Name ______
Cell # ______text Y or N
Alt phone #______
Email ______
□ bride □ MOB □ MOG □ bridesmaid □ other
Special Occasion Date:______
□ I would like a complimentary skin care consultation
□ I am interested in a “Girls Nite Out” Pampering Event
□ I would like to receive information about Mary Kay
□ I would like information about the Mary Kay business
Do you have a Mary Kay Beauty Consultant? Y or N
If so, Who?______
Name ______
Cell # ______text Y or N
Alt phone #______
Email ______
□ bride □ MOB □ MOG □ bridesmaid □ other
Special Occasion Date:______
□ I would like a complimentary skin care consultation
□ I am interested in a “Girls Nite Out” Pampering Event
□ I would like to receive information about Mary Kay
□ I would like information about the Mary Kay business
Do you have a Mary Kay Beauty Consultant? Y or N
If so, Who?______
Name ______
Cell # ______text Y or N
Alt phone #______
Email ______
□ bride □ MOB □ MOG □ bridesmaid □ other
Special Occasion Date:______
□ I would like a complimentary skin care consultation
□ I am interested in a “Girls Nite Out” Pampering Event
□ I would like to receive information about Mary Kay
□ I would like information about the Mary Kay business
Do you have a Mary Kay Beauty Consultant? Y or N
If so, Who?______
Name ______
Cell # ______text Y or N
Alt phone #______
Email ______
□ bride □ MOB □ MOG □ bridesmaid □ other
Special Occasion Date:______
□ I would like a complimentary skin care consultation
□ I am interested in a “Girls Nite Out” Pampering Event
□ I would like to receive information about Mary Kay
□ I would like information about the Mary Kay business
Do you have a Mary Kay Beauty Consultant? Y or N
If so, Who?______