/ Grateful Goldens Rescue
PO BOX 2799
Myrtle Beach, SC 29578
Phone: 843.628.4033 Fax: 843.628.4033

E-mail completed form to:

Foster Application

(Must be 18 Years of Age or Older)

(Please complete and return to the address above or email to .)

Applicant’s Name:
State: / Zip: / Home Phone:
E-Mail: / Cell Phone:
Occupation: / Work Phone:
Current Vet: / Phone:
May we contact ? / Yes No / Are all current pets up to date on vaccinations? / Yes No
How did you find out about Grateful Goldens?
Internet / Family/Friend
Newspaper Ad / Vet’s Office
Flyer posted at local pet supply store / Word of Mouth
Groomer/Trainer / Other
Briefly share your interest/reasons for wanting to volunteer with Grateful Goldens Rescue ?
Do you currently have animals? / Yes / No / If yes, please list them below.
Name / Type / Age / Sex
F/M / Neutered/
Intact / Dominant/
Submissive w/ other dogs / Behavior Issues
Do You? / Own / Rent
Which do you live in? / Apartment / House / Condo / Town House
How many reside at this address? / Adults: / Children: / Ages of Children:
Are you willing to supervise any children around your foster dog at all times? Yes No
Where will the dog be kept during the day?
Where will the dog be kept at night?
How many hours a day will the dog, be left alone?
Do you have a fenced yard? If yes, please describe type of fence.
Have you fostered dogs before? / Yes No
Do you have a crate? / Yes No
Please describe any experience you have had introducing a new dog into your household?
Please describe your level of experience as a dog owner, and provide an honest assessment of your abilities to deal with any problem behaviors a foster dog might exhibit (i.e. barking, digging, growling, chewing, food possessiveness, jumping, lack of house training etc.)
Please describe the type of foster dog you are willing to have in your home, i.e. seniors, puppy, special needs, heartworm positive, medical conditions, recuperating from surgery etc.?
How many fosters are you willing to foster at one time?
GGRLC makes no warranties or representations regarding the dog(s)’s health or temperament. It is agreed and understood by FOSTER FAMILY that while every effort is made to provide an accurate history and assessment of a dog(s), GGRLC does not warrant any dog(s) regarding medical status, behavior, or disposition. It is further agreed that environmental changes may effect and change the temperament of the above named dog(s) and that GGRLC has no liability or responsibility of any nature regarding defects with the dog(s), or injuries or damage to any person or property which may be caused by the dog(s). FOSTER FAMILY agrees to indemnify and hold harmless GGRLC, its members and representatives against any and all claims, known or unknown, now or hereafter arising in connection with this dog(s).
Foster understands that are entering this contract to foster a Golden/Golden mix in need. Foster family understands they can not adopt their foster dog. If an exception is made foster family agrees to continue fostering a minimum of 3 additional Grateful Golden fosters to fulfill the adoption contract terms. Until foster term is fulfilled or adopter is released from foster condition by a Director of Grateful Goldens Rescue, Grateful Goldens Rescue has the right to reclaim the Golden.
Signature: / X / Date:

Additional Information/Comments: