester(s) will the module run in.