Второй язык, продолжающий поток, 3 курс





1. Complete each sentence with the correct form or derivative of the word in brackets.

1. An (aquire) society is the one in which the craving for material things seems never satisfied.

2. Many military members who are (volunteer) separated from the military are entitled to separation pay.

3. Thousands of people rallied in Copenhagen to demand immediate implementation of the (globalize) agenda.

4. Considering F`s expertise in this particular area, it`s not (reason) that he would charge that amount.

5. If the Democratic National (commit) gives up on this, how reliable, how (respect) is this party?

6. (sensation) is a manner of over-hyping events, being deliberately controversial, loud, self-centered or acting to obtain attention.

7. The teaching of the unification of wisdom and faith is a (distinguish) characteristic and an (emphasize) feature of Buddhism.

______out of 9

2. Choose the correct alternative.

1. At yesterday’s enthronement Mr. Kennedy declared that Liberal Democrats must differ/distinguish themselves from Labour.

2. The overwhelming majority was in favour of the treaty’s indefinite expansion/extension.

3. One of the most distinguished/distinctive/distinct features of multilateral diplomacy is that it calls for a(n) aptitude/ability/capacity to play chess on different boards at the same time.

4. F. initially declined to disclose/expose/impose his salary.

5. US Senator J. C. has launched/introduced/established legislation that would block the US Federal Communications Commission from creating new net rules.

6. Their right to millions of dollars of free newspaper line/column/section/space/page/format around the world is never questioned.

7. This landmark would have been reached earlier as demand has upstaged/outstripped/outdone/eclipsed/outshined supply, but they are working at aptitude/ability/capacity.

______out of 9

3. Use the following verbs in the correct form in the sentences below.

to emerge, to subvert, to attach, to recede, to suppress, to foster, to frustrate, to link, to shape, to embrace

1. The editor tried hard to ______his anger and resentment but finally lost his temper.

2. Universal pictures ______Ron Howard to direct an adaptation of the espionage thriller.

3. There`s no question political campaigns ______the Internet as part of the 2008 campaign cycle.

4. Giving people advice that they don`t act on is ______.

5. The anti-fuel tax protests that have paralyzed much of Europe during the last week began ______over the weekend.

6. One significant energy source ______as a potential solution.

7. After much questioning, he ______the truth from the manager.

8. The City Council ______economic growth in our region by ______strategic partnerships and developing joint projects with local business.

______out of 9

4. Explain the following headlines in plain English.



3. Bid to reach North Pole fails

______out of 6

5. Explain what the following euphemisms mean in plain English.

1. I`ll have no man using language in my house!

2. They offered loans to less developed countries such as Zaire and Jamaica.

3. Their sweethearts or husbands have been keeping company with someone else.

4. Just before the armistice George made his last journey to Banbury; a month later everyone in the village knew he was near the last journey of all.

5. Do they bar him for misspeakings, or do they just take over and appoint someone else as candidate?

______out of 5

6. Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the verb in brackets. Insert prepositions where necessary.

1. She learned (play) the piano at the age of four, went on (write) her first piano ballad at 13.

2. Long hours, too little time with the family. A near incapacity (stop) (smell) the roses.

3. He says he was fired from his job after writing a report that was critical (attack) journalists.

4. China is alleged (send) ammunition to the conflict-wracked Sudanese region of Darfur.

5. I used (get) made fun of (be) too provocative or too eccentric, so I started to tone it down.

6. At the end of the 17th century the writer estimated that half the population could afford (eat) meat every day.

7. The Puritans disapproved (go) to the theatre and in 1642 they banned the theatre completely.

______out of 10

7. Put the verb in brackets into the right form, use the APC.

1. With more than half of the estimated 7 million immigrants (toil) illegally in the United States, experts (say) they get a regular paycheck every week or two.

2. Violence (mar -омрачать) Egypt`s parliamentary elections, hundreds of opposition supporters (battle) police at vote-counting stations.

3. K. F. (run) the fund for victims of the 9/11 attacks, President Obama (choose) him to compensate those affected by the largest US oil spill.

4. Most observers (say) he will win the elections easily, critics say he (use) the months leading up to the election to clamp down on dissent.

