Graduate CouncilMinutes

September 14, 2015, 4:00 p.m.

Alumni Dining Room, 3rd Floor of the J.W. Student Union

  1. Matt Walker called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. and introductions were made.

In attendance: Dr. Matt Walker, Dr. David Kiene (left at 4:53), Dr. Arley Larson, Dr. Myllykangas (for Dr. Tyler Tapps), Dr. Jennifer Rytting (arrived at 4:02), Dr. Tiebing Shi (arrived at 4:28),

Dr. Linda Sterling, Dr. Jeff Thornsberry, Dr. Ajay Bandi

Grad Student Representatives: Ron Mavity and Vinay Bondade

Guest-Mr. Stephen Ludwig, School of Business

  1. Approve minutes of April 2015 meeting-Jeff Thornsberry made a motion to approve minutes from April 2015 and Arley Larson seconded the motion, approved with a vote of 7-yes, 0-no.
  1. Approve minutes of May 2015 meeting- Jeff Thornsberry made a motion to approve minutes from May 2015 and Arley Larson seconded the motion, approved with a vote of 7-yes, 0-no.
  1. Approve minutes of electronic vote-July 13, 2015
  2. Approve minutes of electronic vote-August 25, 2015

Arley made a motion to bundle #4 & #5 for approval, was seconded by David Kiene. Matt Walker called for a vote which passed 7-yes, 0-no and 1-abstain.

  1. Elect Chairperson 2015-2016-Arley nominated Matt Walker who respectfully declined. Matt Walker nominated Linda Sterling who accepted the nomination and was elected unanimously for the 2015-2016 Graduate Council Chairperson.
  1. Graduate Dean Report
  • Fall 2015-first date of trimester numbers
  • MBA-new emphasis areas
  • Graduate Assistant process moving to NeoGov
  • GA Handbook change, October 14 meeting, regarding waiver for fees
  • Program review
  1. Matt Walker talked about a new competency based online Strategic Communication degree they plan to launch fall 2016. A proposal is expected to come through Graduate Council in November, 2015. The degree program will require all 5 domains or a certificate can be awarded based on the completion of one domain.

Core market will be non-traditional students who are currently employed, there has been positive feedback from Kansas City Businesses regarding this possibility.

  1. #215-17-08 –Dr.Han Yu, Math and Computer Sciences-Proposal will change course description, #hours and pre-requisite for course 17-639, Data Analysis. Change the number of elective hours in the MS mathematics program.Arley made a motion to discuss and was seconded by Jennifer Rytting, following minimal discussion, Matt called for a vote and motion was approved with a vote of 9-yes/0-no.
  1. #115-34-01-Dr. Kim Casey, Humanities and Social Sciences-Proposal creates the Bachelor of Science in Comprehensive Major in Criminology and Criminal Justice with emphases in the Adult System, Juvenile System, and Diversity along with new coursework.Jeff motioned to discuss which was seconded by Arley. Following discussion, Matt called to vote and the proposal was approved with a vote of 9-yes/0-no.
  1. #115-61-01-Amy Washam, Northwest-Kansas City-Proposal to add a new course to the catalog, 61-653 History and Philosophy of Higher Education. This course can be used to help fulfill the elective requirements in the M.S. Higher Education Leadership program for individuals focused on Community College Leadership. Jeff made a motion to discuss and was seconded by Arley. Discussion involved the title of the course with the suggestion to add “American” to the title or if the content should contain international history and philosophy as well. The council decided to table the proposal until more information could be gathered. David Kienewill contact Amy Washam and Dr. Terry Barmann regarding this proposal
  1. #115-61-02-Amy Washam, Northwest-Kansas City-Proposal to add a new course to the catalog, 61-657 The American Community College. This course can be used to help fulfill the elective requirements to the M.S. Higher Education Leadership program for individuals focused on Community College Leadership. Jennifer made a motion to discuss and was seconded by Arley. Matt called for a vote and the proposal was approved with a vote of 9-yes, 0-no.
  1. #115-54-01-Dr. Lim & Dr. Ludwig, School of Business-Create four emphasis areas for the MBA program in General Management, Human Resource Management, Marketing, and Business Decisions and Analytics. Jeff made a motion to discuss and the motion was seconded by Arley. Discussion included the need for a Human Resource emphasis but also concern that we could fill the seats of the different emphasis areas. The expectation is that these will be identified as concentrations and will be lumped under the MBA for reporting purposes. Vote was called and the proposal was approved with 9-yes, 0-no.
  1. Proposal #115-44-01, Doug Hawley, Proposal will divide the current two-trimester course requirement for MS-ACS, 44-696 Graduate Directed Project into two separate courses.

