I. Academic/Professional Background

A. Name: Ken Mix, Ph.D. Title: Assistant Professor

B. Educational Background

Degree / Year / University / Major / Thesis/Dissertation
Ph.D. / 2010 / Texas State University / Aquatic Resources / A Multi-dimensional Analysis of the Upper Rio Grande – San Luis Valley Social-Ecological System
M.S. / 2004 / Texas A&M - Kingsville / Range and Wildlife Management / The Effects of Summer Prescribed Fire on Vegetation, Invertebrate and Avian Communities
B.S. / 1999 / Ball State University / Natural Resources and Environmental Management

C. University Experience

Position / University / Dates
Assistant Professor / Texas State University / 2011 to present
Lecturer / Texas State University / 2009 to 2011
Adjunct Instructor / Palo Alto Community College / 2007
Lecturer / Texas State University / 2005 to 2007

D. Relevant Professional Experience

Position / Entity / Dates
Graduate Teaching Assistant / Texas State University / 2003 to 2009
Graduate Teaching Assistant / Ball State University / 2000


A. Teaching Honors and Awards:

College of Applied Arts: Presidential Award runner up for Teaching Excellence, 2015.

Favorite Professor – Alpha Chi, Alfred H. Nolle Chapter, 2011.

B. Courses Taught:

Texas State University Courses

Agronomic Crops (AG 2313)

General Horticulture (AG 2379)

Organic Gardening (AG 3308)

Economic Entomology (AG 3329)

Soil Science I (AG 3426)

Soil Science II (AG 3427)

Current Problems in Technical Agriculture (AG 4185)

Fruit and Vegetable Crop Production (AG 4302)

Modern Biology (BIO 1421) - Laboratory course for non-majors

General Entomology (BIO 4465)

Graduate Courses

General Entomology (BIO 5465)

Special Problems in Technical Agriculture (AG 5370)

Thesis (AGED 5399A)

Thesis (AGED 5399B)

C. Graduate Theses/Dissertations or Exit Committees (* = chair):

Masters Theses

*Newton, Josh. Expected 2017. Multispecies intercropping yields compared to monocropping and land equivalency ratios.

*Hawkins, Lorig. Expected 2017. Breeding an Ancient Crop Back into Production.

*Arnold, Emily. Expected 2017. Training Paper Wasps to Hunt Cabbage Worms.

Hardin, Renee. 2016. Assessing the Efficacy of Third-Party Involvement in Farm-To-School Participation: Facilitating Connections Between Local Farmers and Food Service Managers in the Austin Independent School District.

Isaaks, Marilyn. 2015. The Use of Near-Infrared Remote Sensing in the Detection of Clandestine Human Remains.

Fancher, James. 2015. Evaluation of Soil Chemistry in Human Decomposition Sites.

Hoitt, Charles. 2015. Rangeland Biomass Utilization: Mesquite as a Model for Energy, Food and Fodder in Central and South Texas.

*Osorio, Dagoberto Junior. 2014. Phosphorus Release in Texas Vertisols through the Application of Low-Molecular-Weight Organic Acids as a Fertilizer Alternative for the Agricultural Production of Solanum melongena.

Glover, Benjamin. 2013. The Willingness to Pay for a Native Central Texan Plant as a Food Source.

Master’s non-Theses

*Lankes, Marissa. 2016. A Small Producers Assessment of Needs in the Current Changing Agricultural Climate. And The Impact and Development of the Agrohood on Affluent and Economicalyl Disadvantaged Communities.

*Lee, Travis. 2016. The Relationship Between Soil Texture, Phosphorus Content and Vegetation Community in Landa Lake, an Edwards Aquifer Spring Fed Lake in Texas.

Cornelius, Julie. 2014. Participation in the San Antonio Water System Watersaver Landscape Coupon Program: Program Satisfaction and Recommendations for the Future.

*Schmidt, Neil. 2014. Could Multispecies Cover Cropping Increase Drought Tolerance of Cash Crops in Central Texas?

Honor’s Theses

*Casey, Hallie. 2015. Untapped Oil Reserves: A Quantitative, Cross-Species Analysis of Acorn Oil.

