Functional Area: General Ledger / Enter Accrual/Deferral Document
PurposeGeneral Ledger Management - Project Creation and Management
Use this procedure to post accrual or deferral documents.
Perform this procedure when it is necessary to post accruals or deferrals.
Menu Path
Use the following menu path to begin this transaction:
- Select Accounting Financial Accounting General Ledger Periodic Processing ClosingValuateFBS1 – Enter Accrual/Deferral Doc. to go to the Enter Accrual/Deferral Doc.: Header Data screen.
Helpful Hints
- The R/O/C column in the field description tables below defines whether the field is required (R), optional (O), or conditional (C).
- On certain screens you may have to scroll to view some data entry fields.
Work Instruction
Functional Area: General Ledger / Enter Accrual/Deferral Document
1. / Start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code.
Enter Accrual/Deferral Doc.: Header Data
2. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field / R/O/C / Description
Document Date / Required / The date the document is created
Type / Required / Key that identifies to which group of documents this document will be assigned; Documents of the same type contain common information which is relevant to posting and updating of the value fields in the database.
SA (G/L Account Document) JE (Dept Journal Voucher) GT (Grant Cost transfer)
Company Code / Required / Organizational unit within Financial Accounting
Posting Date / Required / The date on which a transaction in SAP will be posted to the appropriate accounts; SAP will default this field to be the current date, but changes are allowed. For items to be posted in a future or past period, you must enter the posting date.
Period / Required / Unit that subdivides a fiscal year
This field is derived from the document post date.
Currency/Rate / Required / Monetary unit; The currency of the entity processing transactions
Reference / Optional / Allows for further clarification of an entry by reference to other sources of information, either internal or external to SAP; Any SAP-posted document number can be used as a "reference" when entering a new document.
Doc.Header Text / Required / The document header text contains explanations or notes which apply to the document as a whole.
You may want to include details of what expenses you are accruing.
Reversal reason / Required / The reason that an entry is reversed
05 (Accrual/Deferral Posting)
Reverse date / Required / Date on which the reverse posting is to be made
PstKy / Required / Two-digit numerical key that controls how line items are posted
40 (Debit)
Account / Required / Unique identification number, SAP uses several kinds of accounts; SAP's general ledger accounts are similar to standard accounts in most accounting systems. SAP also uses sub-ledger accounts for customers (accounts receivable), vendors (accounts payable), and assets (asset accounts). These sub-ledger accounts roll-up to a general ledger account.
535001 (Electric)
Sp.G/L / Optional / Specification used to indicate a selection of special G/L documents; Special G/L business transactions include: down payments, bills of exchange, etc.
This field is normally left blank. It is used for certain down payment transactions and other special situations.
Trans.type / Optional / Transaction type. Indicates type of asset transaction (e.g., acquisition, depreciation, transfer, retirement)
This field is normally left blank. Use only in special cases such as specific fixed asset, material, and down payment transactions.
3. / Click .
Enter Accrual/Deferral Doc.: Add G/L account item
4. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field / R/O/C / Description
Amount / Required / Indicates the value of the line item of an accounting document
Tax Code / Optional / Indicates the type of tax and the amount of tax for a specific line item
i0 (letter i followed by zero)
Contract / Optional / Document used to define the terms of a sale agreed to by the vendor and the company; Can specify the amount of material and timeframe of the sale
Cost Center / Required / An area of responsibility for capturing costs
1780000001 (Just Community)
Fund / Conditional /
A100001 (General Funds Main)
This field only displays when applicable.
Functional area / Required /
Text / Optional / Description field providing additional information for an entry
Depart. Electric Utility Exp – March 2005
/ Screens and fields may vary based upon the G/L account selected.
5. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field / R/O/C / Description
PstKy / Required / Two-digit numerical key that controls how line items are posted
50 (Credit)
Account / Required / Unique identification number, SAP uses several kinds of accounts; SAP's general ledger accounts are similar to standard accounts in most accounting systems. SAP also uses sub-ledger accounts for customers (accounts receivable), vendors (accounts payable), and assets (asset accounts). These sub-ledger accounts roll-up to a general ledger account.
