Please read the following information carefully, and then, both player and parent/guardian sign the final page acknowledging receipt, understanding, and acceptance of policies in this letter. The signed form must be turned in before the player may tryout. These policies are in addition to the rules and regulations outlined in the Student Athletic Handbook.

TRYOUTS Attendance at tryouts is mandatory. First cuts will be made on Wednesday August 5. Final selections for Varsity, Junior Varsity, and Freshman rosters will be made immediately after tryouts on Thursday, August 6. Please see the schedule at for tryout times and the required forms.


Attendance at all team activities is mandatory. We will practice or play every week day beginning August 7, as well as some Saturdays, both holidays (Labor Day, Columbus Day) and the teacher workdays. If you miss the practice before a game, for any reason, you might not start that game. Unexcused absences from classes or team events will result in reduced playing time. Three or more unexcused absences will result in suspension from the team. We follow the same rules defining unexcused absence as those in the Student Handbook for school attendance. If injured, and able to attend school you should be present at practices and games unless restricted by the trainer or a physician. In no case will family vacations, weekend trips, or being behind in schoolwork be an acceptable excuse. School is more important than volleyball. However, student athletes have a responsibility to themselves, their teammates and their coaches to balance school and sports.

By FCPS rules, in order to practice or play, you must be in attendance at school ALL DAY, except for scheduled medical or dental appointments. In addition to the Attendance Office, you must notify the Activities Office of these absences. Coaches are provided a daily list of players who have been absent and are not allowed to participate. Notify your coach as soon as possible when you know you will be absent so she can adjust her practice plan, if necessary.

You should be on the court, ready to start warm-ups at the scheduled practice start time. If you are not ready, you will be considered tardy. If you leave the campus before practice, remember to allow time for traffic delays when coming back for practice. Unexcused tardies will result in individual or team penalties. Habitual tardiness (more than 3) will result in reduced playing time and eventual suspension from the team.


Conduct yourself at all times in such a manner that you bring credit and honor to yourself, your teammates, your school and your family and adhere to the rules and regulations in the Student Athletic Handbook and the SSR. This includes both behavior and appearance. Under no circumstances will bullying of a teammate be tolerated. This includes negative comments about a teammate, whether directed toward her, a third party, or on social media.


Report all injuries, even those incurred outside volleyball, immediately to your coach and the athletic trainers. Do all therapy prescribed by the athletic trainers or physicians. You cannot return to practice until you’ve been cleared by an athletic trainer (even if you’ve been cleared by a doctor).


Playing time is earned. Decisions regarding who plays and how much are the responsibility of the coach of each roster. Those decisions are based on demonstrated skills, ability to implement team tactics and strategies, on-court communication, attitude, effort, and attendance. If a player has questions about playing time she (not her parent) should ask her coach what she can do to increase her playing time.


Our goal is to achieve a 3.5 GPA or better as a team. If you are averaging below a ‘C’ in any course during the semester, you could be required to get extra help and submit evidence of improvement to the Activities Office in order to be able to play.


We request that all LBSS Volleyball players purchase 4 practice t-shirts and a ‘game-day’ shirt. Only LBSS t-shirts should be worn during practices (no club, rec league, or other type of t-shirts). Additional items - bags, sweats, warmups, etc. will be available at an additional cost and are not mandatory purchases.


- Create great memories and friendships

- Improve each day as a team and individual. Be a competitor!

- Represent Lake Braddock so that others comment on our positive behavior.

-Win the Conference, Regional, and State tournaments!!

-Have fun in the process.


Football parents work the concession stand for us so that you can watch your daughter play. In exchange, volleyball parents work the home and visitor concession stands for one football game. We require each volleyball family to provide one adult to work a shift. It’s fun and a good way to meet the rest of the LBSS volleyball family. We’ll also need some parent volunteers to assist with Dig Pink and Senior Night activities.

Other Parent Requests.

- Come to her games whenever possible. It means more than she’ll probably let you know.

- Help make sure she’s eating right and sleeping enough.

- Check to make sure she’s keeping up with schoolwork.

- Be proud of what she does - even if it’s cheering on the bench.

- Don’t mention her errors after a game - that’s what coaches are for.

- Always make sure she knows that you are her biggest fan.

Let’s have a great 2015 Bruin Volleyball season!!

Coach Aubrey


Student Name (printed) ______

My promise to my team is to be the best player and teammate I can possibly be. I alone am responsible for my actions. I am fully committed to this team and therefore will conduct myself in a manner that brings positive reference to my school, my team, my family and myself. I will learn from my mistakes, never make excuses, accept coaching comments and assignments as ways that improve my team and myself, give all out effort in all games and practices and support my teammates.

I have received, read, understand, and accept the Lake Braddock Volleyball team polices for the 2015 volleyball season.


Student signatureDate

Parent/Guardian Name (printed) ______

I have received, read, understand, and accept the Lake Braddock Volleyball team policies for the 2015 volleyball season.


Parent signatureDate