5. The topic of reparations for American Black slavery (discuss), that discussion (be) not over.

6. This (be) only the direct cost of military pay and supplies, veterans` pensions (add) a threefold increase.

______out of 12

8. Translate the following into English using the active vocabulary.

1.Представитель президента подтвердил, что комитет сделал щедрое пожертвование на благотворительные цели. (4act +2 gr/lex)

2.Парламентарию от лейбористской партии будет трудно оправдать свои действия перед общественностью. (2act + 2gr/lex)

3.Генерал подчеркнул, что его обязательство провести выборы в следующем году остается в силе. (2act + 2gr/lex)

4. Вашингтон разработал концепцию «мягкой силы», возвел ее едва ли не в ранг государственной доктрины и весьма преуспел в ее реализации. (2act + 2gr/lex)

5. Она предупредила, что решение этого вопроса потребует привлечения специальных знаний, и позаботилась о том, чтобы снабдить нас конкретными инструкциями. (2act + 2gr/lex)

______out of 22

Total______out of 82


Political Translation Final Test

I)  Translate into English using the active vocabulary (945 symbols):

1)  В своей деятельности на международной арене каждое государство должно стремиться соблюдать все принципы, указанные в статьях Устава ООН.

2)  Страны должны воздерживаться от применения силы при урегулировании спорных вопросов, поскольку подобные действия несовместимы с Уставом ООН.

3)  Какие обязательства мы должны взять на себя для достижения этих целей?

4)  Устав не дает ООН права вмешиваться в дела, входящие во внутреннюю компетенцию государств.

5)  ООН обязана оказывать всемерную помощь тем странам, чья независимость поставлена под угрозу.

6)  Согласно обязательствам, вытекающим из договора, страны, подписавшие данный договор, должны соблюдать принцип равноправия, а также поддерживать мир и безопасность в регионе.

7)  Мы должны содействовать соблюдению основных прав человека для всех, без различия расы, пола и религии.

8)  Необходимо объединить усилия, чтобы способствовать улаживанию или разрешению международных споров или ситуаций, которые могут привести к нарушению мира.

9)  Нужны коллективные меры для устранения угрозы миру, возникшей в этом районе.

II)  Translate from English into Russian using a dictionary (1395 symbols):

Ukraine crisis: 'No breakthrough' in Putin-EU talks

The presidents of Russia and Ukraine have held talks with the EU, but there has been no apparent breakthrough on how to end the crisis in Ukraine. Vladimir Putin and Petro Poroshenko said outlines of a deal on agas disputehad been agreed. "We have agreed on the main parameters of the contract," Mr Poroshenko said. Mr Putin said there was "progress" on the issue but that questions remained on how Kiev would pay its huge gas debts to Moscow.

The gas row came amid worsening relations between the two countries, after Russia's annexation of the Crimean peninsula in March and the seizure by separatists of parts of eastern Ukraine a month later. More than 3,600 people have been killed since the fighting erupted in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions in April.

Ukraine and the rebels agreed a truce in September in Minsk, Belarus, but each side accuses the other of repeated shelling.

The talks took place on the sidelines of the two-day Asia-Europe (Asem) summit in Milan, Italy, which brings together more than 50 member states. Participants in the meeting on Friday morning included UK Prime Minister David Cameron, French President Francois Hollande, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi.

Mr Putin and Mr Poroshenko then held a second round of meetings, where Ms Merkel and Mr Hollande were present. Later in the day, the Ukrainian and Russian leaders had separate bilateral talks. Mr Poroshenko was quoted as saying that, apart from the gas issue, two things had been agreed at the second meeting:

·  That all the clauses of the Minsk memorandum should be implemented

·  That elections should be allowed to take place in Donetsk and Luhansk.

Э К З А М Е Н А Ц И О Н Н Ы Й Б И Л Е Т № ___

Английский язык как второй иностранный, III курс, 5 семестр

1.  Прочитайте текст, выделите две проблемы и обсудите их с партнером. Время на подготовку – 15 мин., время на выполнение – 10 мин.

