Department of Agriculture, Food
and Rural Development /

Helpsheet for application form.

This helpsheet has been prepared as a guide for you when completing your REPS application form. It should be read in conjunction with the Scheme Terms and Conditions.

To be valid, this application must be accompanied by an Agri-environmental Plan prepared for your farm by an Approved Agent or Agency and other documentation as listed in the Department’s Agri-environmental Specifications.

All details on the application must be completed by the applicant. All entries must be in BLOCK CAPITALS.

Applicants should be aware that the total area declared for REPS on your agri-environmental plan is checked against the total area declared on your Area Aid application.

Section A should be completed in cases where the application to join the scheme is made in one name only.

Section B should be completed in cases where a joint application is being made. (e.g Husband and Wife)

Requirements on application form.

First Names of Applicant. The full name as it appears on your birth certificate should be entered. Abbreviated forenames like PJ/MJ or Paddy/Mick will not be accepted.

Address. This is the address to which payments/correspondence will issue. This should be the full postal address including Townland/Village/Street name, postal town and county.

Personal Public Service Number. This was formerly known as the Revenue and Social Insurance (RSI) Number. This number is mandatory on all applications to join the Scheme and is available on application from the local office of the Department of Social, Community and Family Affairs.

Herd/Flock Number. If this number is not registered in your name, please indicate relationship to the herd/flock owner.

REPS Number. If you participated in the first REPS scheme, please state your REPS number.

For Joint Applications the Date of Birth, Personal Public Service and Herd number is required for each applicant. The application must be signed by each applicant.

Enlarged holding application form
Transformation to REPS 2 application form
I / We hereby apply to enlarge my/our area farmed under The Rural Environment Protection Scheme
I / We hereby apply to transform my existing REPS contract under The Rural Environment Protection Scheme

(Please complete this section if there is only one applicant.Please complete Section B for joint applications.)

DECLARATION : (must be signed by each applicant)

(i)The information furnished to the planner and recorded in the accompanying plan is correct.

(ii)I/We have read and agree to observe and be bound by the terms and conditions of the Rural Environment Protection Scheme.

(iii)I/We have read and understand the Department’s Agri-environmental Specifications.

(iv)I/We hereby undertake to carry out my/our farming activities in accordance with my/our Agri-environmental Plan and the Department’s Agri-environmental Specifications.

(v) I/We accept that the pre-printed forms issued by the Department for second and subsequent payments are provided as a service to applicants and the onus of responsibility rests with the beneficiary to ensure applications are lodged within the specified time frame.

(vi)I/We have read and understand the conditions that apply to the disposal of land during the 5 year contract.

(vii)I/We understand that penalties are an integral part of the REPS Scheme.

Signed ...... ……....…………..... Date ...... 20 ......


Signed ...... …………………...... Date ...... 20 ......

(joint applications only)

Signed...... ……...……….…...... Date ...... 20 ......

(joint applications only)

Signed...... ………………...... Date ...... 20 ......

(joint applications only)

Note: A false or misleading statement may lead to disqualification and/or liability to refund any payments

obtained and possible prosecution.

Data Protection Act

The Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development will treat all information provided to it as confidential and will not disclose such information except as permitted by you or as required by law. The information provided will be held on computer and will be used only for the purposes registered under the Data Protection Act.

Freedom of information Act

The Department is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act. If an applicant considers that any of the information to be supplied is either commercially sensitive or confidential in nature, this should be highlighted and the reasons for its sensitivity specified. In such cases, the relevant material will, in response to FOI requests, be examined in the light of the exemptions provided for in the FOI Act.

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