Bay Area Regional Children’s Committee (BARCC) Agenda

January 22, 2016

Pleasant Hill, CA (Contra Costa)

Present: Loc Nguyen; Nick Honey, Debi Moss, Lori Medina, Michelle Love, Sylvia Deporto, Matt Gebhardt, Chris Mathias

1)Welcome, Introductions & Announcements

2)Review of Agenda and Minutes

a)No updates or changes

3)UC Berkeley Presentation

a)CSFR Round 3 presentation

b)See Daniel’s ppt. Contact Daniel Webster for any questions about your counties performance on the new measures.

4)CWDA Ops (Action Items for BARCC)

a)No action items

5)CWDA Children’s (Action Items for BARCC)

a)No action items

6)California Practice Model

a)BAA will begin an implementation support series. See attached concept note about the series. Will incorporate Implementation Science and CQI principles. Will start with webinars and progress to implementation teams and TA to support teams implement the CPM. All supported this idea to move forward.

b)BAA will be updating Supervisor and Manager Core to incorporate CPM.

7)CORE 3.0

a)Presentation of CC 3.0 made at TAB. For 2016, Assessment block will be implemented as part of current core. For this interim period it is called Core 2.5.

b)Field: only 2 activities are required. Counties are mainly using their supervisors and are using BAA to build this capacity.

c)February 2017 is when full implementation will begin. Between now and then, will be the work of developing this internal capacity to deliver core.

d)BAA will be updating Supervisor and Manager Core to incorporate CC 3.0.

e)Will continue to check in about this to insure this need is being addressed.

8)Butterfield vs. Lightbourne

a)No fatalities or near fatalities

9)Pathways to Well-Being

a)It was agreed to incorporate this item into CCR work. See discussion below.

b)Sylvia described the work that SF has been doing to integrate CW/MH. They have cross systems teams between CW/MH for each child. They have developed a model for teaming that both systems have agreed to.


a)The group agreed to use the next BARCC meetings to host a CCR meeting with MH.

b)Next Steps are:

i)For the March meeting BARCC will host a meeting between CW and MH directors. Start time: 1:30

ii)Chris will develop a flyer—Sylvia, Lori and Debi will review flyer to make sure the language is right for the invitation.

iii)April BARCC will expand the group to Providers.

iv)Everyone will send Chris local county contacts for MH and key providers that draw down EPSDT funding.

v)Agenda will need to be developed to decide the structure of the day.

11)Regional CSEC Resources

a)The group discussed how a regional approach to developing CSEC resources might work.

b)There was discussion of leveraging the survivors network to support the local needs.

c)Nick asked if it might be possible to develop a regional funding structure to pool resources and put out a joint RFP for services.

d)There was discussion that Seneca is developing foster placements in Santa Rosa and that counties will likely use them. It was noted that a wraparound approach might be a the best approach for some in this population. Counties use different providers for wraparound services and all providers that could potentially meet this need should be invited to the CCR meeting

e)More discussion is necessary to figure out what kinds of services will be needed to serve this population. It was acknowledged that the CSEC discussion should also be part of CCR.

12)RFA Pre-Service Training

a)There is a need to develop more and perhaps different training resources to address the need of RFA implementation. The group agreed that leveraging all the training resources: SF curriculum (PPC), community colleges, providers, etc is needed. SF curriculum is set be used in 2 other counties-Marin and Napa. This will add to the regional resources.

b)For delivery of SF curriculum the 3 counties agree to open up seats for counties who need them. This can be a starting point for coordination.

c)There may be a need to revisit the curriculum to perhaps reduce the number of hours or to offer a hybrid model of delivery e.g. face to face, coupled with e learning and mentoring.

d)ACTION: Chris will develop a regional schedule of RFA pre-service training and the point of contacts in each county to make arrangements for resource family to attend.

13)New BARCC Co-Chair

a)Debi and Joan to step in as chair of BARCC starting in February

Future Agenda Items:

None identified

Next Meeting Date February 19, 2016—10am