*Manara, Stephanie. 2014. Ecological Ecomony: Integrating Beneficial Fungi to Our Production Systems.

*Perez, Ana. 2014. Herbs: Cultivation, Culinary Use and Curative Properties.

*Tritsche, Katherine. 2012. A Comparison of Student Campaigns for Change at US Universities and an Outline for Developing a Campaign Structure within Texas State University.

Independent Study

Casey, Hallie. 2015. Acorn Oil Yield for Three Oak Species of Central Texas. (Advisor)

Berning, Anna. 2014. The Effects of Ground Soapwort and Isopropylene Glycol on Soil Water Drainage. (Advisor)

Tucker, Mitchell. 2012. Climate Change Related Effects on Autumnal Flows Of Headwater Streams of the Eastern Slope of the Lower Rocky Mountains. (Advisor)

Wrenn, Elizabeth. 2012. A Comparison of Propylene Glycol and Powdered Soapwort on Water Infiltration in Hydrophobic Soils. (Advisor)

Ruthstrom, Anne. 2011. Changes in Autumnal Flows of Streams of the Rio Grand Headwaters and Eastern Slope of the Rocky Mountains. (Advisor)

Presented at: 1st Annual Symposium of the Agriculture Consortium of Texas, Alpine.

Frank, Gregory. 2010-2011. Increases in Crop Biomass in Soils Amended with Charcoal.

Lee, Travis. 2010-2011. Use of Extracts from Melia azaderach Fruits and Roots as a Biopesticide. (Advisor)

Presented at: 1st Annual Symposium of the Agriculture Consortium of Texas, Alpine.

D. Courses Prepared and Curriculum Development:

Developed lecture:

Agronomic Crops (AG 2313)

General Horticulture (AG 2379)

Organic Gardening (AG 3308)

Economic Entomology (AG 3329)

Soil Science I (AG 3426)

Soil Science II (AG 3427)

Current Problems in Technical Agriculture (AG 4185)

Fruit and Vegetable Crop Production (AG 4302)

Modern Biology (BIO 1421) - Laboratory course for non-majors

General Entomology (BIO 4465)

Graduate Courses

General Entomology (BIO 5465)

Special Problems in Technical Agriculture (AG 5370)

Thesis (AGED 5399A)

Thesis (AGED 5399B)

Laboratory exercises:

Soils Science II (AG 3427): Students design and implement an experimental study of crop responses to varying nutrient applications or deficiencies.

Developed laboratory manuals for:

Soil Science Lab Manual (AG 3426): The manual instructs students in soil science protocols for laboratory and field exercises.

In development: Agronomic Crops (AG 2313) and General Horticulture (AG 2379) Laboratory Exercises: The manual will instruct students in several field and laboratory exercises related to crops or horticulture. This first portion of the manual has general laboratory or field exercises suitable for both courses. Sections II and III are specialized laboratory or field exercises for Agronomic Crops and General Horticulture (respectively).

Graduate Courses:

Agroecology as Special Problems in Technical Agriculture (AG 5370): This course was developed to introduce students to agroecology and develop critical thinking skills with regard to complex issues facing agriculture. Student prepared a Devil’s Advocate argument for maintaining the conventional approach to agriculture and responded to the argument with opposing viewpoints, each side utilizing scientific literature to support their point of view.

E. Submitted, but not Funded, External Teaching Grants and Contracts:

F. Submitted, but not Funded, Internal Teaching Grants and Contracts:


A. Works in Print or Review

1. Articles

a. Refereed Journal Articles:

Mix, K. 2016. The Water Infiltration, Hydraulic Conductivity and Water Retention Effects of Ground Saponaria Officinalis (L.) Root as a Soil Surfactant. International Journal of Plant and Soil Science. ISSN 2320-7035

Osorio, D. and Mix, K. 2016. Low-Molecular-Weight Organic Acids as a Phosphorus Fertilizer Supplement for Vegetable Production in Calcareous Soil Regions. International Journal of Plant and Soil Science. ISSN 2320-7035

Groeger, A. W., V. L. Lopes, K. Mix and D. Bass. 2015. Drought in Texas: Past Decisions, Current Conditions. Lake Line. ISSN 0734-7978

Mix, K., V. L. Lopes and W. Rast. 2015. A Systems Approach to Understanding the Evolution of the Agro-Social-Ecological System of the Upper Rio Grande-San Luis Valley, Colorado. Journal of Water Resources Management. 29:2, 233-251. (Impact Factor - 2.6)

Lee, T. and K. Mix. 2012. Evaluation of Melia azedarach as a botanical pesticide against beet armyworm (Spodoptera exigua). Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science. 7:962-967.

