Department of Electronic Systems Engineering (DESE)
Indian Institute of Science
E1 243 (JAN) 2:1
Digital Controller Design
Control concepts, z-domain, digital filters basics, canonical representation, continuous to discrete transformations, discrete root design, discrete state variable modeling, bondgraph modeling, pole placement design, dead beat design, observers, optimal control.
· Franklin, Powell and Workman, Digital Control of Dynamic Systems, Addison Wesley
E1 247 (AUG) 2:1
Incremental Motion Control
Introduction to various incremental motion systems, Principles of operation and classification of various types of stepper motors, control and drive circuits. Improved control and drive techniques in open and closed loop. Use of DC motors in incremental motion systems and related control techniques.
N S Dinesh and J E Diwakar
· Kuo BC, Step Motors and Control Systems, SRL Publishing Co., Illinois, 1979
· Proceedings of Annual Symposium on Incremental Motion Control Systems and Devices, from 1974 onwards published by IMCSS Champain
· Srinivasan, M. P., Stepping Motors: Lecture Notes CEDT/IISc, Publication 1983
E2 232 (AUG) 2:2
TCP / IP Networking
IP addressing, IP header, subnetting and supernetting, CIDR, Routing table, Ethernet, ARP, Serial links, PPP, ICMP, UDP, TCP: header, connection establishment, ISN, halfclose, delayed acks, header flags, ftp and tcp, state transitions, sliding windows, Slow Start, Congestion Avoidance, Fast Retransmit, Fast Recovery, DNS, Multicasting, IGMP, IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs, Bridges, L2 switches, Spanning Tree algorithm, VLANs, Mobile IP, Private IP, NAT, DHCP’ http, routing protocols: RIP, OSPF, BGP, IPv6
Lab: Scripting, Network tools: Ethereal, tcpdump, netperf, hping2, network programming, network simulator: ns, TCP/IP networking in Linux.
Joy Kuri, Haresh Dagale and T V Prabhakar
· W Richard Stevens,: “TCP/IP Illustrated Vol.1: The Protocols”, Pearson Education Asia, 2000
· Douglas Comer, “Interworking with TCP/IP Vol. 1: Principles, Protocols and Architecture”, Prentice Hall , 4th Edition, 2000
· Selected Internet RFCs (Request for Comments), available at
E2 243 (JAN) 3:0
Mathematics for Electrical Engineers
Fourier series and Fourier transform LTI system, signals, sampling and sampling theorem, discrete and continuous signals, DFT.
Linear algebra: linear system of equations range and null space, singular value decomposition of a matrix, pseudoinverse of a matrix, optimal solution of a system.
Probability: random experiments, sample space, events, sigma algebra, probability measure random variables, probability distribution function, discrete and continuous distributions, joint distributions, distribution of functions of random variables, some random processes.
Vittal Rao
· R. Bracewell, Fourier Transform and its applications, (3rd edition) McGraw Hill, 2000
· G. Strang, Linear Algebra and its applications, (4th edition) Thomson, 2006
· A.Leon-Garcia, Probability, statistics and Random Processes for Electrical Engineers, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008.
E3 225 (AUG) 3:0
Art of Compact Modeling
Band theory of solids, carrier transport mechanism, P-N junction diode, MOS Capacitor Theory, C-V characteristics, MOSFET operation, Types of compact models, Input Voltage Equation, Charge Linearization, Charge Modeling, Concept of Core Model, Quasi-static and Non-quasi-static Model, Introduction to Verilog-A, Brief overview of EKV and PSP
Santanu Mahapatra
Y. Tsividis “Operation and Modelling of the Mos Transistor”
N. Arora, “MOSFET modeling for VLSI simulation: Theory and Practice.
D. Foty, ‘MOSFET modeling with SPICE”
W.Liu, “MOSFET Models for SPICE Simulation.
Enz and Vittoz, “Charge-based MOS transistor modeling”
G.Gildenblat, “Compact Modeling”
E3 231 (AUG) 2:1
Digital Systems Design with FPGAs
Introduction to Digital design; Hierarchical design, controller (FSM), case study, FSM issues, timing issues, pipelining, resource sharing, metastability, synchronization, MTBF Analysis, setup/hold time of various types of flip-flops, synchronization between multiple clock domains, reset recovery, proper resets. VHDL: different models, simulation cycles, process, concurrent and sequential statements, loops, delay models, library, packages, functions, procedures, coding for synthesis, test bench. FPGA: logic block and routing architecture, design methodology, special resources, Virtex-II, Stratix architectures, programming FPGA, constraints, STA, timing closure, case study.
