Minutes of the ERCOT Retail Market Subcommittee (RMS) Meeting
7620 Metro Center Drive – Austin, Texas 78744
Tuesday, October 6, 2015 - 9:30 a.m.
Blakey, Eric / Just Energy / Alt. for Laura ArriagaBevill, Rob / Green Mountain Energy
Brewster, Chris / City of Eastland
Callender, Wayne / CPS Energy
Crabb, Timothy / City of College Station
Gregg, Michele / OPUC
Helton, Bob / GDF Suez / Alt. for Britney Taylor
Kelly, William / Austin Energy
Lee, Jim / AEP Service Corporation
Levine, Norm / Direct Energy / Alt. for Kara Haney
Lyons, Chris / Exelon
McKeever, Deborah / Oncor Electric Delivery
Messer, Tayaun / Brazos Electric Power Cooperative / Via Teleconference
Moschos, John / Tenaska Power Services
Ohrt, Wendy / South Texas Electric Cooperative / Via Teleconference
Pfannenstiel, Darrin / Stream Energy / Via Teleconference
Rehfeldt, Diana / Texas New Mexico Power
Scott, Kathy / CenterPoint Energy
The following proxies were assigned:
· David Werley to Timothy Crabb
Arrigo, Garrett / Shell / Via TeleconferenceBevill, Jennifer / CES
Couch, Andrea / Texas New Mexico Power / Via Teleconference
Crouch, Cliff / PUCT / Via Teleconference
Cullen, Joseph / Washington University
Durham, Isabelle / CenterPoint Energy
Echols, Ed / Sharyland
Fernandez, Tomas / NRG
Hudson, John / CenterPoint Energy
Jacobs, Kaci / TXU Energy / Via Teleconference
Jones, Monica / NRG
Kee, David / CPS Energy
Kent, Esther / CenterPoint Energy / Via Teleconference
Lugo, Luis / Shell / Via Teleconference
Martinez, Edna / Entrust Energy / Via Teleconference
Mejia, Sheryl / APGE / Via Teleconference
Moore, Sheri / CenterPoint Energy
Patrick, Kyle / NRG
Reed, Carolyn / CenterPoint Energy
Roberts, Bobby / Texas New Mexico Power / Via Teleconference
Robinson, Rhonda / Calpine / Via Teleconference
Sandidge, Clint / Noble Energy Solutions / Via Teleconference
Schatz, John / TXU Energy
Taylor, Becky / CenterPoint Energy
Trenary, Michelle / Tenaska Power Services
Valdez, Aida / Calpine / Via Teleconference
Varnell, John / Tenaska Power Services / Via Teleconference
Wiegand, Sheri / TXU Energy
Woodruff, Taylor / Oncor
Young, Susan / Direct Energy / Via Teleconference
ERCOT Staff:
Allen, JamesAnderson, Troy
Brink, Kelly
Butterfield, Lindsay
Clifton, Suzy
Connel, Seth / Via Teleconference
Day, Betty / Via Teleconference
Farley, Karen / Via Teleconference
Hailu, Ted
Manning, Brian / Via Teleconference
Meiners, Catherine
Michelsen, David
Moorehead, Juliana / Via Teleconference
Pagliai, Dave
Phillips, Cory / Via Teleconference
Raish, Carl
Rios, Diana / Via Teleconference
Roberts, Randy
Thurman, Kathryn / Via Teleconference
Wattles, Paul
Unless otherwise indicated, all Market Segments were present for a vote.
Kathy Scott called the meeting to order at 9:36 a.m.
Antitrust Admonition
Ms. Scott read the ERCOT Antitrust Admonition as displayed and noted the need to comply with the ERCOT Antitrust Guidelines. A copy of the guidelines was available for review at http://www.ercot.com/about/governance/index.html.
Agenda Review and Discussion
Ms. Scott reviewed items scheduled for a vote at this meeting and noted potential changes to the order for which items would be taken up.
