Manor News # 20
Included below in the News:
- Message from Jason
- Manor PTA News
- Board of Trustees Briefs
- School District Notice Regarding State Testing
- YES News
- Manor Freecycle Corner
Included as attachments:
- Ross Valley Community News
- Parent Ed Event Notice
- Groundhog Day Garden Party Notice
- Farmigo Coupon
- Word Version of this Newsletter
Message from Jason:
Greetings Manor Community,
As I have mentioned in previous communications, Manor School is in an interesting time in terms of how our school is structured. As you know, Manor is comprised of the neighborhood attendance area program called the K-5 program, and the district program called MAP (Multi-Age Program). Both of these successful programs have coexisted on the Manor campus for more than 18 years. In 2013, a proposal was presented to the school board to move the MAP program to another site. This proposal was ultimately denied for a number of reasons.
In December, when this proposal process reached a conclusion, I communicated a need to begin community discussions about how Manor School ought to be structured going forward. I used language such as “do we want 1 school with two programs or 2 separate, distinct schools?” because I feel that currently we don’t truly have either, we have something else.
At this past week’s Board of Trustees meeting, I was specifically directed to engage the Manor community in conversations which will ultimately lead to a proposal to the School Board regarding how our school ought to be structured (in terms of how Manor, MAP, K-5, the site Principal, and the District all relate to each other).
My intention is to find several ways to engage the community in this process (including using existing structures such as School Site Council meetings, MAP Advisory Board meetings, PTA community meetings, and potentially other venues as well.) I am open to other ideas as well.
The first opportunity to engage in this conversation will be at next Tuesday’s School Site Council Meeting (Tuesday January 28th 3:30-4:45 in the Manor Library). The meeting is open to any and all interested parties. You are welcome at this and any future Site Council Meeting. In addition to actually engaging in this conversation, I will be looking to the Site Council (as well as others) for council on the best ways to further the dialogue.
It is my hope that we go through an engaging and effective process maintaining a focus on what is best for the children of our community, and that we as adults only present our views in ways that show understanding and respect for our fellow parents, friends, staff and community who value and benefit from 150 Oak Manor Drive.
On an unrelated note: we also are in a drought! Please below for important water conservation tips:
Below are links provided by MMWD that are helpful reminders for practical action to be taken by students, staff and families in our community.
·Ten Ways to Save Water
·MMWD Board Resolution
·MMWD Conservation Tips
Additionally there is a link to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) document entitled "WaterSense at Work: Best Management Practices for Commercial and Institutional Facilities"that provides resource information for water conservation efforts related to irrigation/turf, food service, transportation, swimming pools and other areas that pertain to schools as institutional users.
The link is:
This online guide from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) can help facility owners and managers better control their water use. The guide offers water-efficient options for equipment retrofits and replacement, tips to reduce a facility’s water use, evaluation methods, case studies and more.
Farmigois up and running!New Fundraising Opportunity for Manor (when you buy organic produce):
Please sign up for this terrific service. We had our first delivery this week and it was excellent. We already have 16customers, we only need 4 more to be able to keep 10% of the sales for Manor School. There is no minimum order!! This is a great opportunity to purchase high-quality, local, organic products, pick them up at Manor, and raise funds for Manor School. Please sign up at (Also, see the attached coupon.)
Dates to Remember:
- January 28th—School Site Council Meeting, 3:30-4:45, Library
- January 28th—Parent Education Night on Common Core, 5:30PM at Marin County Office of Education
- January 28th—5th Graders Performing at White Hill (flute, trumpet, trombone, clarinet)—7:00pm
- January 30th—5th Graders Performing at White Hill (violin, cello)—7:00pm
- February 2nd—Ground Hog Day Party in the Manor Garden—10-2
- February 3rd—Parent Education on Bullying and Disabilities, 9:00AM-Noon, Marin County Office of Education
- February 5th—Dance for Louie, 9am-Noon, Manor Multi
Click here to view the Manor calendar:
Manor PTA News:
Parent Education
Common Core Standards - How Our Children's Progress Will Be Assessed
Tuesday 1/28 from 5:30 to 7 pm
Marin County Office of Education
1111 Las Gallinas Ave San Rafael CA, 94913
Understand the new assessment with Kathy Glass - National Trainer to our teachers
Parent ED Book Group - Sponsored by Manor PTA—January 31st 5-6pm, Room 6
Join other Manor parents to explore Joys and Challenges of Childraising!
We'll discuss the difference between consequences and positive reinforcement.
Bring your practical life situations to share with other parents. We will use the Everyday Parenting Toolkit by Kazdin as a starting point.
Ground Hog Day Party in the Garden!FEB 2nd
An early start to spring prep and planting in the garden! Enjoy music, activities, refreshments, sandwich buffet and salad bar with your Manor community. Sunday Feb 2nd from10-2 .
Ross Valley School District Board of Trustees Briefs:
Board Brief
Special Board of Trustees Meeting
January 21, 2014
In an ongoing attempt to clarify governance structures, the Board voted to confirm the following:
- That the Ross Valley Board of Trustees has ultimate accountability for and authority over all programs operating within the District.