Create 44-691 Computer Science Graduate Directed Project I and 44-692 Computer Science Graduate Directed Project II. 44-691 will be a prerequisite for 44-692. Requirements for the MS-ACS program will change from 44-696 to 44-691 and 44-692.Jeff made a motion to discuss and was seconded by Jennifer, following discussion a vote was taken and the proposal passed with a vote of 8-yes, 0-no.

  1. Proposal # 115-33-01, Dawn Gilley-
  • This proposal will redesign the BA and the BS in History and the minor in History by requiring new core courses and refocusing/redefining the regional areas (America, Europe, and World).
  • This proposal will divide 33155 America: A Historical Survey into two separate courses 33155 The United States to 1877 and 33156 The United States since 1877). This will impact the General Education program giving students two American history options rather than one mandated course.
  • This proposal creates 33305 The Ancient world, 33306 The Modern World, 33444 Local History Practicum, 33400 Special Offering, 33522 The American Colonies, and 33591 Research Seminar in History.
  • This proposal deletes 33341 Greek Civilization, 33342, Roman civilization, 33344 History of American Folk Life, 33500 Special Offering, 33526 Constitutional History of the United States, and 33401 Senior Seminar.
  • This proposal changes course titles and/or catalog descriptions for 33225 Ethnicity in America, 33360 The American woman, 33524 Colony to Nation, 33556 The Roots of reform, 33582 Frontiers in American History, and 33484 US Economic System; A Comparative History, which also changes its course number from 33484 to 33388.
  • Finally, it changes the course number/credits hours for 33590 Historical Resources Internship, 1 to 6 credit hours (to 33491)

Jennifer made a motion to discuss and Arley seconded the motion, following minimal discussion, the proposal was approved with a vote of 8-yes, 0-no.

Graduate Faculty Recommendation

Dr. Merlene Gilb, Professional Education Department

Dr. Gilb has been hired as faculty for the Professional Education Department and needs permission to teach Graduate Early Childhood courses within the department. Dr. Gilb served as Interim Principal for Bristol School in the Webster Groves School District 2005-2006, Gifted Coordinator in the Webster Groves School district 2002-2010, Adjunct Faculty for Webster University 2009-2015, Researcher for Webster Groves School District from 2012-2015, and Director of Program Management for Ambrose Family Center in the Webster Groves School District 2010-2015. Dr. Gilb has an Ed.D. Educational Leadership and Higher Education from Saint Louis University, Master of Arts in Teaching, Emphasis: Multidisciplinary Studies from Webster University, and Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from University of Missouri, St. Louis. Faculty support this recommendation with a vote of 10-yes/0-no. Copy of transcripts and resume are on file in the Graduate Office.Arley made a motion which was seconded by Jeff, vote was called for and Graduate Faculty status approved for Dr. Gilb with a vote of 8-yes, 0-no.

Associate Graduate Faculty

Dr. Devlin Scofield, Humanities and Social Sciences

Dr. Scofield has completed his Ph.D. from Michigan State University and is qualified to teach graduate courses. Faculty support this recommendation with a vote of 11-yes, 0-no. Copy of transcripts and resume are on file in the Graduate Office. Associate Graduate Faculty status approved with a vote of 8-yes, 0-no. Jennifer made a motion which as seconded by Sue Myllykangas, vote was called for and Dr. Scofield was approved as Associate Graduate Faculty with a vote of 8-yes, 0-no.


Robert Pippen, 500 level coursework in Applied Lessons

The Department of Fine and Performing Arts recommends the appointment of Robert Pippin for Faculty/Staff to teach 500 level applied lessons should some enroll. Mr. Pippen is ABD in securing his Doctor of Musical Arts in Wind Conducting from John Hopkins University, Baltimore MD. He completed his Master of Music in Wind Conducting and his Bachelor of Music in Education both at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, CO. Mr. Pippen has completed 59 hours of graduate work and all but his dissertation toward his PhD. The faculty support this recommendation with a vote of 12-yes/0-no. A copy of transcripts and vitae are on file in the Graduate Office.Jennifer made a motion which was seconded by Jeff, vote was called and Robert Pippen was approved Facuty/Staff status to teach 500 Applied Lessons.

Matt asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting at 4:57 p.m., was seconded by Jeff and unanimously approved with a vote of 8-yes and 0-no.