Consider Approval of Draft RMS Meeting Minutes[1]
September 1, 2015
Bob Helton moved to approve the September 1, 2015 RMS meeting minutes as submitted. Diana Rehfeldt seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Update (see Key Documents)
Ms. Scott reviewed highlights of the September 24, 2015 TAC meeting; including disposition of Revision Requests of special interest to RMS considered by TAC.
TAC/ TAC Subcommittee Structural and Procedural Review Update
Ms. Scott provided an update on the TAC/TAC Subcommittee Structural and Procedural review.
Discussion - Same Day RMS/COPS Meetings
Ms. Scott reviewed the TAC request for efficiency of market meetings and the proposed meeting schedule for RMS and the Commercial Operations Subcommittee (COPS) meetings on the same day. Market Participants were concerned with adequate meeting time to address current issues and meeting availability for workshops. Ms. Scott suggested revisiting the meeting schedule in 2016.
COPS Update (See Key Documents)
John Schatz reported highlights of the September 9, 2015 COPS meeting and reviewed working group activities.
TDSPs’ Post-Plan Outage Update
TNMP (September 26, 2015 through September 28, 2105)
Sharyland (September 30, 2015 through October 4, 2015)
Andrea Couch provided an update on the Transmission and/or Distribution Service Providers (TDSPs) outage; stating TNMP’s Database version upgrade was successfully implemented without any issues. Ed Echols provided an update to RMS; stating Sharyland’s Customer Information System (CIS) upgrade was conducted very smoothly, however, if trading partners observe transactional or data issues that may result from this upgrade contact Michael Glass at Sharyland as soon as possible.
Revision Requests Tabled at RMS or PRS (see Key Documents)
NPRR711, Increase the Interval Data Recorder Meter Mandatory Install Requirement from 700 kW/kVA to 1.5 MW/MVA
RMS took no action on this item.
RMGRR132, NOIE Disconnect and Reconnect Process
RMS took no action on this item.
SCR786 Impact Analysis and Alternative Proposal
Troy Anderson provided an update on System Change Request (SCR) 786. Dave Michelsen reviewed the 10/1/15 ERCOT comments; stating that significant savings in implementation costs and time, and reduction in full time employees (FTEs) could be achieved by upgrading the current Certification (CERT) Environment rather than creating a new Production (PROD) environment as proposed. Market Participants discussed the 10/1/15 ERCOT comments to SCR786.
Mr. Helton moved to endorse SCR786 as amended by the 10/1/15 ERCOT comments. Ms. Rehfeldt seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Working Group (WG) and Task Force (TF) Reports
Texas Data Transport and MarkeTrak Systems (TDTMS) Working Group
Jim Lee reviewed recent TDTMS Working Group activities. Ms. Scott stated the TDTMS Working group scope and leadership will be noticed for a vote at the November 3, 2015 RMS Meeting.
Texas Standard Electronic Transaction (Texas SET) Working Group
Ms. Rehfeldt reviewed recent Texas SET Working Group activities. Ms. Scott directed Texas SET Working Group to review the Retail Market Guide for changes in the IDR Meter Installation Process to be in sync with the Profile Working Group (PWG) review of the Protocols Section 18: Load Profiling.
Proposed 2016 Test Flight Schedule
Ms. Rehfeldt presented the proposed retail testing schedule for 2016.
Eric Blakey moved to approve the 2016 Flight Testing Schedule as submitted. Mr. Lee seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
MarkeTrak Task Force (MTTF)
Sheri Wiegand reviewed recent MTTF activities.
RMGRR133, Inadvertent Gain Valid Reject Reasons
Ms. Wiegand provided an update on RMGRR133. Market Participants discussed RMGRR133 and were concerned with the Competitive Retailer (CR) valid agreement and customer decision and drafted clarifications to the business case.
Debbie McKeever moved to recommend approval of RMGRR133 as revised by RMS. Ms. Rehfeldt seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Retail Market Training Task Force (RMTTF) Update
Ms. Wiegand reviewed recent RMTTF activities.
Advanced Metering Working Group (AMWG) UpdateMr. Schatz reviewed recent AMWG activities.
