The Five Solas of the Reformation

Class #9: How are the Solas Still Applicable Today?

1.  Sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone): “The Bible alone is the Word of God and the only infallible rule of faith and practice.”

2.  Solus Christus (Christ Alone): “Jesus is the only savior of sinners and his atoning sacrifice is sufficient to save them.”

3.  Sola Gratia (Grace Alone): “Our salvation is not earned in any part; it is the free gift of God from start to finish.”

4.  Sola Fide (Faith Alone): “We are forgiven our sins and counted righteous in God’s sight solely by trusting in Christ.”

5.  Soli Deo Gloria (To the Glory of God Alone): “The ultimate end of all God’s works in creation and redemption is his own glory alone.”

Sola Scriptura:

Ø  How are the truths flowing from this Sola so different than “truth” as it is defined today?

Ø  How does Scripture being ultimate and authoritative effect how we interact with our culture?

Solus Christus

Ø  Where are Christians focusing their attention other than Christ? How can we respond based upon this Sola?

Ø  How can something like Penal Substitutionary Atonement affect our world-view of various hot topics?

Sola Gratia:

Ø  How is this doctrine still obscured and compromised today by those within and outside of the church? How can we respond based upon this Sola?

Ø  What are some reasons why our culture might willingly reject the implications of Sola Gratia? Hint: What is a core assumption of Sola Gratia?

Sola Fide:

Ø  Where might we encounter different views about how to be justified before God?

Ø  How is Sola Fide a liberating doctrine? How can we communicate that to others?

Soli Deo Gloria:

Ø  How does this Sola relate to the sovereignty of God?

Ø  How does this Sola help point us back to the previous four Solas and all their implications?

Ø  How does this Sola honor and respect our fellow human beings?

Scripture Application:

Ø  Sola Scriptura:

o  Psalm 19:7-11

Ø  Solus Christus:

o  Acts 4:8-12

Ø  Sola Gratia:

o  Galatians 2:21; 5:4

Ø  Sola Fide:

o  Romans 5:1

Ø  Soli Deo Gloria:

o  Isaiah 42:8; 43:6-7; 48:9-11

Final Application:

Ø  Ultimately, the Solas of the Reformation are still applicable today because they are grounded in eternal truths, namely the character, works, and revelations of God.

Ø  No matter how often our culture shifts “truth,” the True God is eternally consistent.