RESPONDENT:Liberty Financial
Level 16, 535 Bourke Street
Melbourne VIC 3000

Fx 03 8635 9999

PROPONENT: Christian 670/70NZ (Sovereign [de jure] Born Live Record 670/70NZ)

PERSONS [Jenny Dawn][de facto] [197011] Personal Representative

c/o Paremata of Baludarri Rangihou

Original Land Court

Post Office Box 9144

Harris Park NSW 2150 Australia

Date: 17th October 2013

SERVICE: Registered Mail Number 508892348014


IN THE MATTER OF:Unlimited personal liability arising from causing and resulting in any and all damage to “Sovereign [de jure]” Born Live Record No# 670/70[NZ];
PERSONS [Jenny Dawn][de facto][197011] Personal Representative; and
Certificate of Deposit 197011 to Registrar General; and

Bearer Security No# 670/70[NZ]Creditor Born 20/08/1970

Please be advised that under the Privacy Act 1974 and Freedom of information Act 1974, please provide all documents and contracts pertaining to Loan Number: 1233877.

It is Respondent’s onus and responsibility to provide proof of claim in the form of a Sufficient Verified Response of a lawfully binding contract, presumed or claimed to exist between the parties. Additionally any claimed contract must possess all elements of a lawfully binding contract including but not limited to; offer, acceptance, true reliant statements of fact, intent and consideration, and that these elements have been knowingly, willing and intentionally disclosed to Proponent.

Absent a lawfully binding contract, this document notices a contractual good faith offer of terms and conditions between the parties which upon acceptance will form a lawfully binding contract between the parties.


With regard to operating or perpetuating any and all private money systems, issuing, collection, legal enforcement systems and any and all SLAVERY SYSTEMS of and against “Sovereign [de jure]”; I am only able to converse with you; ‘person’;’agent’; ‘officer’; ‘citizen’; ‘servant’ [de facto], in my capacity as PrincipalRepresentative, Sovereign on the Land, Live Birth Record Registration Number 699/70NZ [de jure]; of the Deceased Estate [Jenny Robin][de facto] 1970115820NZ.I have and do knowingly, willingly, and intentionally adopt, reconfirm, and ratify said DECLARATION OF FACTS as my own duly verified due DECLARATION OF FACTS, nunc pro tunc praetere a preterea, unrebutted as a matter of law, as matter of fact, and as a matter of public policy, hereafter “Sovereign Proponent [de jure]”.


Sovereign Proponent [de jure]; duly gives and makes notice to Respondent that Principal Agent, Sovereign on the Land, Live Birth Record Registration Number 670/70NZ [de jure]; of the Deceased Estate [Jenny Robin][de facto]197011, DOES NOT CONSENT to any unlawful and illegal devaluing, diminishing, abrogating, subjugating, subordinating, usurping, invading, violating or theft of Proponent's duly secured BE'ing, any and all creations therefrom, and property thereof. Respondent is duly ordered to CEASE AND DESIST any and all said unlawful and illegal actions against Proponent effective immediately.

Sovereign Proponent [de jure] and Chief Justice [de jure] of The Original Land Court, duly makes and gives you due notice that Respondent is lawfully and legally responsible and liable, in principal, for any and all unlawful and illegal actions against “Sovereign Proponent [de jure]” by Respondent causing and resulting in any and all damage to “Sovereign Proponent [de jure]”, inclusive of physical harm, physical detention, property seizure, property damage, financial damage, or any other damage of “Sovereign Proponent’s [de jure]” measurable energy.

The NZ (Company) GOVERNMENT contracted the Reserve Bank (NZ) to use its private, copyrighted script (money), for all debts both private and public and that private script can only be brought into the PUBLIC, the corporate domain that the system currently lived in, through a chartered banking institution or a pass-through account, and the pass through account is your limited liability community service account (IRD). Anyone bringing money into the PUBLIC in any other way can be charged with money laundering. " All value is created by lending, and what you lend is credit because there is no longer any money. only a living Soul whose value to society has been denominated in bonds collateralised by evidence of physical birth, has access to credit except for fictions such as banks which are chartered by the GOVERNMENT, given the franchise to create credit. When you take out a bank loan, you sign a promissory note, and on the strength of your signature, the loan which is really a draw on your credit, originally created to satisfy a legal requirement to provide you with a means to pay. this means that all loans are fraudulent, because in terms of the LAWS of contract, whether mortgage, a line of credit, credit card account, car loan or any other loan (by the way these all mean "cash"), the truth of the matter was not fully divulged, and no contract can stand as legitimate and lawful unless all terms of the agreement were shared with the "borrower". In the debt-based system, all value is created by lending in order to discharge, not pay, another debt/obligation. The value behind this lending is credit.

