Edinbane Community Company:
Minutes of Meeting of Directors,
Edinbane Community Hall, 6.30 28th April 2016.
Present:Stuart Whatley [Chairing], Peter Macrae, Ian Brown,Roddy Macfarlane, Peter MacRae.
Apologies: John Macrae, Davina McCluskie, Karen Parker, Mary MacKenzie, ChrisWatkiss, George Campbell,
In Attendance: Wilf Docherty (Minutes); John Ramage, Colin Docherty, Rob Billingham, Janet Ritchie (for presentation from Coishletter purchasers)
1. Previous minutes.Accepted: Proposed, Ian Brown; Seconded, Peter Macrae
2. Matters arising, not included in agenda.
3. Presentation of proposal by purchasers of croft land at Coishletter.
Purchasers explained their current thinking on potential development of the land – see brief summary after the minutes
4. Discussion on item 3
The Directors found the presentation very interesting with some very useful information and suggestions. It was however seen as only an initial exploratory discussion and the details needed to considered more fully by the Board after which a more formal response could be provided.
5. Actions
Highlands Small Communities Housing Trust:
Awaiting a landowner response.
Hall Toilets:
Updated sheet had been sent to Directors
Possible next step would then be for John to approach the Hall Committee – carried forward
Layby picnic area development:
Roddy had discussed with Roddy Gillies whether he would ‘lead’ this but he had no recollection of having suggested this development in the first place. Carried forward.
Letter had been sent to lawyer before suggestion requesting that sign wording be an Appendix could be included.
John has applied for support for purchase of defibrillators and training equipment – see item 9.
6. Development worker
Dee has discussed the wording of the initial draft of the job specification with Meg Gillies of SLCVO who felt it was fine but perhaps could be less formal. Dee awaiting a formal reply from SLCVO.
7. West Highlands & Islands Development Plan(WHIDP)
Ian had distributed an extract of the WHIDP. It was suggested that Directors provide any feedback/comments to Ian who would then make a co-ordinated response.
8.Financial update.
Stuart provided details of account balances.
9.Correspondence andFunding applications.
John Macrae has applied for support in purchasing 5 defibrillators (£10000) and training
equipment (£921). The defibrillators to be distributed throughout the ECC
‘constituency’. He will also attend the Emergency Life Support training which is provided free of charge. This application was supported by the Directors and funding of £10,921 (100%) approved.It was felt that maintenance costs and schedule would also need to be considered.
An application had been received for financial support (£5K) towards the activities of SOS NHS SKYE, e.g. publicity, research, venue hire, legal advice/opinions etc. It is believed they are approaching other groups for support as well. This was discussed and the request was felt to be within the remit of the Board and so on the basis of a rough population pro-rata calculation a grant of £3000 was approved.
Thursday 26th May, 7.30, Edinbane Community Hall.
Brief summary of meeting with Coishletter purchasers
Five of the ECC Directors met with the purchasers of the croft land at Coishletter. The purchasers explained their current thinking on how the land could be developed. They were considering a gradual ‘phased’ type of development starting with a small number of social housing units, the example they brought was 6 three-bedroomed bungalows, at the lower end of the land. They also wanted to explore the possibility of the involvement of ECC in some capacity in the development and ongoing letting of the units, perhaps by setting up a Housing Association. They offered their expertise with Housing Associations to help set up and run one should that be seen as a viable option for the ECC. They were also keen to know whether it was felt there would be a demand for social housing on that scale. The purchasers were at pains to make clear that nothing was as yet decided and that as such costings etc. weren’t available. They did say that based on their example, they anticipated the unit cost to be in the region of £140K and also said that grants of £82K per unit could be available. They also said that they believed that if such a development were to happen then units would be available 18 – 24 months from the ‘go ahead’ for the development. If the initial development was successful then subsequent phases would most likely be to build high quality letting units further up the croft land with also the possibility of providing community facilities, e.g. a shop.
It was left that the ECC Board would discuss what had been outlined by the purchasers and that ECC would respond in a more formal manner at a later date.
This will be an Agenda item for the meeting on May 26th
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Edinbane Community CompanyLtd.,Scottish registration SC318756. Charity registration SC40297 Registered Office c/o Stuart Whatley, Edinbane Pottery, Edinbane, Portree, Isle of Skye IV51 9PW