Reading Schedule and Journal Assignments

Revised CP

Guidelines: During our short unit, you will complete a series of journal entries in which you expand on some key concepts, quotes, and themes that are found throughout Into the Wild. Guiding questions are provided below; however, feel free to discuss other topics that make you think while you read.


·  Each journal entry should include the date, prompt, and chapter number.

·  Entries must be 1-2 complete paragraphs in length (unless otherwise noted) and include cited textual evidence (CP: 5-7 sentences per paragraph)

·  Be prepared to submit your journal at the end of this unit on June 10th.

·  You should have a total of 10 journals organized, typed, and bound together in some way.

May 31st / N/A / N/A
June 1st / Author’s Note, Chapters 1 & 2
Pages 1-14 / Journal #1 Questions (Choose 2):
1. Provide motives for Chris McCandless (he calls himself Alex) to go on this journey into the wild.
2. Why does he bring only few possessions and food?
3. Is McCandless an arrogant, reckless idiot? Should he be admired?
4. Do you feel young people are more prone to adventure or high-risk activities?
HOMEWORK: Read Chapter 3 (pages 15-23) and complete Journal #2
Journal #2 Questions (Note: This entry is NOT in paragraph form):
Choose three sections from chapters 3 & 4 that intrigue you. Do a quote/thought journal on each section. Include 3 total quotes for this journal.
Quote / Thought
1) “Include a direct quote from the selected section” (Krakauer 27) / 1) My reaction to this quote is…
June 2nd / Chapters 4 & 5
Page 24-46 / Journal #3 Questions:
1.  What information have you learned about Chris from his co-workers, from Charlie, and from Jan Burres? What have you discovered about his personality, interests, and physical appearance?
HOMEWORK: Read chapter 6 (pages 47-60); be prepared to discuss the relationship between Ronald Franz and Chris McCandless. Note: We will be skipping chapters 7, 8, 9, and 10. Feel free to read these chapters on your own.
June 3rd / Discussion
Chapter 11
Pages 103-116 / Journal #4 Questions:
1. Describe McCandless’s family and its relationships. Explain whether you think this affected Chris McCandless and his decisions. Use quotes from the text to support your ideas.
HOMEWORK: Read chapter 12 (pages 117-126) Note: We will be skipping chapters 13, 14, and 15. Feel free to read them on your own.
June 6th / Chapter 16
Page 157-171 / Journal # 5 Questions:
Describe what life is like for Chris during his Alaskan odyssey. Consider his hunting experiences, his knowledge of the land, and his decision at the very end of the chapter. Does this behavior surprise you in any way? Explain why or why not.
June 7th / Watch documentary / Journal #6 Questions:
1. Choose three concepts that were discussed in the documentary. Discuss these three ideas and why they were interesting to you.
June 8th / Chapter 18
Page 187-199 / Journal #7 Questions:
1. What do we learn about McCandless’s journals in this section?
2. At the end, McCandless tells us a passage from Tolstoy’s Family Happiness and that happiness is only real when shared. Do you think McCandless would have liked to go home? Do you think his life would be different if he were alive today? Explain your thoughts.
HOMEWORK: Read Epilogue (pages 200-2003); complete Journal #8
1. Krakauer states that McCandless’s death was tragic, unplanned, an accident. Explain whether you agree or disagree.
2. At the very end of the novel, McCandless’s parents visit the bus where he died. Do you think this was a good idea? Discuss why or why not.
3. How has your opinion of McCandless changed throughout the course of the novel?
June 9th / N/A / Into the Wild Quiz
June 10th / N/A / Into the Wild Journals Due