Furthermore, need I remind you that your protections are now gone as of 10th August 2013 as per the Papal Decree. It is known worldwide that the Vatican created a world trust using the birth certificates to capture the value of each individual’s future productive energy. Each state province and country in the fiat monetary system contributes their people’s value to this world trust identified by the social security number, tax file numbers or EIN numbers, maintained in the Vatican registry. Corporations worldwide, individuals became corporate fictions through the birth certificate; connected to the Vatican; to the Crown; to the Bar; to the Law; to the Judge; to the People; through the money; through the Vatican’s birth accounts; to the IMF; to the Treasury; to the Federal Reserve; to the Banks; to the People; through the loans; through the judges as the administrators; to the Sheriffs; or compensation. And judges administered the birth trust account in court matters favoring the courts and the banks acting as the presumed beneficiary, because they have not properly advised the true beneficiary of their own trust. Judges, Attorney’s, Bankers, law makers, law enforcement, all public officials, and public servants are now held personally liable for their confiscation off the true beneficiaries monies, homes, cars, assets, false imprisonment, deception, harassment and conversion of their true beneficial trust fund.

Respondent’s attention is directed to the CROWN PROTECTORATES over the “Sovereign Proponent [de jure]” with regard to the world’s corporations operating under the guise of the people's governments, banks and all other corporations for cause of treason against and the damage of the original people of this planet without their knowing, willing and intentional consent, specifically:

Her Majesty’s representatives are inarguably bound by Oath to the Most High Source of Creation to honor, respect and defend that ‘New Zealand National United Tribes Flag 1835’ and the people of Aotearoa, encompassing all tribes and cultures in the Pacific Ocean, including the ‘Originals of Australia’. Should Respondent choose to take action against “Sovereign Proponent [de jure]”, in your individual and unlimited capacity, you will be held absolutely liable. Such actions will result in lawful remedy being brought against Respondent, pursuant toCrown Protectorates and Common Law Doctrine: Magna Carta, Section 39; Halsbury’s Statutes 3rd edition, Volume 36 - Statutes, paragraph 559 page 337 paragraph 12, 12(1); Standing Orders; Te Wakaputanga 1835 [Declaration of Independence 1835]; Te Tiriti O Waitangi 1840 [Treaty of Waitangi 1840]; New Zealand Constitution Act (United Kingdom) 1846 section 10; 1846 Royal Charter and Instructions, chapter xiv; and Te Ture Whenua Maori Maori Land Act 1993 [International Protectorate]; andthe Pacific Islanders Protection Act 1875 (38 &39 Vict. c. 51.).

Furthermore, as a Sovereign on this land, Sovereign Proponent [de jure] and Chief Justice [de jure] of The Original Land Court would like to remind you that “Sovereign Proponent [de jure]” is internationally protected, through the acknowledgement of his Majesty’s Royal Protection in perpetuity (Letters Patent) and by the ‘New Zealand National United Tribes Flag 1835’ endorsed by King William IV gazetted in the NSW Gazette Notice 17th August 1835; the terms of the provisions of Te Wakaputanga 1835, in accordance to Tikanga; Te Ture Whenua Maori Maori Land Act 1993 [International Protectorate]. If any Subjects of the Crown should impinge or usurp on my sovereign rights or status in Australia, New Zealand or countries in the Pacific Ocean, it will be seen as an Act of Treason, Act 1571 and Crimes Act 1961; and a blatant disrespect of Jurisprudence under Gods Lore/Law, Common and International Law, Original and Maori Lore/Law.

