Learning and Memory
PSYC 4690.002 Spring 2016
Course Syllabus
Instructor: Dr. Adriel Boals Contact: or 940-565-2671
Office: 367 Terrill Hall Office Hrs: Tues, 2-4pm; or by appt.
TA: Bailey Tackett Contact:
Office: Terrill Hall 215 cube 38 Office Hrs: Tues 12:40-1:50pm
Text: Human Memory, 2nd Ed. (2003)
Author: Ian Neath & Aimee Surprenant
Overview: A review of the theoretical and empirical study of learning and memory. We will discuss theories of learning such as classical and operant conditioning, along with memory processes, how they work, and why they sometimes fail us. Topics to be covered include classical and operant conditioning, modes of memory, the development of memory across the lifespan, abnormal memory (e.g., amnesia), conscious and unconscious memory processes, eyewitness memory, and false memories.
Course Requirements:
· good attendance/ class participation
· reading assignments
· Four (4) in-class thought papers
· Five (5) tests (the final exam is the fifth test and will be cumulative)
Academic Integrity: You are encouraged to become familiar with the University’s Policy of Academic dishonesty found in the Student Handbook. The content of the Handbook applies to this course. If you are in doubt regarding the requirements, please consult with me before you complete any requirements of the course.
Cell Phones: Cell phone ringers must be turned off during class. Laptop computers are allowed, as long as their presence does not disturb other students in the class.
ODA: The University of North Texas is on record as being committed to both the spirit and letter of federal equal opportunity legislation; reference Public Law 92-112 – The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended. With the passage of new federal legislation entitled Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), pursuant to section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, there is renewed focus on providing this population with the same opportunities enjoyed by all citizens. As a faculty member, I am required by law to provide "reasonable accommodations" to students with disabilities, so as not to discriminate on the basis of that disability. Student responsibility primarily rests with informing faculty of their need for accommodation and in providing authorized documentation through designated administrative channels. Information regarding specific diagnostic criteria and policies for obtaining academic accommodations can be found at www.unt.edu/oda/apply/index.html. Also, you may visit the Office of Disability Accommodation in the University Union (room 321) or call (940) 565-4323.
Attendance: We will meet Tues, Thurs, 9:30am-10:50am in TH 120. Conscientious attendance is critical to your success in this course.
Tests. Each test will consist of both multiple choice questions and short answer essay questions. The final exam will be cumulative. There will be no make-up exams. If you know you will miss an exam, you must contact the instructor at least 3 days prior to the exam date to schedule a make-up.
Thought Papers. The thought papers will be completed in class on assigned days. If you miss a class on which a thought paper is due, you will receive a zero for that paper.
Thought Papers: 5% each x 4 = 20%
Tests: 15% each x 4 = 60%
Final Exam: = 20%
Extra Credit: You may earn extra credit by participating in research studies listed at unt.sona-systems.com. Each research credit is worth 0.5% points on your final class average. Max research credits = 10 (5%).
If you choose to participate in research studies:
You must be 18 years or older to participate in research studies. To participate in research studies, go to http://unt.sona-systems.com and create an account. Here you will be able to find and sign up for studies that interest you. Once you sign up for a study, make certain to be on-time (or early). If you sign up for a study but then do not show up, you will be assigned a no- show. If you have failed to show up for 3 or more research studies over the course of your account (i.e., this is NOT 3 per semester, it is 3 total), you are blocked out of the SONA system permanently. Once this happens, you will need to complete research summaries for credit. The last day to participate in a study is May 4 at 5pm. Questions should be sent to .
If you choose to write research papers:
Each successfully completed summary is worth 4 credits. If you would like feedback on your summaries and a chance for revision if problems exist, you must turn your summary in to the Psychology Main Office (Terrill Hall 316) before April 1 at 5pm. If you do not want feedback or a chance for revision, the final due date for summaries is April 15, 4pm. No late papers are accepted, so plan ahead! Questions should be sent to . For further information and help, visit http://sites.google.com/site/sonasystemshelp/.
Percentage Course Grade
90-100 A
80-89 B
70-79 C
60-69 D
0-59 F
Note: I do not round up grades. For example, a final class average of 89.999 earns you a B.
Incompletes: Incompletes will be given in accordance with the university’s policy.
Day Topic Reading Assignment
Tue 1/19 Intro/Syllabus
Thur 1/21 Intro to Learning and Memory Chap 1 (Purdy)
Tue 1/26 Classical Conditioning Chap 2 (Purdy)
Thur 1/28 Classical Conditioning
Tue 2/2 Instrumental/Operant Conditioning Chap 4 (Purdy)
Thur 2/4 Instrumental/Operant Conditioning
Tue 2/9 Instrumental/Operant Conditioning
Thur 2/11* Social Learning
Tue 2/16 Test 1
Thur 2/18 Historical Background Chap 1
Tue 2/23 Sensory Memory Chap 2
Thur 2/25 Short-term Memory Chap 3
Tue 3/1 Short-term Memory
Thur 3/3* Working Memory Chap 4
Tue 3/8 Test 2
Thur 3/10 Perspectives on Processing Chap 5
Tue 3/15 Spring Break
Thur 3/17 Spring Break
Tue 3/22 Forgetting Chap 6
Thur 3/24 Implicit Memory Chap 7
Tue 3/29 The Brain and Amnesia Chap 8, Watch “Memento”
Thur 3/31 The Brain and Amnesia
Tue 4/5 The Brain and Amnesia
Thur 4/7* The Brain and Amnesia
Tue 4/12 Test 3
Thur 4/14 Face Recognition
Tue 4/19 Knowledge/Spread of Activation Chap 10
Thur 4/21 Reconstructive Memory Chap 12
Tue 4/26 Reconstructive Memory
Thur 4/28* Mnemonics Chap 15
Tue 5/3 Test 4
Thur 5/5 Review for Final
Thurs 5/12 Final Exam (8am-10am)
* In-class thought papers due
**Although we will do our best to follow this schedule, some topics may take longer or shorter than expected. Hence this schedule is subject to change throughout the semester. The final exam date is the only date that is not subject to change.