(13) Sir Alexander Fleming

Q:1 Who revolutionized the theory and practice of medicine?

Ans: Louis Pasteur and Lord Lister revolutionized the theory and practice of medicine.

Q:2 What Caused the disease and how can we destroy the germ?

Ans: Very small organizam caused disease. They can be killed by using some chemical known as antiseptics or by using heat.

Q:3 What was the object of Lister’s antiseptic method?

Ans: The main object of Lister’s antiseptic method was to stop germs from getting into the body.

Q:4 What was the side effect of the antiseptic method before penicillin?

Ans: The side effect of the antiseptic method was that it not only destroyed the germs but also the white blood cells of body.

Q:5 What is the real function of the white bood cells of the body?

Ans: The real function of the white blood cells of the body is to protect the body against disease. They are the natural armour of the body against disease.

Q:6 Why did Fleming keep on working in Wright’s laboratory for eight years?

Ans: fleming kept on working in Wright’s laboratory for eight years. Because he wanted to find some means to help the leucocytes in their fight against the diseasee.

Q:7 What was aseptic method?

Ans: The method in which heat was used to destroy the germs of the diseases was known as Aseptic method.

Q:8 What was the main problem faced by both physicians?

Ans: The problem faced by them was to kill the germs without damaging leucocytes, the white blood cells of the body.

Q:9 When and how was the first antiseptic discovered?

Ans: In 1992, Fleming was suffering from catarrh. He began to examine his own nasal secretions. In these secretions, he found a substance that destroyed microbes on the culture plate. He named it Lysozyme, which was the first natural antiseptic produced by the body itself

Q:10 How and when was penicillin discovered by Fleming in laboratory?

Ans: In 1928, Fleming was growing some colonies of germs on culture plates. Suddenly a mould spore came flying and dropped on the plate. The germs began to disappear. He experimented on it and discovered Penicillin.