Mix, K., V. L. Lopes and W. Rast. 2012. Growing Season Expansion and Related Changes in Monthly Temperature and Growing Degree Days in the Inter-Montane Desert of the San Luis Valley, Colorado. Climatic Change. 114:723-744. (Impact Factor - 3.43)

Mix, K., V. L. Lopes and W. Rast. 2012. A Semi-Quantitative Analysis of Water

Appropriations and Allocations in the Upper Rio Grande Basin, Colorado. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 138:662-674. (Impact Factor - 0.90)

Mix, K., W. Rast and V. L. Lopes. 2011. Environmental Drivers of Streamflow Change in the Upper Rio Grande. Journal of Water Resources Management. 26: 253-272. (Impact Factor - 2.6)

Mix, K., V. L. Lopes and W. Rast. 2011. Annual and Growing Season Climate Changes in the Alpine Desert of the San Luis Valley, Colorado. Soil, Water and Air Pollution. 220:189-203. (Impact Factor - 1.554)

Mix, K., W. Rast and V. L. Lopes. 2010. Increases in Annual and Growing Season Growing

Degree Days in the Alpine Desert of the San Luis Valley, Colorado. Soil, Water and Air Pollution. 205:289-304. (Impact Factor - 1.554)

Mix, K., V. L. Lopes and W. Rast. 2010. A Method for Identifying and Assessing Changes in Drivers and Linkages in a Social-Ecological System: The San Luis Valley, Colorado. International Society for the System Sciences, XXXIX – Bulletin.

2. Articles in Review

Mix, K., A. Groeger, and V. L. Lopes. (submitted 4/2016) Exceptional Drought and Interrupted Flows in the Colorado River, Texas: Influence of Upstream Development on Water Supply and Quality. Journal of Water Resources Management. ISSN: 0920- 4741 (Impact Factor - 2.6)

3. Articles in Preparation

Mix, K. A. Groeger, and V. L. Lopes. (submitted 4/2016) Climate Change Driven Changes in Autumnal Flows in the Rio Grande Headwaters. Journal of Water Resources Management. ISSN: 0920-4741 (Impact Factor - 2.6)

Mix, K. (to be submitted 9/2016) A Conceptual Model of Changes in Stable States of a Socio-Ecological Complex System Using the Upper Rio Grande – San Luis Valley as a Case Study. Systems Research and Behavioral Science. ISSN: 1099-1743 (Impact Factor: 0.474)

Mix, K. The Effects of a Soil Surfactant composed of Polyethylene and Polypropylene Glycols (Cascade Plus 16GTM) Compared to Ground Soapwort Root (Saponaria officinalis) on Range Plants Biomass in a Vertisol Before and After Natural Precipitation.

Mix, K. and B. Long. The Different Effects of Soil Surfactants Polyethylene and

Polypropylene Glycols Cascade Plus 16GTM) and Ground Soapwort Root on Phaseolus vulgaris Germination and Production.

4. Conference Proceedings

a. Refereed Conference Proceedings:

Mix, K., V. L. Lopes and W. Rast. 2013. A Multi-Dimensional Analysis of the Social-Ecological System of the Upper Rio Grande-San Luis Valley, Colorado. 8th International Conference of European Water Resources Association (EWRA) "Water Resources Management in an Interdisciplinary and Changing Context". Porto, Portugal.

b. Refereed Conference Presentations (Papers and Posters):

Mix, K. 2016. Exceptional Drought and the Impact of Dams on Flows in the Colorado River, Texas. Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO). Santa Fe, NM.

Davis, K., J. Minifie, K. Mix. 2016. Measuring Service Learning Outcomes and Community Engagement for Continuous Improvement. 2016 Lilly Conference on Evidence-Based Teaching and Learning. Austin, TX.

