English 4 CP
(Senior CP English)

2014 – 2015 Course Syllabus

John C. Kimball High School

Office hours: Tuesdays 8:00 – 8:30 AM, Room H-9

(209) 832 – 6600

Welcome to English 4 CP!

We will use various types of instructional strategies and materials on our learning journey and I welcome any suggestions from you that will make your journey a more exciting and productive one. Please feel free to come and speak with me should you have any questions or concerns. I look forward to a wonderful year together!


English 4 is a standards based approach to British and World Literature, designed to help students understand and appreciate various literary genres, their historical context and life applications. At the conclusion of the year, students should show an understanding of the major themes of each genre and should relate these themes to their historical and current time periods. Students should improve their skills in reading and writing of complex texts, speaking, grammar, and organization by studying, analyzing, and actively participating in the various components of the course.

Holt Literature & Language Arts

The Anglo-Saxons

The Middle Ages 1066-1485

Introduction to Renaissance 1485 – 1660

Shakespeare and Drama –We will read Hamlet.


The Romantic Period

The Victorian Period

The Modern Period

Novels: 1984, Lord of the Flies, War of the Worlds / Time Machine

Writing a Descriptive Essay, Literary Analysis, Persuasive Essay.

Reporting and Presenting Literary Research

Power point and Oral Presentations

Project Based Learning


Reading and Writing Informational Texts

Supplies the student should have:

·  3 Spiral notebooks with at least 70 pages or equivalent in paper (Approximately)

·  Binder paper (please have binder paper in your binder at ALL times)

·  A binder (one for each class or one binder for ALL classes)

·  Two pens (blue or black ink).

·  Pencils (please bring plenty of pencils! J)

·  Highlighters of different colors.

·  Dry erase marker

You may also want to purchase: (Optional)

·  Scissors

·  Colored pencils or markers (or both)

·  Glue sticks

·  Flash drive (memory stick) Highly recommended.


According to the Student Handbook and board policy (BP 6154):

Per night, 9 – 12 students will typically average two hours of homework. 9 – 12 students may be given limited homework on holidays and weekends to meet course objectives and acquisition of skills.

Use of Electronics – Students are expected to use a computer, access my TUSD website and Edmodo.org after school hours. Students are expected to use their student portal and school email. If a computer is not available at home, the student is expected to use the computers in the school or public library. There are two student computers in my classroom that are available before or after school, however, printing is only available in the Library.

Typed assignments - There will be several assignments that require typing (and printing) with appropriate MLA format. If the computer at home is functioning but the printer is not, assignments can be saved to the student portal, then printed in the library for $ 0.10 per page. The price is set by the library staff, and may change.

Resetting of Passwords –The student is expected to keep their password up to date and on their own time. The teacher has the ability to reset student passwords. However, students should contact the teacher before or after school in order to reset their TUSD password. Class time cannot be used to reset passwords.


The following will determine your grade:

·  Completing all class assignments on time (No Name, No Grade.)

·  Completing all homework assignments and projects on time.

·  Class participation, including in-class group assignments

To receive full credit for your work it must be completed and turned in by the due date. Homework and assignments are due at the beginning of class.

90 – 91% = A- 80 - 81% = B- 70 - 71% = C- 60 – 61% = D-

92 - 98% = A 82 – 87% = B 72 - 77% = C 62 – 67% = D

99 - 150 % = A+ 88 - 89% = B+ 78 - 79% = C+ 68 - 69% = D + 0 – 59% = F

Late Work:

I do accept late work, but with a penalty to your grade. It is your responsibility to check with me, the absence binder or your classmates about missed work. You get one day, per day absent to complete the assignment before penalties begin for an excused absence. For an unexcused absence or absence due to suspension – penalties begin immediately. There is no grace period for long term assignments. If you are absent the day the long term assignment is due, you must turn it in the day you return, or penalties apply. (Usually, penalties are loss of 10% per day late.)

Extra Credit:

I will give students very few opportunities throughout the year to receive extra credit. The student must be in class and have a good participation record in order to participate in the extra credit project or assignment. Students are encouraged to keep up on regular assignments as extra credit points will not be enough to make much difference in the grade.

Attendance: Attendance counts! It is difficult to learn and to earn points for class activities and assignments when one is not in class. The more you are here and the more you participate, the more you will learn and take away with you. Remember: Knowledge is Power.

MAKE-UP WORK POLICY Also see Late Work.

Some class assignments are impossible to make up, e.g. taking notes on a movie. If a student is absent, and one of these assignments was completed, then no points can be earned. If the student wishes, the teacher can be approached before or after school to request an alternate assignment. It is the student’s responsibility to make the request within one day of returning to school from an excused absence.

Missed tests, because of an excused absence, must be made up before or after school. The student must make arrangements with the teacher to make up the test within one week. If the test is not completed within one week, that test score will be a “0” (Zero).

There is no grace period for long term assignments, e.g. SSR projects that are quarterly assignments. If a student is absent anytime during the quarter, extra days to complete the assignment are not given. If a student is absent the day the project is due, the student is expected to turn it in the next day.