Furthermore, The High Court Judge ‘Matariki’ Live Birth Record Registration Number 1981/76618NZ [de jure]; of the Deceased Estate [Kiri Lee][de facto] 1981076618,[Assembled Owners] ofThe Rules Committee [Original Land Court], Paremata of Baludarri Rangihou, New South Wales of Australia representing Australia, New Zealand and Pacific Ocean Sovereigns [De Jure], is authorized to notify Her Majesty’s Royal Defence Force, immediately….“to arrest and take into custody any and all certain states of body, their agents, officers, and other actors, regardless of domicil by choice, owning, operating, aiding and abetting private money systems, issuing, collection, legal enforcement systems, operating SLAVERY SYSTEMS against any and all “Sovereign Proponent [de jure]”, and “Repossess all private money systems, tracking, transferring, issuing, collection, legal enforcement systems operating SLAVERY SYSTEMS...”

Should Respondent cease and desist in any and all damaging actions against “Sovereign Proponent [de jure]”, actions brought against Respondent’s assets shall be averted.

Respondent is cautioned of its compounding and accumulating liability through instructing, directing, or conspiring with colleagues in pursuing damaging actions against “Sovereign Proponent [de jure]”. Should colleagues so instructed detrimentally damage “Sovereign Proponent [de jure]”, they will be made jointly and severally liable, through Principal Agent, and it is now your commercial and moral responsibility to inform them. It is your responsibility to investigate your liability against a SOVEREIGN [de jure] and any potential future liability that is created by your knowing, willing and intentional free will choice to damage “Sovereign Proponent [de jure]”.

Should Respondent choose to interact with “Sovereign Proponent [de jure]”, it is only through The High Court Judge ‘Matariki’ Live Birth Record Registration Number 1981/76618NZ [de jure]; of the Deceased Estate [Kiri Lee][de facto] 1981076618,[Assembled Owners] ofThe Rules Committee [Original Land Court], Paremata of Baludarri Rangihou, New South Wales of Australia representing New Zealand Sovereigns [De Jure], [address herein] beyond this date, Proponent’s Terms & Conditions Reference No: A0015678 are offered for Respondent’s acceptance, wherein the method of acceptance is clearly defined.

Take due notice!

You have been put on Notice!



RESPONDENT:Liberty Financial
Level 16, 535 Bourke Street
Melbourne VIC 3000

Fx 03 8635 9999

PROPONENT: Christian 670/70NZ (Sovereign [de jure] Born Live Record 670/70NZ)

PERSONS [Jenny Dawn][de facto] [197011] Personal Representative

c/o Paremata of Baludarri Rangihou

Original Land Court

Post Office Box 9144

Harris Park NSW 2150 Australia


These Terms & Conditions are applicable to the above named parties, also including but not limited to colleagues acting for or on behalf of the named parties:


Whereas Live Birth Record Registration Number 699/70NZ [de jure] is a Sovereign of the Land, Respondent therefore acts in the capacity of a private individual against a Sovereign [de jure].

In the absence of government statutes and other corporate contracts, the only instrument that will compel performance between private individuals is a lawfully binding contract.

Respondent’s Responsibilities

It is Respondent’s onus and responsibility to provide proof of claim in the form of a Sufficient Verified Response of a lawfully binding contract, presumed or claimed to exist between the parties. Additionally any claimed contract must possess all elements of a lawfully binding contract including but not limited to; offer, acceptance, true reliant statements of fact, intent and consideration, and that these elements have been knowingly, willing and intentionally disclosed to Proponent.

Absent a lawfully binding contract, this document notices terms and conditions between the parties which upon acceptance will form a lawfully binding contract between the parties.

It is Respondents responsibility to inform and advise any colleagues acting for or on behalf of Respondent of these terms and conditions.

See Schedule A for contractual obligations arising from acceptance of these terms.

Sufficient Verified Response

Owing to the seriousness of the matter, only a response that meets the following criteria qualifies as a Sufficient Verified Response must:

1. Be duly registered verified and sworn documentation of standing, authority, value, and rebuttal of every point with specificity and particularity;

2. Exhibit written delegation of authority signed by the Respondent if response is by another;

3. Use words defined within common dictionaries (e.g. Webster's or Oxford).

No correspondence will be entered into by telephone.

Method of Rejection

No contract shall be considered entered where Respondent does not do or perform any of the actions listed in Schedule A. No action, No contract.

