Gabriel Cairo Loredo

141. morder (4*)-to bite, to nibble
1.Remorder-to bite repeatedly, to cause remorse
2. mordicar-to gnaw, to nibble
3. mordiscar-to nibble / 4. remordimiento-remorse
5. mordimiento-a bite
6. mordiscon-the act of biting
7. mordiente-the acid by which etching is done
8. mordido-mouthful of meat
9. mordisco-bite
10.mordida-bite / 11. mordido-bitten
12. -remordido-bitten repeatedly
13. -remordedor-causing remorse
14. mordicado-nibbled
15. mordiscado-nibbled
16. -mordicativa-biting / 17. -mordiendo-biting
18. remordiendo-biting repeatedly
19. mordicante-biting
20. -mordicando-nibbling
21. mordiscando-nibbling / Morderé | Morderemos
Morderás | Morderéis
Morderá | Morderán
We will bite, We shall bite
142. morir (4-D*)-to die
22. premorir-to die before another
23. entremorir-to nearly die
/ 24. morbo-disease
25. muerte-death
/ 26. muerto-dead (past participle of morir)
27. morboso-morbid
28. premuerto-dead before another
29. entremuerto-nearly dead / 30. muriendo-dying
31. premuriendo-dying before another
32. entremuriendo-almost dying / Moriré | Moriremos
Morirás | Moriréis
Morirá | Morirán
We will die, We are going to die, We shall die
143. nacer (1*)-to be born, to be hatched, to sprout
33. renacer-to be reborn / 34. renacentista-renaissance
35. renacimiento-revival
36. nacimiento-birth
37. nacienca-birth / 38. nacido-born
39. renacido-reborn / 40. naciendo-being born
41. renaciendo-being reborn
42. renaciente-sprining anew / Naceré | Naceremos
Nacerás | Naceréis
Nacerá | Nacerán
We will be born, We are going to be born, We shall be born
144. negarse (7-F*)-to refuse, to deny o.s.
43. negar-to deny
44. renegar-to deny
45. denegar-to turn down
46.abnegar-to renounce
47. abnegarse-to deny o.s. Anything / 48. negador-denier
49. negación-denial
50. renegador-blasphemer
51. denegación-refusal
52. abnegación-self denial

/ 53. negado-denied
54. negable-that which may be denied
55. renegado-denied
56. denegado-turned down
57. abnegado-selfless / 58. negando-denying
59. renegado-denying
60. denegando-turning down
61. abnegando-renouncing
62. abnegadamente-with abnegation / Me Negaré | Nos Negaremos
Te Negarás | Os Negaréis
Se Negará | Se Negarán
We will refuse, We are going to refuse, We shall refuse
Abrochar- To button, to fasten, to lace, to tie / Abrochador- buttonhole
Botón- the button
Corbata- the tie
Encaje- the lace / Desabrochar- to untie
Aborrecer (i)- to hate, to abhor / Odio- Hate / Odioso- hateful
Acabar- To finish, to complete / Final- finish / Acabado- finished
Ultimo- finishing
Finito- finite
Complete- complete
Terminación- completion / Acabar con- to destroy
Acabar de- to have just __