· John F Wakerly, Digital Design: Principles and Practices, Prentice Hall
· Kevin Skahil, VHDL For Programmable Logic, Addison Wesley.
· FPGA Data sheets, Application Notes
· Current literature from relevant journals and conference proceedings
E3 235 (AUG) 2:1
Analog and data conversion systems
Linear IC applications. Design and error budget analysis of signal conditioners for low level ac and DC applications. 4-20 ma current transmitters. Design of linear power supplies. Designing for single supply low power consuming circuits. Design of analog circuits for capacitive and inductive transducers. Analog to digital and digital to analog converters. SHA and analog multiplexers.
M.K. Gunasekaran
· Franco S. Design with operational amplifiers and analog integrated circuits. Mc. Graw Hill book Co. 1988.
· Pane Horowitz and Winfield Hill. The art of electronics (2nd edition) Cambridge University Press. 1992.
E3 255 (JAN) 2:1
Multicore Architecture and Programming
Multicore architecture; programming multicore machines, IA32 architecture, microarchitecture, protected mode, visual memory management, call gates, multitasking, interrupt processing, Special processing units, program optimization.
H S Jamadagni
· Intel Manuals on IA32, Multicore and VTUNE.
E3-257 (JAN) 2:1
Embedded Systems – I
Introduction to embedded computing, Introduction to RISC architecture, Introduction to embedded software development, S/W Development environment - Cross Compiler, Linker, Debugger, Stand-alone systems. Introduction to ARM architecture and ARM/THUMB instruction set, Introduction to DSP, Memories, Interfacing memory with processor, Peripherals. Clocks and Power Management.
Haresh Dagale
· Patterson, D.A. and Hennessy, J.L., The Programming Environment for 32-Bit Microprocessors, Freescale Semiconductor Computer Organization and Design Sixth Edn, The Hardware/Software Interface.
· Hennessy, J.L., and Patterson, D.A., Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach Computer Systems : A Programmer’s Perspective by Randal E. Bryant David R. O’Hallaron.
· ARM System-on-Chip Architecture (2nd Edition) by Steve Furber MPC860/MPC8260 User’s Manual, Freescale Semiconductor.
E3 259 (JAN) 2:1
DSP Algorithms and Architectures
Introduction to generic DSPs, performance and structural limitations. Measures and structures for enhancing performance. Filter structures. Transform structures. Data flow and control flow issues. Array processing approaches to DSP solutions. Some modern DSP algorithms (audio, video and multimedia) and development of new computational and arithmetic building blocks. Architecture development for some compression and coding algorithms. Reference to some standards and development of architecture based implementation of these.
H S Jamadagni
· Keshab K. Parhi, “VISI Signal Processing Systems”, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1999.
· Peter Prissch, “Architectures for Digital Signal Processing”, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1998.
· Khalid Sayood, “Introduction to Data Compression, 2E”, Harcourt India, New Delhi, 2000.
· Some Relevant /TU and Other Standards, 1998-2000
E3 262 (AUG) 2:1
Electronic Systems Packaging
Electronic systems and needs. Physical integration of circuits, packages, boards and full electronic systems. System applications like computer, automobile, medical and consumer electronics with case studies. Packaging levels; electrical design considerations- power distribution, signal integrity and parasitics; RF package design, power delivery in systems; CAD for Printed Wiring Boards (PWBs); Design for Manufacturability (DFM), PWB technologies, Single-chip (SCM) and Multi-chip modules (MCM), flex circuits; recent trends in manufacturing like microvias, sequential build-up circuits and high-density interconnect structures. Materials and processes in electronics packaging. Joining methods in electronics: lead-based and lead-free solders. Surface Mount technology- design, fabrication and assembly; embedded passives, SOC vs SIP vs SOP concepts. Thermal management of PWBs, thermo-mechanical reliability, design for reliability and electrical test, green packaging issues. Assignments in PCB CAD. Hands-on lab sessions in fabrication of standard, microvia boards and embedded passives; assembly of surface mount devices and ball-grid arrays. Student seminar.
G V Mahesh
· Rao R. Tummala, Fundamentals of Microsystems Packaging, McGraw Hill, NY, 2001.
· William D. Brown, Advanced Electronic Packaging, IEEE Press, 1999.
· Web-based Current literature.
