Thurgood Marshall Middle School
Physical Education
Course Syllabus
Instructor: Mr. Baylon
Phone: (858) 549-5400 ext. 3215
This course teaches students how their bodies move and how to perform a variety of physical activities. Students learn the health-related benefits of regular physical activity and the skills to adopt a physically active, healthy lifestyle. This course also provides learning experiences that meet the developmental needs of students. Students will become confident, independent, self-controlled, and resilient; develop positive social skills; set and strive for personal, achievable goals; learn to assume leadership; cooperate with others; accept responsibility for their own behavior; and ultimately, improve their academic performance.
MEDICAL EXCUSES for injuries/health problems
Notes from a parent or guardian excusing students from P.E. for any health problems or injuries are good for 3 days only. They are to be given directly to Mr. Baylon, not the health office. Students are still expected to suit up for modified P.E. activity.
***Students will be required to make up any missed work while out on a medical excuse, including timed fitness runs (as per district guidelines).
If your child needs to be excluded from PE for longer than 3 days, a Doctor's Order is required. Please obtain the District approved PE Modification for Injury or Illness form PRIOR to your doctor visit. The PE Modification form is available on our PE Website and from our School Health Office.
The locker room doors will close after the tardy bell rings. Students that are tardy will not be able to enter the locker room and consequently, not be able to suit up for PE. They will receive a ‘non-participation’ grade for the day. There are NO make-ups for non-participation (non-suits) in the 8th grade.
The class will be participating in a variety of cardiovascular timed runs which may include the Pacer, ½ mile run, and mile run. These times/distances will be recorded and used to assess student performance & progress. A student’s time/distance is compared to his/her own individual time/distance (students compete against themselves). If a student misses a timed run for any reason, they are expected to make an appointment with the teacher to make up the missed run. If he/she fails to complete the make up, a “zero” will be recorded for that particular timed run until it has been made up. This accounts for 20% of the overall grade.
Included in the Participation portion of the grade, the following criteria will be used to evaluate students.
• actively participating in games/activities • giving ones best effort on a daily basis
• displaying a positive attitude • showing empathy for classmates
• working cooperatively (including all students) • displaying good sportsmanship
• playing by the rules • using appropriate language and social skills
• being supportive and encouraging to classmates • being respectful of others
*NON-SUITS – For each non-suit, a student’s PARTICIPATION grade will be lowered to a zero for the day. In addition, his/her citizenship will be lowered a letter grade for that particular grading period.
Performance/Improvement in a variety of cardiovascular activities:
After an initial baseline has been established, grades will be based on individual times/distances compared to their own times/distances. Note: A “zero” will be given for the Physical Fitness portion of the grade if a timed run is not made up.
Students are responsible for making up missed timed runs while out on a parent/doctor note or from an absence.
*Make-ups will only be granted if a pre-arranged agreement has been made with the teacher.
Tests/Quizzes, etc.
In accordance with the Marshall Middle School policy, all students will begin each semester with a citizenship grade of an ‘S’ (Satisfactory). From there, they will determine to what level they are either contributing to or hindering the progress of the learning environment.
Citizenship grades include, but are not limited to attitude, sportsmanship, active participation & effort, behavior and personal interactions. Citizenship grades are the balance of a student’s effort and behavior over time, not the result of one day or one action. Please refer to the citizenship rubric for more detailed information.
We, the undersigned student and parent/guardian, have read and fully understand the expectations and requirements of this course. It will be our duty to monitor student progress via PowerSchool and contact Mr. Baylon if we have any questions regarding grades. Furthermore, we pledge to work closely with Mr. Baylon and the school learning community in hopes of mastering the expectations and standards of this course.
Student Name (PRINT): ______Period: ______
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent/Guardian Name (PRINT): ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent/Guardian Email address: ______