Warren Smith 107 - Las Condes

7937390 - 09-4088259


Executive of Human Resources, with noticeable experience in management of people, generating alignment organizacional to practices, political and processes of human resources in technical and geographically complex operations. Special fortress in labor themes, establishment of projects, internal communications, clearings, organization and structure. Management control cultures generator in the administration of people, good management in systems (SAP HR among others), Balanced Scorecard and improvement of processes, assessing and administering the change with the operational leaders in the teams of work toward the operational excellence. Abilities of influence, negotiation and mediation, developing teams of woerk, emphasizing the development of people, establishing relations of credibility, confidence and dynamism.


D&S INC. Distribution and Service (Lider) 2000-2008

Manager Jr. Human Resources 2007-2008

Area Planning and People Management

Politics definition, processes, procedures and management enlarging the effectiveness in service and productivity with an increase of 42% in effective hours worked; improvement in the localities schedule compliance since 28% in January to 76% in November; control of endowment, maintaining a drop of 1% of people relating to the previous month. Some managements were:

• Hourly Planning company (projection of labor demand, development and management of data processing tools of planning of people according to the demand).

• Management of People: endowment HR, structure, days, hourly, control assistance, metric and systems of management, Times Management module implementation SAP.

• Assistance Incentive Implementation, of highly impact in the workers: campaigns of communication, management of managerial change, coordination of data processing needs, negotiation with unions.

• They Elected by committee comptroller and anti-fraud of the Board of directors Hip as responsible for Anonymous Informing System (anonymous accusations of workers, investigating possible frauds in HR that would be able to impact accounting to the business (SOX)).

Leader of HRArea 2004 -2007

Creation of the Area Management HR

  • Control expenses management HR, complying always its budget.
  • Implementation of control culture in management HR, with initial BSC (Balanced Scorcard) of the objectives and strategic initiatives of HR.
  • Start to weekly remunerations account projection national level, permitting to control the account (inside budget), to the year 2006, assuring the concreteness of the objectives of the area and to pursue the continuous improvement. Automation of processes with technology. Support in implementation SOX in HR.

Labor Area

  • Management the application of the politics and labor criteria established by the company and according to the labor legal framework in force.
  • Model development of labor relations with the General Management (CEO), in force to the date.
  • Implementation of internal labor audit (preventive) revising 3 monthseach localities of 100 localities.
  • Strategic support in collective bargaining to negotiating team, as for strategy and negotiable themes, workshops to administrators and team of HR.
  • Knowledge, administration and teaching of Chilean labor law brought up to date, unions and negotiations.

Carmen Peragallo S. - 7937390 - 09-4088259

Systems of HR, ERP HR SAP .

  • Develops and improves the implementation of data processing Systems for HR to level company, oriented to the improvement of operations and productivity, and support in the implementation SAP payroll, being this of the first implementation of SAP HR in a business of more than 30,000 people.
  • Participates in Operational Excellence company project: improvement of processes in assistance and allocation of people with all the areas of backup.
  • Supervises, channels and assesses the interpretation of the official information of HR to all the company. ej. warning, reports, indicators (KPI’s), etc

Leader of Projects of HR2000 – 2003

Internal Communications Area

  • Implementation Intranet HR; Internal mass media (Daily, magazines, informative) and Audiovisual Department (internal newscast)

Performance Evaluation

  • Implementation Performance Evaluation, prosecution of information and crossing with Development and Clearings.


  • Analysis remunerations and charges equity
  • Analysis Clearings incentives,studies and proposed bonds.

Studies and Analysis

  • Relation labor climate with productivity and sales; creation and localities service survey automation toward backup, that derived in the Service Level survey in force until today.
  • Administration of systems and data base HR (Meta4 and SAP HR)

TVN - National Television of Chile1990-2000

Production Management

Talents Area production Company TVN (1999 – 2000)

  • Execution and control budgets; quotations and contracting; organization and control of activities; study coordination; national and international artists contracts.
  • Production programs as Festival of Viña del Mar, "Siempre Lunes", official broadcasts, television series, and interactive program "Hugo", among others.
  • In all the programs, execution and control of budgets with compliance of the same one, negotiations and contracting, and participation in the creation of the Area of Entertainment and Area of Talents, with preparation and courses to future faces for the channel, database of candidates, and coordination of workshops and activities of the area.

Engineer in Business Administration, Marketing and Finances, Universidad Mayor, 2002.

Titled with Honors and with Distinction of the Rector. ScholarshipBetter Average years 1999-2000.

Direction and Production TV - Audiovisual Communication, INCACEA. 1988-1990. Titled

Degree in liberal arts, mention in English Tongue and Literature. University of Chile, 1987.

Scholarship of Merit as Better Score Entered to the Career.

Average and Basic education, Company of María - Apoquindo School, 1975-1986

New seminar Law Sub Contracting, March 2007
V Congress of Innovation and Undertaking "to Think about Large", 2006
Course Right Unions and Obligations – collective bargaining, April 2007
Workshop Leadership D&S OR.Adolfo Ibañez – Cambridge Leadership Associates, 2006
Balanced Scorecard, 2004, Symnetics.
Balanced Scorecard in Human Resources, 2004, Symnetics.
Languages Intermediate English – advanced.
Computation Excel advanced – SAP HR key user – Meta 4 – Acces – Project – Visio.