Draft – For Discussion Purposes Only
Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) Pilot Program Profile
Table 1: FY07 and FY08 Grantee Overview
Grant Program / # Sites / # UPK Classrooms/ Homes / # UPK Children / # Cities/ Towns / Grant Award AmountCurrent Classroom Quality Grantees*
(originally funded in FY07 or FY08, renewed each year) / 206 / 301 / 4,503 / 95 / $1,000 - $120,000
(average= $22,000 per site)
FY07 Assessment Planning Grantees**
(one-time funding) / 60 agencies including 162 programs / N/A / N/A / 72 / $3,300 -$75,000
$44,000 per agency)
FY08 Assessment Planning Grantees
(renewed for FY09) / 67 agencies including 288 programs / N/A / N/A / 74 / $1,400 -$75,000
$23,000 per agency)
*Classroom Quality grants have been awarded to designated classrooms within specific program sites or to designated family child care providers.
**Assessment Planning grants have been awarded to designated program sites or family child care providers within agencies.
Table 2: Profile of UPK Classrooms*
Average lead teacher tenure / 9 yearsAverage lead teacher time in early childhood field / 14 years
% of lead teachers with BA degree or higher
(center-based programs) / 75%
% of family child care providers with BA degree or higher / 25%
Average adult/child ratio (centers and public school programs) / 1:7
*Data from FY08 UPK Evaluation, limited to FY07 Classroom Quality grantees
Table 3: Profile of UPK Children*
UPK Children / StateAge / -Age 2.9 through 3: 44%
-Age 4 and 5 (through kindergarten eligible): 56% / N/A
Racial/ethnic background / -48% white non-Hispanic
-15% black non-Hispanic
-25% Hispanic
-5% Asian
-3% multi-racial
-4% other or unknown / -80% white non-Hispanic
-7% black non-Hispanic
-8% Hispanic
-5% Asian
-1% multi-racial
% of children in classroom identified as English Language Learners / 30% / 20%**
% of children in classroom with individualized education plans (IEPs) / 12% / ~12%
% of children in program that receive financial assistance*** / 78% / Varies
*Data from FY08 UPK Evaluation, limited to FY07 Classroom Quality grantees
**2006 data on % of households speaking language other than English
***Financial assistance includes vouchers, contracts, CPC slots, or Head Start funding
Table 4: UPK Classroom Quality Grantees: Applicants vs. Grantees
Eligible Applicants / Cost to Fund / Selected Grantees / Grant AwardsFY07 / 250 sites including
540 classes/homes / $12.8M / 126 sites including
187 classes/homes / $4.3M
FY08 / 190 sites including
570 classes/homes / $13.6M / 105 sites including
139 classes/homes*
*in addition to renewal grants / $2.2M
Total = 206 currently funded sites with 301 UPK classes/homes**
**Some grantees have dropped out of the program due to ineligibility or closure, explaining the difference between the totals and number of sites funded each year.
Table 5: UPK Assessment Planning Grantees: Applicants vs. Grantees
Eligible Applicants / Cost to Fund / Selected Grantees / Grant AwardsFY07 / 400 programs / $2.5M / 60 agencies including
162 programs / $1.38M
FY08 / 496 programs / $3.1M / 67 agencies including
288 programs / $1.1M
Table 6: UPK Classroom Quality Grantees by % Children Receiving Financial Assistance*
% Children in Program Receiving Financial Assistance / # Grantees90-100% / 135
70-90% / 17
50-69% / 11
Under 50% / 43
*Financial assistance includes vouchers, contracts, CPC slots, or Head Start funding
As shown in the table above, 163 of the 206 (79%) current UPK classroom quality grantees serve 50% or more children receiving financial assistance. Over 80% (71 of 85) of unfunded former applicants serve 50% or more children receiving financial assistance.
Table 7: UPK Classroom Quality Grantees and Applicants by Underperforming District/School*
% of grantees located in underperforming districts or schools / 65% (134 of 206 current grantees)# unfunded applicants in underperforming districts or schools / 67 (out of 85 total unfunded)
# unfunded underperforming districts represented in applicant pool / 1**
# former Assessment Planning grantees in underperforming districts or schools / 81
*District or school placed in the accountability status of corrective action or improvement status in either English or math by ESE
**Only one underperforming district where there was at least one applicant is not represented in the current UPK grantee pool (by at least one program).
Table 8: UPK Classroom Quality Grantees and Applicants by % Poverty*
% Poverty in Community** / # Total Communities in this Range of Poverty Statewide / # Grantees35-45% / 3 / 5
25-34% / 7 / 55
15-24% / 22 / 57
Under 15% / 311 / 89
*Census data, % of children age 0-5 below federal poverty level
% of current grantees located in 25 most low-income communities** / 50%# unfunded applicants located in 25 most low-income communities / 62*** (out of 86)
# unfunded most low-income communities where programs applied / 1
# former Assessment Planning grantees in 25 most low-income communities / 69
**25 most low-income communities (with 200 children or more) include: Holyoke, Springfield, New Bedford, Lawrence, North Adams, Southbridge, Fall River, Chelsea, Worcester, Boston, Montague, Lynn, Greenfield, West Springfield, Revere, Wareham, Lowell, Brockton, Pittsfield, Ware, Fitchburg, Westfield, Palmer, Everett, Chicopee
***40 of the 62 unfunded applicants are located in one city (Boston).
As shown in the table above, 50% of current UPK grantees are located in the 25 most low-income communities. There are 62 unfunded applicants in the most-low income communities, but most of these are in one city. Only 1 of the most low-income communities had an eligible applicant and is not represented in the current grantee pool.