
Math 7 Review – Pythagorean Theorem and Radicals

Find each missing length to the nearest tenth of a unit.

1. A right triangle has a leg 2.

that measures 18 yd and a

hypotenuse of 28 yd.

3. 4.

Given three sides of a triangle determine if it is a RIGHT triangle: (show your work!)

5. 4 cm, 5 cm, 8 cm 6. 5 mm, 12 mm, 13 mm

7. 10 ft, 8 ft, 3 ft 8. 1 yard, 1 yard, 2 yards

Find the perimeter of these two triangles to the nearest tenth. Remember to show your work!

9. 10.

Simplify the following radicals: Round to the nearest tenths place if necessary.

If the root does not exist write DNE.

11. 12. 13. 14.

15. 16. 17. 18.

Draw and Picture and Solve (round to the nearest tenth if necessary):

19. A rectangular garden is 125 meters long and 90 meters wide. You walk diagonally across the garden from corner to corner. How far did you walk?

20. A 45 foot ladder is placed 10 feet from the base of a house. How high up the side of the house can the ladder reach?

Draw and Picture and Solve (round to the nearest tenth if necessary):

21. A 22 foot house has a ladder leaning against the house right at the very top of the house. If the ladder is 24 feet how far is the base of the ladder from the base of the house?

22. A boat travels south for 45 kilometers and then west for 33 kilometers. How far is the boat from it’s original starting point?

23. What is special about the following numbers? 25, 121, 4, 1, 81



24. Name the two consecutive integers these radicals fall between:

a. ______& ______b. ______& ______

c. ______& ______d. ______& ______

25. For problems 24 a, b, c & d, go back and circle the integer for each that is closest to the radical.