The Paul Napper Trust Grant Application Form

In order to help you to complete this application form, please see our website If you have problems completing the form, please ask your youth leader to help you.

1.  Please give contact details (name, address, phone number, email address)
How did you hear about the Paul Napper Trust?
2.  The Trust is aimed to help young people aged between 12
Are you aged between 12-30?
If yes, what is your date of birth?
Are you currently in full-time education?
Are you involved in leading youth work? / and 30 years.
3.  The Trust has been set up to help young people to move on with God through financial support, prayer and encouragement. What best describes the type of support you require?
Encouragement / YES / NO
4.  The Trust wishes to help young people grow in their Christian faith through the following activities. Which of them best describes the activity for which you wish to receive support?
Overseas service
Short term projects
Leadership Development
Other / YES / NO


5.  Does your church support you in taking part in this activity? YES / NO
What is the name of the church you most regularly attend?
6.  Is the activity arranged by an organisation/your church or was it your own idea?
If an organisation what is the name and address of the organisation/ church responsible for running the activity?
7.  In your own words describe the activity you would like to undertake and receive support for? Include what you will be doing, its purpose, where it will take place, for how long, with whom … (If you have a brochure promoting the activity please enclose a copy with your application.)
8.  Briefly describe in your own words how you became a Christian and what difference this has made to your life.
9.  How will the activity help you to move on with God?
10.  Will this activity help you to achieve any of your goals for the future? If so, describe how.
11.  The trustees have a responsibility to ensure that the Trust funds are distributed fairly.
How much funding do you need to raise in total? £………
Please give a breakdown of the costs if available.
Have you received any other funding for the project? YES / NO
If yes, how much? £ …….
What are your plans for raising the funds (other than applying to The Paul Napper Trust)? For example – Saturday job? Fundraising events? Applying to other Trusts? Support from local church? From family?
Have you been granted funds from The Paul Napper Trust before? If so, in what year? YES / NO ……………… (This does not exclude you from applying again.)
12.  Please give the name and address, phone number and email address of a youth leader/other church leader who would be willing to act as a referee for you (Ask first!)

Thank you for taking the time to fill in this application form. To enable us to respond as quickly as possible, please ensure you have answered all the questions. We hope the process of completing the form has helped you to think and pray through your reasons for undertaking the project.

Please read the following and complete

I wish to apply for support from the Trust and understand I will be required to write a report on the project within three months of finishing as a condition of receiving the support.

Applicant’s name ………………………………………… Date ………………………

Email address: ……………………………………….

Please email the completed form to:

Paul Napper Trust Registered Charity number 1095003

Registered office: 115 Mill Street, Kidlington Oxon, OX5 2EE Page 4