/ For more information, contact:
Dr. Amber Rach, Advisor for Community Relations
Moore County Schools
P.O. Box 1180, Carthage, N.C. 28327
910-947-2976 Fax: 910-947-3011

For immediate release

September 16, 2015

Moore County Schools to Host Master Facilities Plan Forums

Moore County Schools will host three Master Facilities Plan Forums to provide the public information about its plan updates. The first forum will be held in the Media Center of North Moore High School on Tuesday, September 22, 2015; the second in the cafeteria of Pinecrest High School on Tuesday, September 29, 2015; and the third in the cafeteria of Union Pines High School on Tuesday, October 6, 2015. All three forums will be held from 6 to 7:30 p.m.

John Birath, executive director for Operations, said the forums would include a brief presentation followed by a question-and-answer session.

“In addition to presenting our Master Facilities Plan updates at Board of Education meetings and posting our information online for the public, we are pleased to offer face-to-face opportunities for our community,” said Birath. “These forums will offer an opportunity for our community members to provide feedback and receive answers to their questions.”

The Master Facilities Plan update was first presented to the Moore County Board of Education on August 31, 2015. The Moore County Commissioners have offered an initial financing option for Moore County Schools’ Master Facility Plan. The Board of Education will continue its discussions about the future of Moore County Schools’ facilities at its Board Work Sessions and Regular Business meetings this Fall.

Moore County Schools’ Master Facilities Plan update reflects good stewardship of the county’s resources and provides a vision to well prepare Moore County’s students to be competitive as they prepare themselves for their college and career goals.

“Our Master Facilities Plan update goes beyond capacity and recognizes fundamental student safety concerns, traffic congestion, projected class-size growth and the ever-evolving context of instructional practices and extra-curricular opportunities,” Superintendent Dr. Bob Grimesey said. “Recent capital investments have ensured Moore County's dependence on our high schools for the next 50 years, which means that we will continue to need North Moore, Union Pines and Pinecrest High Schools when they turn 100 years old. We owe it to the next two or three generations of students to ensure that our facilities will continue to support their educational needs."

Video presentations, PowerPoints and documents that outline Moore County Schools’ Master Facilities Plan and its budget projections are available at www.ncmcs.org/facilitiesplanning. The page may also be accessed from the Master Facilities Plan button on Moore County School’s homepage at www.ncmcs.org.

To access the Moore County Board of Education’s 2015-16 schedule, go online to www.ncmcs.org/boeschedule. All Moore County Board of Education meetings are live streamed and archived on USTREAM. Moore County Schools’ USTREAM Channel may be accessed via the USTREAM Channel link at www.ncmcs.org/boe.

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