200002 (A/P Vendor)
Sp.G/L / Optional / Specification used to indicate a selection of special G/L documents; Special G/L business transactions include: down payments, bills of exchange, etc.
This field is normally left blank. It is used for certain down payment transactions and other special situations.
Trans.type / Optional / Transaction type. Indicates type of asset transaction (e.g., acquisition, depreciation, transfer, retirement)
This field is normally left blank. Use only in special cases such as specific fixed asset, material, and down payment transactions.
6. / Click .
Coding Block
7. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field / R/O/C / Description
Business Area / Required / Business Area is the campus to which the cost center is assigned
Asset / Optional / The asset number internally assigned by SAP to track the asset
Cost Center / Required / An area of responsibility for capturing costs
Order / Optional / Sales, production, process, purchase, internal, or work order number that uniquely identifies an object
WBS Element / Optional / Work Breakdown Structure Element utilized to track plant projects
Fund / Required / A fund is a separate & distinct fiscal/accounting object containing a complete self-balancing set of accounts used to segregate cash and other financial resources, together with associated liabilities, residual equities, and related changes. Amounts are separated by fund so that certain activities can be performed or objectives achieved in accordance with special regulations, restrictions, or limitations. Funds are classified into fund types, which have distinctive accounting and reporting requirements.
Grant / Optional / An award to the university as additional resources to support instruction, research, or public service; A type of financial assistance awarded to an organization for the conduct of research or other program as specified in an approved proposal
Functional Area / Required / Used to structure a public organization or enterprise according to functional criteria; The functional area is required in Funds Management in order to fulfill legal reporting requirements subdividing an organization into functions. Equivalent to function as defined by NACUBO.
Earmarked Funds / Optional / Funds that are used to reserve portions of a budget for expected outgoings or incomings
Sales Order / Optional / Legal documents created with sales information such as name of customer, materials purchased, quantities requested, and price
Material / Optional / Substance or commodity that is bought or sold on a commercial basis, or is used, consumed, or created in production; a material can also be a service; Also, a number identifying a material master record
8. / Click .
Enter Accrual/Deferral Doc.: Add G/L account item (2)
9. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field / R/O/C / Description
Amount / Required / Indicates the value of the line item of an accounting document
Business Area / Required / Business Area is the campus to which the cost center is assigned
Text / Optional / Description field providing additional information for an entry
10. / Click .
Coding Block (2)
11. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
/ Note that the Coding Block window is different for line item #2. This window will vary depending on whether you are posting to an expense account or a balance sheet account.
12. / Click .
Enter Accrual/Deferral Doc.: Correct G/L account item
13. / Repeat Steps3 through 12 until all required line items have been entered.
14. / Click .
Enter Accrual/Deferral Doc.: Display Overview
15. / Review the displayed information.
16. / Perform one of the following:
If You Want To / Go To
Make corrections to the document / Step 17
Post the document / Step 19
17. / Double-click the line item to be changed.
Enter Accrual/Deferral Doc.: Correct G/L account item (2)
18. / Enter changes, as required.
/ Displayed screen may vary based on line item selected.
19. / Click .
Enter Accrual/Deferral Doc.: Header Data
20. / You have completed this transaction.
/ The system displays the message, “Document XXXX was posted in company code UC.”
21. / Click until you return to the SAP Easy Access screen.
Ver: / 02_GL_FBS1_Ent Accr Defer Doc_R1_GLMgmt_01.udc
© University of Cincinnati / 1/15
Work Instruction
Functional Area: General Ledger / Enter Accrual/Deferral Document
You have created an accrual document and established a future reversal date.
Ver: / 02_GL_FBS1_Ent Accr Defer Doc_R1_GLMgmt_01.udc
© University of Cincinnati / 1/15