2.  Примите участие в обсуждении двух проблем текста Вашего партнера. Время на подготовку – 0 мин., время на выполнение – 10 мин.

3.  Переведите текст без использования словаря. Время на подготовку – 1 мин., время на выполнение – 5 мин.

1.  Прочитайте текст, выделите две проблемы и обсудите их с партнером.

Объем 1573 печ. зн.
Время на подготовку: 15 мин
Время на ответ: 10 мин

The Job and Duties of a Diplomat

Diplomats do a very important job for their countries. Almost every country in existence has at least a few diplomats who are sent out to various other countries for the purposes of negotiating and mediating relations between the two governments. The main meeting place for diplomats between the USA and other countries is at the United Nations building in New York City, but they occur in embassies all over the world, and between most nations. The duties of a diplomat include many things, which will be outlined here. It is good for people to understand foreign policy, because very often it can play an important role in the news.

A diplomat lives in the country that he is trying to communicate with. He will usually live in the embassy of his country. For example, if the USA wants to send a diplomat to China, the diplomat will most likely reside in the American embassy. They are placed in strategic locations that are close to many local government buildings, allowing all of the American diplomats to quickly establish contact and begin their jobs of speaking with the foreign rulers. They are also granted something called diplomatic immunity to protect them while in a foreign country, and to allow them to do their job well.

Usually a diplomat’s main goal is to simply maintain good relations with the country in question. By speaking with the leaders and establishing a friendly relationship, a diplomat not only establishes himself as a trustworthy person, but also builds trust in his own country. This could even be for the ultimate goal of establishing a treaty or becoming allies. Usually much of the communications will cover issues such as foreign aid, and what exactly watch country expects of the other. If done correctly, diplomacy is a great way for countries to get every single issue out on the table and establish a great relationship.

2.  Примите участие в обсуждении двух проблем текста Вашего партнера.

3.  Переведите текст без использования словаря.

Объем - 847 печ. зн.
Время на подготовку - 1 мин
Время на ответ - 5 мин

Libya violence: Western powers urge cessation

The US and four European allies - Britain, France, Germany and Italy - have called for an immediate end to the fighting in Libya. In a statement, they said there was "no military solution" to the crisis.

Dozens of people have recently been killed in the eastern city of Benghazi in fighting between Islamist rebels and government forces. Libya has been in a state of flux since Colonel Muammar Gaddafi was overthrown in 2011.

The statement said that Libya's hard-fought freedom was at risk if country continued to be a safe haven for Libyan and international terrorist groups. It continued, saying that the country's security challenges could only be addressed by regular armed forces accountable to a democratic government. It also expressed concern over an operation started on Wednesday by retired general Khalifa Haftar against Islamist rebels. Islamist militant groups including Ansar al-Sharia, listed as a terrorist organization by countries including the US, have been battling government forces.

BBC News, October 2014

Flux – continuous change; instability



Revision Test

1. Complete each sentence with the correct form or derivative of the word in brackets.

1. The new ambassador is to present his (credit) next week.

2. A new organization, devoted to imposing real (account) on the political class, begins today.

3. The body’s new purpose is to work toward the achievement of the highest (sustain) economic growth and employment.

4. This is not necessarily the number of citations which would have to be included in an (authorize) bibliography.

5. The congressman has slammed B. Obama`s foreign policy, saying it is (identify) to that of his (precede) G. W. Bush.

6. To lump the two conditions into the same category is to be very (manipulate) and deliberately (deceive).

______out of 8

2. Choose the correct alternative.

1. To build a harmonious/harmonizable/harmony world, countries around the globe should follow the spirit of inclusiveness.

2. Their domination/dominance of the market is seriously threatened by the new product.

3. The murders of the two statesmen were irreparable loss of life and sheer challenge/affront to the republican institutions, in particular the armed forces.

4. Sri Lanka wants to maintain/sustain an open and constructive dialogue with UN HR high commissioner.

5. The perspective/prospect of the economy recovering under President Obama will be as good for the country.

6. This new book offers its assessment of the postdoctoral experience and provides principles for improving/enhancing that experience.

______out of 6

3. Use the following verbs in the correct form in the sentences below, some are used twice.