ERCOT Updates (see Key Documents)
Retail Price Responsive/Demand Response Update
Carl Raish presented the Updated Price Responsive Load/Retail Demand Response 2014 Analysis Report. Mr. Raish reviewed the 2014 Four Coincident Peak (4CP) response, and presented his 2014 analysis of Electric Service Identifiers (ESI IDs) on Peak Rebate, Real Time Pricing and Block and Index offerings by Retail Electric Providers (REPs). Mr. Raish reviewed the timeline for the 2015 Data Collection and stated that two categories, 4CP and Financial Options will not be used.
Concept: Allow AMS data submittals to be utilized for Settlement of Non-Modeled Generators (Distributed Generators registered with ERCOT for Settlements)
Randy Roberts presented the concept which would allow Advanced Metering System (AMS) data submittals to be utilized for settlement of registered non-modeled generators; TDSPs in competitive areas and Non-Opt-In Entities (NOIE) would have the ability to submit meter data through the standard AMS Load Serving Entity (LSE) file format. Mr. Roberts stated ERCOT will also continue to support data submittals via the current 867_03 process.
Flight 1015 Schedule
Mr. Michelsen presented the resented the Flight 1015 Summary and Schedule.
Inadvertent Gain (IAG) Statistics Reporting
Mr. Michelsen presented the September 2015 IAG statistics in the revised format as proposed by ERCOT, the MTTF, and the TDTWG. Market Participants were concerned that some REPS never see the data and requested ERCOT propose a formal review process. Ms. Scott requested ERCOT provide a recommendation at the November 3, 2015 RMS meeting.
Q2 2015 Performance Measures Report
Mr. Michelsen stated that in the second quarter 2015, ERCOT met all performance measures in all categories at 100%.
Legacy Tool Retirement Update
Dave Pagliai stated the Legacy Tool Migration is on target for completion by the end of 2015.
IT Incident Report
Mr. Pagliai stated that Retail Market IT systems met their respective Service Level Agreement (SLA) targets for September 2015 and reviewed the incidents and planned maintenance. Mr. Pagliai presented the new matrix for measuring MarkeTrak performance.
Unplanned Outage on 9/20/15, Rollover to Alternate and Release 5
Mr. Pagliai presented the Information Technology report for the unplanned outage on 9/20/15; identifying the root cause to be the UNIX Production frame failure in the Taylor data center, the timeline for the outage and the impacted market systems.
Emerging Issues/Critical Upcoming Events/Other Business (See Key Documents)Outreach and posting of REP Postcard name and 1 (800) number to ERCOT website
Mr. Michelsen stated the Market Notice went out and that the new postcard communication mandated in a
switch notification is being sent using the Competitive Retailer (CR) names and telephone number as listed
on the ERCOT website.
Joint RMS/WMS Workshop I: Improving 3rd Party Access to SMT Update
Ms. Scott encouraged Market Participants to attend the Joint RMS/WMS Workshop I: Improving 3rd Party Access to SMT on October 16, 2015 at the ERCOT Met Center.
RMS Leadership re RMS 2015 Goals and Structural Review
Ms. Scott encouraged RMS Leadership to attend the RMS Leadership re RMS 2015 Goals and Structural Review on October 20, 2015 at 1:30 pm at the ERCOT Met Center.
Oncor REP Appreciation Event and Workshop
Ms. McKeever announced the Oncor REP Appreciation Event and Workshop on October 21, 2015 through October 22, 2015 at the Texas Motor Speedway in Fort Worth, Texas.
Market Notice: Annual TDSP Meter Reading Schedule
Kyle Patrick reminded Market Participants that in consideration of the 60 days advance switch notice it would be beneficial to have the Annual TDSPs Meter Reading Schedule distribution earlier than December and requested TDSPs distribute a market notice to the RMS listserv when they have finalized and posted their schedule.
Ms. Scott adjourned the October 6, 2015 RMS meeting at 12:39 p.m.
DRAFT Minutes of the October 6, 2015 RMS Meeting – ERCOT Public
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[1] Key Documents referenced in these minutes may be accessed on the ERCOT website at: