Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held.

on the 13th April 2016


Present Mrs L Herniman took the chair, Mr A Chamings Mr J Ayre, Mr G Hookway Mr B King Mr R Petherbridge Mrs C Pedlar Mr N Hopkins, Mrs A Snell (Clerk)

Apologies, Mrs S Montague Cllr J Morrish and PCSO Brown

In Attendance: Cllr A Boyd, Mr and Mrs Poulton, Mrs A Hammerton and Mrs Adams

The Chairman welcomed Mr Toby Russell of the Devon Air Ambulance Trust; Mr Russell is the Community Helipad Officer, to talk about the possibility of a community helipad for night land in St Giles, Exeter Air Ambulance fly until midnight using night vision goggles but need a designated helipad to land. The pre survey to assess hazards etc has been carried out with the Recreation Field was assessed as being the best site, with good access, the site needs to be flood lit, which is two lights on a 10m high pole that has to be on a concrete pad. A kit is installed so the lights can be turned on remotely. Mr Russell said he is working with communities close to St Giles, Torrington being the closest. Mr Russell’s next step is to get a quote for the kit which is in the region of £4,500 before installation; the community can be involved to install the concrete pad and tower. Mr Russell would help fund raising and applying for grants, it was suggested to put a notice in the Parish magazine to ask parishioners to attend, Mr Russell was asked to visit again on the 13th July, he was thanked for attending.

Time for Public Participation

Mr and Mrs Poulton along with Cllr Boyd, Cllr Chamings and Cllr Pedlar raised points regarding the planning application (Mr and Mrs Poulton have also written a letter) that is being considered for Deep Moor. It was noted in the application that the site will be operating 365 days a year, the waste transfer building is proposed to be sited 80meters from their property, when government recommendation is 240meters. The number of lorries delivering to the site is going up from 63 to 75 per day Monday to Friday, sorting of the waste is to be carried out 7 days a week, the recyclable waste is removed then the remainder baled and removed to Avonmouth or Plymouth to be incinerated. Asbestos waste is now restricted to 2 hours per week, on a Wednesday from 10am to 12 noon as ulterior arrangements were too expensive and difficult to undertake.

The landfill will close if the extension is not permitted. Plans for Brysworthy have altered as NDC have moved a lot of their offices to this site. In the last six months there has been 6 official complaints of smells, I from Deep Moor, 4 from the IVC unit and 1 agricultural, it is hoped to get Viridor to attend the Liaison meetings to include them in discussions, methane has been detected so new equipment has been installed to deal with this, the height at the top of the mounds are at a legal limit and have reduced by 9 meters since last year. The proposed waste transfer building is 12meters high; at present 20 are employed at the site with an extra 15 employed if the application is passed.

Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any personal or prejudicial interest, including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.

1).i. The minutes of the meeting held on 15th March were agreed and signed.

2). Clerks report i. The Tithe Map, Cllr Chamings reported that the map is restored, the cost to have the scan is £280 to be able to reprint, but Exeter are unable to do this at present but this can be undertaken in Nottingham, Mr Jackson is willing to travel to get this done before the History Society event in May, it was agreed to offer £50 for fuel costs proposed by Cllr Chamings seconded by Cllr Pedlar all in favour. The best size to hang in the hall is 60inches by 65 inches but no cost to reprint this size is available at present. ii. The Chairs for the hall have been ordered the funds included the TAP grant fund money.


3). Chairman’s Report, i. The Nursery Close query is still ongoing; ii. The dog bin in Kingscott was off its post but has now disappeared, this will be reported. iii. The Deep Moor Liaison meeting report was included in the Public participation; Cllr Chamings and Cllr Pedlar were thanked for attending

4).Highways i. The road from South Healand has not been repaired, and a resident has reported that part of their road has collapsed in Dodscott, the best way to report these are on DCC website, “Fix My Street” it is the most effect way.

5. County/ District Councillors items. Cllr Boyd chaired the Liaison meeting which was held on the 12th April, with regard to highways his advice is to keep reporting. DCC are to receive £2.5 million extra for central government for road repairs which is only a fraction of what is needed. Ownership of hospitals was discussed.


i) Approve and sign the following cheques: -General Account,

301 / Trent Furniture / £1620.00
302 / DALC / £129.62
303 / Barnstaple Records Office / £50.00

ii. The Pension Regulator letter has been responded to and opted out, iii. The Fixed Asset Register was agreed at £51,225 with the addition of the defibrillator and trampoline, all in agreement. Iv. The clerk’s contract was signed, v. The updated Standing Orders were signed.

7. Planning P C recommendations TDC

ACB/DCC/3848/2016 / County Matter Planning Application Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (England and Wales) Regulations 2011. The construction and operation of a Resource Recovery Centre comprising a permanent new waste transfer station building and a 2MWe solar farm together with an extension of the
lifetime of the existing non hazardous and asbestos
waste landfill, recycling facility and green waste composting until the 31st December 2030 and
associated new internal access roads, office,
weighbridges and weighbridge office, associated
surface water attenuation features and other ancillary development at Deep Moor Waste Management
Facility at Deep Moor Landfill Site, High Bullen,Torrington,EX38 7JA
/ After discussion it was agreed to respond. The Parish Council has great concerns at the location of the Waste Transfer building it is a long way in the site and very close to the nearest residential site (contrary to government guidelines), the Parish Council would require the Waste Transfer building further from the residential site. Parish Councillors have visited the site for the solar panels and would agree with the siting.
The numerous extensions applied for have increased the longevity of the site and traffic impact significantly to the local area and this proposal seeks to extend the permission by a further 13 years. Proposed by Cllr Hopkins seconded by Cllr Pedlar, all in favour.

i The Enforcement Officer has visited the two properties in the Dodscott area, everything seems to be in order but will monitor.

9. Police Report, no report was given

10. Recreation Field Report, no report.

11. Correspondence i. The April DALC newsletter has been circulated

The notice Board at High Bullen has been repaired by Cllr King he was thanked for his work

It was noted the defibrillator has no electricity supply this will be looked into and reported at the next meeting. There were concerns noted at the development at Stoney Ford.

Date of next meeting–: Wednesday 11th May 7.30pm in the Parish Hall, for the Annual Parish Council meeting, A representative from Torridge Volunteer Cars will speak,

followed by the Annual Parish Council meeting.

….………………….. Chairman ……………………..……Date

Forthcoming meetings: Wednesday 8th June with Cllr Jane Whittaker the Leader of TDC