c:\ad\internet ad agency assign’00.doc


[“Web Assignment” Course requirement, 5%]

  1. On the Stern home page, go to my home page (www/stern.nyu.edu/~plabarbe) and click on “Advertising World” and then click on “advertising agencies”
  1. Visit two large agencies (e.g., DDB Needham Worldwide, Young and Rubicam, Bates Worldwide, BBDO, Bozell Jacobs, Dentsu (Japan), Fallon McElligott, J. Walter Thompson, Leo Burnett, Saatchi & Saatchi, Grey, Foote Cone & Belding, McCann Erickson, Darcy Masius Benton and Bowles, TBWA/Chiat Day, Ogilvy and Mather) and two smaller agencies of your choice. If you are unsure about the size of a given agency, try surfing the site to find statistics such as the number of employees. Anything less than 100 would be considered “small” for purposes of the assignment.
  1. Write up one typed page using 2 major headings: (devote approximately ½ page to each heading in your written work).

Heading One. List the four agencies you studied. This section should discuss your key learnings about the agencies as a group. Explain your major learnings across the web sites visited about agency advertising approach or philosophy, unique or new services, mission, differences between a large and smaller agency, what makes for advertising success, etc. Across web sites means that you do not outline your key learnings for each individual agency, but rather, summarize what you learned across all of the agencies visited. If a given learning came from just one or two of the agencies of course, you may want to identify them. Do not report on the agency’s history, number of offices, number of employees and other such statistics. Be analytical vs. descriptive, i.e., make sure that your key learnings are not just a repeat of web site information, but reflect your own analysis, thinking and conclusions about advertising or ad agencies.

Heading Two. What most surprised, impressed you about advertising or ad agencies during your search and why.

  1. Use bullets or short paragraphs to summarize your key learnings under both headings. Be sure to explain and support each of your learnings with examples from web sites visited.
  1. Be careful to proof your work for spelling, grammar, etc. and make sure it looks professional--all this factors into your grade!) Points deducted for going over the one page (except for printout attachments).
  1. You may add whatever printout attachments you believe illustrate your points but points deducted for including output without a clear reason.
  1. Put your name on your paper.
  1. Practice a two-minute summary of what you learned to be presented in class on date indicated on syllabus.