Chapter 6 Project

You will be required to write a 5 paragraph essay explaining…

How do the economic systems of Canada and the United States differ in answering the basic economic question of scarcity?

  • Use the information that was given earlier to guide you through the essay
  • The scoring rubric is from Alberta Learning which will be used on this assignment as well as the Provincial Achievement Exam.
  • The Published Copy will be required to be typed; however a hand written version must be approved by me before any digital copy is produced.

Essay Question

How do the economic systems of Canada and the United States differ in answering the basic economic question of scarcity?

STEP 1 – Understand the question?

Economic Systems of Canada? ______

Economic Systems of U.S.and A? ______

How are they different?

How are they the same?

What is Scarcity?

Is it good? Or bad?

What are the effects of Scarcity?

STEP 2 – Organise your ideas

Opening Paragraph

The way the economies of Canada and the United states deal with the problem of scarcity is different in one fundamental way, in that...

This essay will describe both the ______economy and the ______market economy and how they work in Canada and the United States to solve Scarcity.

Second Paragraph

Describe what scarcity is?

Why is it not a good thing?(why do governments try to avoid this?)

Third Paragraph

How does Canada solve Scarcity- ______economy?

What is a ______economy (describe and provide, examples)

Role of Consumer (choice)

Fourth Paragraph

How does United States solve scarcity? ______economy?

What is a ______economy (describe and provide examples)

Role of Consumer (choice)


Sum all Ideas

Scarcity is a problem all countries try to avoid because…

______Both Canada and the United States use similar systems in that the consumer…


The main difference between Canada’s ______economy and U.S.______economy is the… ______

STEP -3 write it in good copy grammar and spelling add to your document