Working with the Neurobiological Legacy of Trauma
2016-17 Schedule of Dates and Topics
One Monday per month from 12pm-2pm EST
September 19, 2016Trauma and the Body
October 17, 2016Working with the Body in Trauma
November 21, 2016Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approaches
To Treating Dysregulation
December 19, 2016Working with the Effects of Dysregulation: Addictions, Eating Disorders, & Self-Destructive Behavior
January 16, 2017Working with Traumatic Memory: Principles and Techniques
February 20, 2017Disorganized Attachment, Borderline Personality Disorder, and the Traumatic
March 20, 2017Recognizing and Treating Dissociative
Phenomena: the Structural Dissociation Model
April 17, 2017Working with Dissociation and Parts of the Personality
May 15, 2017Dealing with Shame and Self-Loathing
June 19, 2017Treatment Planning in a Neurobiologically-Oriented Treatment
Participant Name: ______
Email Address and Telephone: ______
Invoice for Webinar Level I Program 2016-17
The Advanced Webinar Program, “Working with the Neurobiological Legacy of Trauma,” is a 20-hour seminar program in webinar format that meets once per month on selected Mondays from 12:00pm to 2:00pm EST. All webinars are recorded and stored in an online archive.
Date / Full Tuition / Discounted Tuition for members of TAG, PODS, CAPPP or ACC / Mp3 download option (additional fee) / Total$475.00 USD / $240.00 USD / $ 75.00 USD (additional fee) / $
Total / $
To pay by check, send full payment to the address above.
To pay by Visa or MasterCard, please provide the following:
- The name on the account: ______
- Billing address: ______
- Card number: ______
- Expires: ______CVV (Security) Code: ______(If your expiry date is before July 2017, please forward your new details.)
- I hereby authorize Janina Fisher, Ph.D. to charge the following to this card:
- Discounted tuition for TAG, PODS, CAPPP, or ACC = $240.00 USD
- Additional fee for mp3 download option = $75.00 USD
- Monthly payment option = $25 per month ($32 with mp3 option)
Please fax completed form to00-1-617-600-4594 or send it as an email attachment or PDF.