- That principals have authority over individual school site-related issues.
- That the Ross Valley School District will remain compliant with the law which states that protected class status shall not be used as criteria for selection to any program operated within the District.
It was further agreed that recommendations on how programs will be run are best reached collaboratively by those who are most familiar with the programs and then brought to the Board for final approval.
Plans for the dedication of the new buildings at White Hill were also approved. Plans for the dedication ceremony are moving forward; a final decision on the date will be announced soon.
Finance/Human Resources
The Board was delighted to approve the tentative agreement between the Ross Valley Teachers Association and the Ross Valley School District for the 2013-14 and 2014-15 school years. This two-year contract offers a total 5% salary increase and also covers the increase to employee health and welfare benefit costs.
Student Achievement and Learning
The Common Core Funding Plan was approved on its second hearing. This plan details how the one-time allocation of Common Core funding from the State will be used. Ross Valley will put the bulk of our portion of this State-provided money towards teacher training and curriculum development in English, Math, Science, and History, with the remainder going towards instructional materials.
RVSD Business manager Jim Cerreta presented the 2012-13 audit reports. This is an annual requirement. Mr. Cerreta indicated the District received an unqualified opinion from the auditors, meaning the financial statements were presented in accordance with applicable accounting standards. He also reviewed the auditor’s recommendations that will enhance our fiscal operations. The bond program was also audited, and they reported all Measure A funds were spent as authorized by our voters.
School District Notice of Change in California Department of Education State Testing (for 3rd-5th grades):
Dear Parent,
This notice is being sent to you due to a very important change in the California Department of Education’s Statewide Testing requirements. Last year, your child participated in the Standardized Testing and Reporting program (STAR), which included the California Standards Test (CST) in English Language Arts, Math, Social Science and Science.
This year, 2013-14, your child will be participating in the California Measurement of Academic Performance and Progress (MAPP). The new Statewide Assessment that replaces the CST as part of the MAPP is the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC). On October 2, 2013, Governor Brown signed into law Assembly Bill 484, which changed the Statewide Testing procedures in California. This change is part of California’s transition to the Common Core State Standards. California, along with 45 other States, will be implementing the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in an effort to improve our students’ College and Career Readiness in our ever-changing global economy.
The following table indicates the State Test that your child took last year (2012-13) and the State Test that your child will take this year (2013-14):
2012-13 / Subjects Tested / 2013-14 / Subjects TestedCST / English Language Arts (ELA), Math and Science / SBAC and CST for Science in Grades 5 & 8 / SBAC for ELA and Math
CST for Science in Grades 5 & 8
The District’s action in changing the Statewide testing requirements from the STAR to the MAPP is a legal requirement under Assembly Bill 484 and the California Department of Education’s new Statewide Assessment System.
Please understand that for this year (2013-14) the implementation and administration of the MAPP Statewide Assessment System is a “field test” and the results of these tests will not be officially counted toward any Statewide performance targets. This means that this is a “pilot year” that will enable students and teachers in California to transition to this new Assessment System. Again, student scores will not be reported for this year for the SBAC or CST Science.
The information considered by the District includes all of the information listed in Assembly Bill 484 and on the California Department of Education’s website outlining the State’s testing requirements.
Should you have any questions regarding the State’s change to a new Statewide Assessment System please feel free to contact me or your school principal.
Toni Beal
Director of Student Services
YES News:
Upcoming Music Concerts for 5th Graders:
Tuesday, January 28th, 7:00-8:30pm at White Hill Gym (with special guest performances by the White Hill 8th grade Advanced Wind Ensemble and Award-winning White Hill Jazz Band!) Students should arrive at 6:30pm at the White Hill Gym in performance attire (plain black or white shirt with black pants and black closed-toe shoes). Includes 5th grade band students from all elementary schools (plus the selected White Hill guest artists).
[PLEASE NOTE: There is a separate concert that is for all the 6th-8th Grade White Hill Band students which will take place on Jan 23. The 5th graders are not performing at that concert.]
Jan 30: VIOLIN AND CELLO (Orchestra) CONCERT - Thursday, January 30th, 7:00-8:00pm at White Hill Gym - Violin and cello students should arrive at 6:30pm, in performance attire (black and white, same as for chorus above). The concert will also feature performances by the White Hill orchestras.Includes all 5th-8th grade orchestra students from all schools.
Manor Freecycle Corner:
Freecycle: "to recycle (re-use) by giving away an item for free that otherwise would have been put in the landfill." Here's an opportunity for Manor teachers or staff to post wanted items/material wish lists on a school-wide level; things that our ever-shrinking budget can't afford. It's a fun way to recycle and give to a classroom. If you have a desired item, please drop off to the specified teacher's classroom. For more info., contact Manor parent, Gina Neri at or mobile-415-215-3458
Manor freecyclewishlist:
- Miss Julie, room 19, would like more head phones for iPad centers and a 2 step ladder for hanging the kids work
Have a great weekend.