Misc. - Students must give the teacher requests for current grades, permission slips, etc. at the beginning of class. If a student forgets, they must wait until after school. Also, students with concerns that may entail a good deal of discussion, will need to see the teacher before or after school, so that class time is not taken up.



·  Be safe.

·  Be respectful.

·  Be on task.

·  Be prepared.

When in doubt about the rules, ask yourself:

·  Is this safe?

·  Is this respectful?

·  Is this being on task?

·  Do I have all my materials? Are my assignments completed and ready to turn in?


·  Step One - Verbal warning

·  Step Two – Teacher – Parent Contact

·  Step Three – Student sent to AP with completed referral.

·  Step Four – AP uses progressive discipline.

** I reserve the right to skip any of the above steps should I deem it necessary and depending on the severity of the offense.

Regarding Respect

Students are expected to sit and listen without talking. Any talking while a person is addressing the class, will be considered disrespectful. If the student has a question, they are expected to raise their hand and wait to be called on. One warning will be given, and the rest of the consequences will be followed. Also, profanity and/or derogatory comments about others will not be tolerated.


A little late is too late! Student tardiness interferes with the learning process. Any student not in their seat, when the bell rings, will be considered tardy. If a student chooses to be late for class the following school wide consequences will result:

·  # 1 & 2 - Warning.

·  # 3 & 4 - Teacher consequence (teacher discretion). May include sentences, or detention with the teacher. Parent will be contacted

·  # 5 - Administrative Detention 30 Min. – Must be served within one week. Parent will be contacted

·  #6 – In-House Suspension. AP will contact student and parent.

·  #7+ – At home Suspension. AP Will contact student and parent.


Cheating represents a violation of mutual trust and respect. I take cheating very seriously and the practice of this behavior will not be tolerated. Unless I tell you to do an assignment together, assume that you must do your work on your own.

Plagiarism (a form of cheating and stealing) will also not be tolerated and will result in the student receiving an “F” on the assignment and a referral to an administrator and an email or phone call to the parent/guardian. Cheating and Plagiarism will be talked about in detail in class, however if you are unsure about what constitutes cheating or plagiarism please see me before or after class or during my office hours.

Textbook Management

The textbook that you are using belongs to Kimball High School and is under your care for the school year. If anything happens to the textbook, you are responsible for its replacement. Please do not tear out pages, highlight, write in or cause any other damage to the book that would prevent another student from using it in the future. Students are, however, encouraged to purchase their own SSR books and are encouraged to write and make notes in them.

SSR (Sustain Silent Reading)

Students must have a book for SSR every quarter. Students will choose books appropriate to their interests and reading level. Students are expected to read when they finish an assignment early, or when time is provided in class. The class may make 1 trip to the library per quarter to choose an SSR book. However, if the student is absent or cannot find a book they like, they are expected to use their own time to find and bring an appropriate book. Each quarter at least 1 SSR book and project must be completed.

Teacher Assistants (“TA”):

The TA will be assigned typical clerical responsibilities, such as: performing classroom duties including sorting papers, grading papers, filing, numbering papers, passing out handouts to students, returning papers to students, cutting out various presentation documents or laminated projects, organizing materials, helping with student learning as directed by the teacher or substitute, delivering communications to students or teachers, etc… in addition to fulfilling the above responsibilities, the TA is also expected to abide by all the classroom rules and responsibilities, including confidentiality (A TA is not to talk about another student’s grade, work etc.). It is expected that the TA will be on time and will work cooperatively with both the teachers and the other students. If the TA completes the work and there is time, then the TA is expected to work on assignments/SSR. The TA will be graded according to the class grading policy.

Mrs. Jensen, English 3

Dear Parent/Guardian:

I am very excited to have your student in my English class this year and I am looking forward to a positive and successful academic year. Please read the attached course syllabus so that you are aware of the course content and my expectations. Have your student return this signed letter to me by _____August 22, 2014_. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me via email at . I would be happy to discuss your child’s progress with you or answer any questions you may have. Please sign and date the following course syllabus to indicate that you have read and understood and are aware of the course expectations and requirements.

Thank you in advance for your help. I look forward to meeting you.


Nancy Jensen

English Teacher

John C. Kimball High School


Film policy: District policy states that a teacher must inform parents of any film that is to be shown in the classroom above the rating of G. There are several films I would like to show (if available) that I would like to get your approval on at this time. (Please mark only the ones you do Not approve of.)

___Hamlet (PG-13) ___ The Time Machine (PG-13) ____ Lord of the Flies (R - mainly violence and gore) _____ Beowulf (PG-13)

I have read the previous information. I understand the classroom rules, T.A. Expectations and information outlined in this letter. I also understand the film policy and have indicated the films (if any) I do not want my student to view.

Student’s name: ______(please print)

Student’s Signature: ______

Parent/Guardian Name: ______(please print)

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______

Parent/Guardian preferred phone #: ______

Parent/Guardian Email address: ______

Please mark the appropriate response: (check all that apply):

___ Please feel free to contact me at home.

___ Please contact me only at home.

___ I prefer to be contacted by email.