Osorio, D. and K. Mix. 2014. Low-Molecular-Weight Organic Acids as a Phosphorus Fertilizer Alternative for the Agricultural Production of Solanum melongena in Semi- Arid Texas Soils. American Society for Horticultural Science, Orlando, FL. Poster presentation.

Gandonou, J-M, T. M. Cade and K. Mix. 2014. An Estimation of the Willingness to Pay for Native Central Texan Fruit Using an Ordered Logit Model. Southwestern Social Science Association. San Antonio, TX.

Mix, K. 2013. A Multi-Dimensional Analysis of the Social-Ecological System of the Upper Rio Grande-San Luis Valley, Colorado. Porto, Portugal.

Mix, K. 2011. 14th Annual Conference of the International Lake Environment Committee. Austin, TX. Session Chair.

Lee, T. and K. Mix. 2011. Use of Extracts from Melia azaderach Fruits and Roots as a

Biopesticide. Annual Symposium of the Agriculture Consortium of Texas, Alpine. Poster presentation.

Ruthstrom, A. and K. Mix. 2011. Changes in Autumnal Flows of Streams of the Rio Grand Headwaters. 1st Annual Symposium of the Agriculture Consortium of Texas, Alpine. 2011. Poster presentation.

Mix, K. 2008. Agriculturally Related Changes in Climate of the San Luis Valley. The 52nd

Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI.

Mix, K. 2008. Growing Season Climate Changes in the San Luis Valley, Colorado: Headwaters of the Rio Grande. Forecast: Climate Change Impacts on Texas Water, Austin, TX. Poster presentation.

Mix, K. 2004. The Effects of Summer Prescribed Fire on Vegetation, Invertebrate and Avian Communities, The Welder Wildlife Foundation Symposium, Sinton, TX.

Mix, K. 2003. The Effects of Summer Prescribed Fire on Vegetation, Invertebrate and Avian Communities, The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Burlington, VT. .

Mix, K. 2002. Effects of Summer Prescribed Fire on Taxa Richness and Abundance of Avian and Macroinvertebrate Populations and Associated Vegetative Changes. 3rd North American Ornithological Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Mix, K. 2002. Effects of Summer Prescribed Fire on Taxa Richness and Abundance of Avian and Macroinvertebrate Populations and Associated Vegetative Changes. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Bismarck, ND.

Mix, K. 2002. Effects of Summer Prescribed Fire on Taxa Richness and Abundance of Avian and Macroinvertebrate Populations and Associated Vegetative Changes. Annual Meeting of the Assoc. of Field Ornithologists and the Wilson Ornithological Society, Naples, FL.

Mix, K. 2002. Responses of Macroinvertebrate Communities to Summer Prescribed Fires. Southwestern Fire Conference, San Diego, CA. Poster presentation.

Mix, K. 2002. Responses of Avian Communities to Summer Prescribed Fires and Associated Vegetation Changes. Southwestern Fire Conference, San Diego, CA. Poster presentation.

5. Reports:

Book reviews

2012. Oxford University Press: Daly and Doyen’s Introduction to Insect Biology and Diversity, 3rd edition.

Chapter review

2013. Precision Conservation to Enhance Wildlife Benefits in Agricultural Landscapes – Access Books, USDA.

Professional reports

2011-2014. Brock Consulting Group: Report on Soil Water Interactions with Andy Zwarun Ph.D.

2009. Regional Framework for Sustainable Use of the Rio Bravo, The River Systems Institute, San Marcos, TX. Contributor

2008. Colorado River, Texas TDA, The River Systems Institute, San Marcos, TX, Contributor

6. Special Projects:

7. Theses:

B. Works not in Print

1. Invited Talks, Lectures, Presentations:

Resource Peaks and Sustainable Agriculture: MCS 5391/ BIO 7360U/SOCI 5371 Seminar Guest Lecture


Sustainable Agriculture: Biology 7360 Guest Lecture


Sustainable Agriculture: Philosophy Dialogue Series, San Marcos Public Library 3/11/2015

Multispecies Winter Cover Cropping: Texas Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association 2015 Annual Conference