The purpose of this Briefing Note is to advise the Chief Executive on progress with the implementation of the Granby Toxteth Masterplan.


The Granby Toxteth Masterplan was developed by the Granby Toxteth Partnership Board (GTPB). It was approved by the City Council Executive Board in July 2004. It is now being used within the Housing Market Renewal Initiative (HMRI) programme in the area, as the basis for more detailed planning. This work is due to be completed in October 2005.

At the same time that the Masterplan as approved, The INclude Consultancy (TIC) was engaged by the GTPB to produce a business plan for its delivery. The business plan has now been completed and is entitled Diverse City 8. The Diverse City 8 business plan recommends a restructured GTPB to lead Masterplan implementation in east L8. It was formally approved by the GTPB on 12 May 2005.

The restructured Board will include:

·  Five community representatives,

·  LCC - Sir David Henshaw/Andrew Nembhard,

·  LCC - Divisional Manager Neighbourhood Services (Keith Gerrard),

·  Two ward councillors,

·  One RSL representative

·  Representation from Children Services/Central PCT, Merseyside Police.

·  Representation from Gleesons; the HMRI lead developer for the South Central Zone.

The current chair will continue in place for 18 months.

A delivery team has been identified from existing partner resources. This will include Gerard Murden and Erika Rushton from INclude and Elaine Stewart, (South Central Neighbourhood Management Services Team Leader) from Liverpool City Council. Elaine will be responsible for coordinating a small multi-agency team (13 staff) and supporting effective links to the GTPB and stakeholders. Lodge Lane Neighbourhood Centre is recommended as a base.

The key programme themes will be:

·  Enterprise,

·  Environmental Services,

·  Physical Regeneration,

·  Board Support

·  Stakeholder Involvement

·  Community Regeneration.

This structure mirrors the existing (west L8) INclude model where a core team of 5 staff have co-ordinated the activities of over 70 staff in a local neighbourhood office.

The funding for the work programme will come from a variety of sources including LCC revenue and capital programmes, HMRI and European Funds. It will be supported by a three year implementation programme for the Lodge Lane Neighbourhood Renewal Area, drawing in housing association investment alongside housing market renewal and housing capital investment.

A joint staff away-day, which will incorporate a joint session with Board members, is being held on 18th July. This will be preceded by a planning meeting on 11th July. The next steps are:

·  To agree the brand for the new neighbourhood delivery vehicle;

·  A local launch via a high quality newsletter and event;

·  A City-wide launch.

Key issue update

Granby Triangle / Good progress is being made on the Four Streets development. The developer and South Central Neighbourhood Team met with Granby Residents Association Housing Steering Group on two occasions sharing and amending proposals. The outline scheme is for a combination of refurbishment, façadism, limited demolition and new build.
There is also progress on the Granby Mini-Triangle scheme for Mulgrave/Hatherley/Eversley Street which is being delivered by Steve Biko Housing Association. The refurbishment of the block of large terraced houses on Mulgrave Street is on site.
·  Phase 1 newbuild flats and houses on Hatherley/Eversley Street is subject to the resolution of purchase of two properties.
·  Phase 2 refurbishment and new-build houses on Hatherley/Rosebery Street is subject to further consultation with residents. An internal inspection of properties has been conducted which shows refurbishment as a wholly uneconomical option.
Lodge Lane Renewal Area / Pre-declaratory letters for the Lodge Lane Renewal Area have been sent out to residents and businesses and formal responses are being collated with a view to reporting to the Executive Board in July. Following a decision on the declaration of a Renewal Area, officers will consult further with the community on the contents of a 3 year implementation plan, and the Executive Committee will receive a report on this.
·  In the Groves, Gleesons are undertaking a mini-masterplan. The consultants report for the NRA recommends interim investment, temporary decanting and some improvement to a 10 year standard. Fern Grove is included with Hartington Road in a buffer investment zone with the intention of re-building the streetscape. Selective demolition is proposed if necessary.
·  In Smithdown Streets demolition is recommended over a 10 year period, and HMRI team is buying up properties with a view to demolition.
·  The Culture Company and the HMRI Living Through Change programme are bringing £100k of investment into two sustainable blocks of shops at the Sefton Park end of Lodge Lane, for a programme of shop fronts improvements in 2005.
Lodge Lane Commercial Centre / Lead developers Gleesons is now moving on the two main development sites: the Baths/Library site and the Tiber School site. A mini-masterplanning exercise is being undertaken for the Baths site.
·  HMRI team are continuing with site assembly.
The Tiber community partnership led by the Greenhouse project will very shortly be sold the Tiber School site for £1 (one pound) subject to delivering their proposals for the site within 5 years. HMRI has asked Gleesons to work with local partners on other potential schemes. One is the re-location of Bellerive School.
Princes Boulevard Heritage Trail / A final draft feasibility study has identified the cost of landscape improvements, traffic engineering works and bus stop improvements at £5 million. It is envisaged that public art will be incorporated as part of the refurbishment.
The HMRI Health Impact Team is making progress with enforcement against the owners of the four remaining derelict houses on Princes Road.
Lead developers Gleesons is now moving on the two main development sites: the Baths/Library site and the Tiber School site. A mini-masterplanning exercise is being undertaken for the Baths site.
·  HMRI team are continuing with site assembly.
·  The Tiber community partnership led by the Greenhouse project will very shortly be sold the Tiber School site for £1 (one pound) subject to delivering their proposals for the site within 5 years. HMRI has asked Gleesons to work with local partners on other potential schemes. One is the re-location of Bellerive School.


The delivery of Masterplan projects is subject to assembling funding principally from HMRI and Housing Capital, and leverage of resources from partner RSLs and the private sector.


Members note the report and continue to receive three monthly updates on progress. Further report on the Granby Triangle and Lodge Lane NRA will be brought forward separately.