July 25, 2012

Hello and welcome to IWU!Prior to participating in athletics at Illinois Wesleyan University, athletes must provide the IWU Athletic TrainingStaffwith current address, emergency contact, insurance, medical alert, and health history information. To expedite this process,IWUnow uses an online data entry system. Follow the directions below to complete the data entry. YOU WILL NEED THIS DONE BEFORE YOU ARE ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE IN PRACTICE THE FIRST DAY!

Your school ID is: IWUTITANS.

Instruction / Example
Go to /
Scroll to the middle of the screen and click the Join SportsWare button. /
Enter your First Name, Last Name, Email address and School ID and click the Send button.
You should have received a School ID from the athletic trainer. This is required to join the correct school. /
Your request to join SportsWare will then be sent to the Athletic Trainer for review. /
Once your request is accepted you will receive an e-mail with the Subject “SportsWare request accepted”.
Open the e-mail and click the link to continue to SportsWareOnLine. /


Setting Your Password

Instruction / Example
Go to /
Enter your Email Address and click the Reset Password button. /
You will receive and e-mail with the Subject “SportsWareOnLine Password Request”.
Open the e-mail and click on the link to reset your password. Enter your e-mail address, new password and click the Save button. /

Updating Your Information

Instruction / Example
Go to /
Enter your Email Address and click the Login button. /
At the top of the page is the Menu Bar.
My Info: Update your address, emergency contact and insurance information.
Med History: Complete a Medical History questionnaire.
Forms: View/complete required paperwork. Note: SportsWare will also display “You have ?forms to complete/download”.
Print: Print My Info and Medical History data. /

YOU WILL ALSO NEED TO PROVIDE A COPY OF YOUR INSURANCE CARD and ALL FRESHMAN/FIRST TIME ATHELTES NEED A COPY OF THEIR PHYSICAL. Please feel free to scan them into SportsWare, but you can also print the copy of your insurance card and your physical and bring themto us at your first team meeting.

To review:

1. Go to

2. Click the Join SportsWare button.

3. Enter your Name, e-Mail address and School ID. (IWUTITANS)

4. Click the Send button.

Thank you for your prompt help. If you have any questions, please emailEmily Miller .


The IWU Athletic Training Staff