
Crossroads Carers Support Group

Steering Committee Meeting

10th December 2009


Alan Kendrick [AK]{Chairperson}, Wendy Lewis [WL] {Secretary}, Gaynor Bond [GB] {Treasurer}, John Booth [JB], Brian Robinson [BR] Margaret Robinson [MR] Eileen Hollinshead [EH] Theresa Darbyshire [TD] and Janet Burtonwood [JBw]


Jean Atherton

Minutes From Last Meeting:

AK has done letter to pass on to Heinz to thank them for their donation.

Next presentation to be done for the police is in late 2010

DAG {Disability Action Group} was given a presentation by AK and BR which went well and generated some interest about the group

The second half of the grant has now been put into the bank

AK to do a letter of thanks to the Abbey and pass over to JBw

Proposed by MR

Seconded by JBw

Chairs Report:

The AGM is to be held at Kingsleigh on the 13th January 2010 from 12noon, this will correspond with the group Christmas party. MR to order pasties.

A cheque for Crossroads Caring for Carers has yet again come into our bank account…..if this continues to occur the group will consider charging administration fees.

Treasurers Report:

On the 30 Nov the bank statement was £10,471.19 however £1,698.94 is the cheque for Crossroads Caring for Carers leaving £8,772.25.

Carers grant is yet to come into the bank and some bills remain outstanding

Grant Update:

Age Concern National pot for xmas treat for the over 50’s is now available therefore AK has applied to them for a grant towards the xmas party


Panto and coach are now booked for Jan 2010

Young Carers Weekend is still under consideration for March 2010 if finances are available

Stratford was enjoyed with the exception of a couple of things:

·  Time people were eating

·  Waiting time to go home

·  One complaint about driving - JB to remit protocols to drivers

JB has distributed the 2010 trip list for ratification

Some people have been stating that the trips are becoming expensive if they are to go as a couple or a family. After some consideration it was agreed to reduce the price of the trips to £70 with the exception of Noddfa which will be £55 and family days out remain at the set rate.

Newsletter and Website:

5700 hits were made this month.

Comfort and Care have accessed the site to look at their advertisement and reported that the were amazed at the site and made-up with the advert.

Open Forum:

Nothing to add

Any Other Business:

Pat Hubbard was unable to attend a trip and has kindly donated the money she had paid for the trip to the group.

Date and Time of Next Meeting:

13th January 2010 following the AGM

I confirm that these minutes are a true representation of the meeting which took place on the 10th December 2009

Signed: Alan Kendrick

Honorary Chairperson

Signed: Wendy Lewis

Honorary Secretary

Date: 13th January 2010

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