Respond to these prompts for the specific lesson your Support Provider will observe.
Standards:· What content or process standard(s) or portion of a standard does my lesson address?
· What is the factual, procedural, and/or conceptual knowledge I am attempting to teach? (What do I want students to know or be able to do in relation to the standard?
· What is my language objective for this lesson?
· What is the academic vocabulary I will teach and/or review in this lesson?
· What SDAIE/access strategies am I using to make the content accessible to my English language learners/Standard English Language learners?
Criteria for Success:
· What constitutes success for this lesson (what differentiates mastery/proficiency from non-mastery/below proficiency)?
· How will I communicate the criteria to my students?
Prior Knowledge:
· What prior knowledge or prerequisite skills are needed for students to be successful in accomplishing the objectives?
· How does this lesson connect with past and present lessons?
Differentiation of Instruction
· How am I linking the lesson objectives to students’ interests and cultural heritage?
· How am I differentiating instruction and activities to address language, physical, social, emotional or learning needs of all students (i.e. EL, SEL, SWD, GATE, students referred to SST)?
· What strategies am I using to address the needs of students who scored at Far Below/Below Basic on the entry level assessment?
· How am I enriching and deepening learning experiences for students who have already mastered the content?
· What student misunderstandings do I anticipate? How will I address them?
Learning Environment, Grouping and Materials
· How will I group my students? What data will I use to inform my decisions?
· How will I set up the learning environment and resources to enable students to:
o engage in full participation linked to the learning goals
o construct their own knowledge, develop skills, and demonstrate learning
· What structures and routines will I use to:
o facilitate student engagement in group work, discussions and classroom interactions
o guide independent work
o build student ownership of their own learning
· What materials will I use in this lesson? In what ways do they enhance culturally relevant and responsive learning opportunities?
· What technology will the students use during this lesson?
Checking for Understanding
· What informal and/or diagnostic strategies will I use during and at the end of the lesson to check for understanding? How will I measure the results?
· How will I make the criteria for success comprehensible for English learners and students with special needs?
· What opportunities will my students have to demonstrate their learning in more than one way?
· What opportunities will my students have to self or peer assess?
Copyright © California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the Department of Education
Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) – Pilot Documents / 2008-09
Inquiry – C-5 Lesson Plan Template for Observation rev LAUSD 2011
2011 Teacher and Administrator Development Branch-TSU 3.6f