Method of Acceptance

A lawfully binding contract is knowingly entered into by Respondent or any of their agents doing or performing any of the actions listed in Schedule A. Action is Acceptance.

Terms of Acceptance

Acceptance is with Respondent’s consent to the following:

1. Agreement with all terms and conditions stipulated herein;

2. Unreserved acceptance of charges payable stipulated in Schedule A;

3. Respondent irrevocably and unconditionally waives any and all rights of objection, immunities or defenses.


Currency: Australian Dollars

Collection fees: Collection fees for any unpaid invoices are additional.

Item / Charges Description / *Rate
1 / Any claim absent a lawfully binding contract between the parties, the penalty will be TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($10,000) per hour and/or per occurrence or any portion thereof / $10,000
2 / Enforcing or attempting to enforce any prior issued instrument on a Sovereign [de jure], the penalty will be TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($10,000) per hour and/or per occurrenceor any portion thereof / $10,000
3 / Unlawful repairable Damage or Destruction to the Proponent’s private property or goods instigated by or caused by the Respondent, the penalty will be TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($10,000) per hour and/or per occurrenceor portion thereof / $10,000
4 / Each telephone call made by Respondent in the pursuit of any claim absent a lawfully binding contract between the parties, the penalty will be TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($10,000) per hour and/or per occurrence or any portion thereof / $10,000
5 / Detention for questioning, interrogation, detained in any way, harassed or otherwise regulated, the penalty will be TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($10,000) per hour and/or per occurrenceor any portion thereof / $10,000
6 / Restrained, handcuffed, transported, incarcerated or subjected to any adjudication process ignoring our Inherent Rights, the penalty will be (TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($10,000) per hour and/or per occurrenceor portion thereof / $10,000
7 / Subjected to undue force or afflicted by and suffer the effects of any “non-lethal” weapon such as a Taser, the penalty will be TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($200,000) per hour and/or per occurrenceor portion thereof / $200,000
8 / Forced to suffer the effects of the use of any lethal weapon, fists, boots or any other method of torture to the body, the penalty will be TWO MILLION DOLLARS ($2,000,000,000) per hour and/or per occurrenceor portion thereof / $2,000,000
9 / KIDNAPPING and/or DEATH due to the use of lethal force by ANYONE, intentional or accidental, acting under the colour of law or otherwise, the penalty will be TEN BILLION DOLLARS ($10,000,000,000) to be paid to the surviving Heirs and Successors / $10,000,000,000
10 / Forcefully compelled to undergo any ingestion of energies or substances into or onto the body whether under the guise of medication or otherwise, without my express written consent, the penalty will be TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($200,000) per hour and/or per occurrenceor portion thereof / $200,000
11 / False statements of any crime or infraction or mis-quoted, or attributed anything we did not actually speak, write or do, or our written or spoken communications are shown to be tampered with in any way, the penalty will be ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000) per hour and/or per occurrenceor portion thereof / $1,000,000
12 / Unlawful entry or Trespass on Proponent’s private property or goods, the penalty will be ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000) per hour and/or per occurrenceor portion thereof / $1,000,000
13 / Operating or perpetuating any and all private money systems, issuing, collection, legal enforcement systems, operating SLAVERY SYSTEMS of and against the Sovereign Proponent [De Jure], the penalty will be ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000) per occurrence / $1,000,000

Note: Units of increment will determine number of incidences invoiced. Changes to Terms and Conditions:Terms and conditions may change at any time. Respondent will be offered new terms that will supersede and cancel any previously issued terms and conditions.


Sovereignty is for all those anywhere on this Earth who want to formally and finally Declaretheir sovereignty as coming forth from their Creator, wanting to be a part of a Higher Purpose, seeking Peace and wanting a ‘Heaven on Earth’ by being a part of a Particular SeparateBody Politic with Standing and Diplomatic Immunity sojourning outside the de-factocorporate military entities of man’s creation/government immersed in control, fraud, war, death,destruction and bankruptcy.

When entering into sovereignty, no state shall impair the obligation of contract andpursuant to your right via The Declaration of Independence 1835 NZ [Te Wakaputanga 1835] by assumption and presumption and/or otherwise and such entering into this association, One must recognize the One True Creator of the Universe, his Kingdom, his Son and his jurisdiction, being above all others beingsupreme and de-jure.