E3 264 (AUG) 2:1
Industrial Design of Electronic Equipment
Introduction to industrial design. Product design methodology. Product planning, data collection. Creativity techniques. Elements of aesthetics. Ergonomics. Control panel organization. Graphic User Interface (GUI) design. Structure, materials, processes and product finishes. Product detailing.
N V Chalapathi Rao Guest Faculty
· Current Publications in Industrial Design.
E3 266 (JAN) 2:1
Electromagnetic Compatibility
Noise pickup modes and reduction techniques for analog circuits. Use of co-axial cables. Conducted and radiated noise emission and control in power circuits. EMI induced failure mechanisms in power circuits. Power supply and ground line distribution in digital circuits. Cross talk and reflection issues in digital circuits. PCB design for signal integrity. Shielding of electronic equipment. ESD issues. EMC standards and test equipment.
M K Gunasekharan
· Otto H.W. Noise reduction techniques in Electronic systems. 2nd EditionJohn Wiley Interscience,New York (1988]
· Clayton R.Paul, Introduction to electromagnetic compatibility, John Wiley and sons, Inc. 1991.
E6 202 (AUG) 2:1
Design of Power Converters
Introduction to power electronic applications like UPS, SMPS, power factor converters, motor control, lighting; AC to DC converters; DC to DC converters; inverters; drive circuits for power devices; magnetics for switched mode converters; thermal design for switched mode converters; current mode control; controller designs; switched mode power supply circuits; regulation in isolated SMPS; magnetic amplifiers; application case studies.
L Umanand
· Mohan, Un del and and Robbins; Power Electronics: Converters, Applications and Design, John Wiley and Sons, 1989
· G.C. Chryssis, High frequency switching power supplies, McGraw Hill, 1989 (2nd Edn.)
· Umanand,L., Bhat,S.R., Design of Magnetic Components for Switched Mode Power Converters, Wiley Eastern Publication, 1992.
E6 212 (JAN) 2:1
Control of Power Converters and Drives
Brief survey of phase controlled converters, Multiquadrant operation of DC to DC converters, voltage and current source inverters, PWM strategies for voltage and current source inverters, multilevel inverters, DC motor control: modeling, analysis and design of closed loop speed control system for separately excited DC motor. AC motor control: variable voltage control, v/f control, field oriented control.
K Gopakumar
· Kjeld Thorborg, Power Electronics, Prentice Hall, 1988.
· Mohan N, Undeland T M, and Robbins W P, Power electronics: Converters, Applications and Design, John Wiley and Sons, 1989.
· Leonard W, Control of Electrical Drives, Spriner Verlag, 1985.
E6 222 (JAN) 2:1
Design of Photovoltaic Systems
Introduction to photovoltaic energy conversion, Solar radiation and measurement,Solar cell and their characterization, Influence of insolation and temperature, PV, Electrical storage with Batteries, controllers. DC power conditioning, Maximum power point tracking algorithm, AC power conditioners for grid connection, Solar power drives, Applications for pumping/refrigeration, Economic analysis of PV system
L Umanand
· Chenming Hu and RM White, Solar Cells from B to Advanced Systems, McGraw Hill Book Co, 198: R~uschenbach, HS, Solar Cell Array Design Hand Varmostrand, Reinhold, NY, 1980.
· Proceedings of IEEE Photovoltaics Specialists Conference. Solar Energy Journal.
E9 251 (AUG) 3:0
Signal Processing for Data Recording Channels
Introduction: Review of basic principles behind the physics of magnetic recording, super paramagnetic limits, technological trends in magnetic storage/optical systems, recording schemes in magnetic and optical devices. Signal Modeling: Communication theoretic framework of read/write channels. Models for analog read back signal with inter-symbol interference, noise and distortion sources, notion of channel and user bit densities towards SNR definition. Signal Processing Methods: Equalization and timing recovery, PLLs, ML based timing recovery methods, Detection techniques based on the BCJR algorithm and its low complexity variations, turbo-equalization methods. Coding Techniques: Introduction to constrained modulation codes, review of algebraic and graphical coding techniques, interleaving mechanisms and analysis of the code performance. Implementation: Hardware related aspects for realizing signal processing algorithms on a system-on-chip (SoC).
Shayan Srinivasa Garani
· J. W. M. Bergmans, Digital Baseband Transmission and Recording, Kluwer Academic Press, 1996
· B. Vasic and E. Kurtas, Coding and Signal Processing for Magnetic Recording Systems, CRC Press, 2004.