Quotes from children on the Arts at Ashfield

I really like doing drama in creative afternoon because we covered a timeline of acting styles. It was great fun because we did it through games. – Zak Year 6

What I like about the arts in this school is dance because you get to do all types of dance so if you find one kind confusing the next week you can try a different style that you might find easier. I also like that the teachers make you feel better about doing dance and you can show what you have learnt to your friends. – Anna Year 5

At Ashfield I like to do drama because we get to learn things that are very different and we learn something new – Ruby Year 3

At events like St James’ carol service everyone gets to share things they’ve learnt and can show everyone their talents. Also I like how at Ashfield we are encouraged to be creative and arty. – Edan Year 6

I like how in art we each get a turn. In drama I enjoy focusing on Shakespeare’s plays. – Aaron Year 5

I like drama because if you are shy people it will help you with your confidence and no one gets left out. – Raf Year 3

I liked French café because we used a variety of the arts, (drama, singing and dance). We do it in year 4 to show what we have learnt in French. - Gemma Year 4

I love creating art with my class and year group. We use different materials and styles – for example Henri Matisse year group cut outs and David Hockney dotted style. I had never heard of these artists and now I love their styles. We have done several art works this year and Matisse is my favourite. I love art at our school and we have so much fun doing it!- Eloisa Year 6

My favourite thing about the arts at Ashfield is music because the variety is amazing! We have many instruments from percussion, to a piano in the hall! Lots of children take part in different music lessons and play these instruments in assemblys, and at our Christmas carol concert in St James’s Church. Also we have a music creative afternoon where we compose our own rhythms and musical pieces – Bou Year 6

The thing I like about the arts at Ashfield is the freedom to use our own style. We get the opportunity to be with a variety of different teachers that all have a skill of their own, so we try new things - Cara Year 4

I enjoy dance because we do different styles, such as World War 2 dance or Samba dancing. I think dance is really good as it can boast your confidence on stage. I dance so much that I was asked to be a dace captain for our school play! – Alex Year 6