Assignment Guide: Chapter 6

Ethnic Geography

Major Themes:

  1. Ethnicity, ethnic diversity, and the changing immigration streams to multiethnic Anglo America.
  2. Acculturation and the persistence of ethnic clusters and identities in Anglo America and elsewhere.
  3. Anglo American and world urban ethnic diversity and patterns of segregation.
  4. The landscape impacts and residues of ethnic diversity.

Thursday, 1/7Exam and DQs for pp. 164-168

  1. Identify the source of the quote at the beginning of the chapter and discuss the significance of its date.
  2. Examine Figure 6.1 and account for the large portion of foreigners in the workforce of the Persian Gulf countries.
  3. Explain the factors of globalization that encourage the growth of multiethnic societies.
  4. Discuss the various concerns of ethnic geography.
  5. Identify the various components of culture.
  6. Discuss the concept of ethnicity.
  7. Compare and contrast the concepts of race and ethnicity.
  8. Identify the groups in Table 6.2 whose language ancestry links to the Germanic family of languages.
  9. Identify the groups in Table 6.2 whose language ancestry links to the Romance languages.
  10. Discuss examples of ethnocentrism in the world today.
  11. Examine the various general consequences of “ethnic cleansing.”
  12. What might account for the voluntary isolation of Chinese ethnic enclaves in various countries in Southeast Asia?

The following questions relate to the text box, “The Matter of Race”

  1. Explain the causes and characteristics of global racial diversity.
  2. Discuss some of the racial stereotypes with which you are familiar.

Friday, 1/8 Exam Retake and DQs for pages 168-173

  1. Read the article “Nations of Immigrants” and prepare the Questions to Consider for discussion.
  2. Outline the economic and ethnic character of the three immigration waves to Anglo America. Include in your discussion the spatial distribution of the various ethnic groups.
  3. Outline the three major immigration streams to Canada.
  4. Examine the statistical data for illegal immigration to the US in the 21st century.
  5. Identify and explain the shift in destinations for new immigrants to the US.
  6. Explain the tenets of amalgamation theory.
  7. Discuss evidence that might uphold the “salad bowl” or stew concept of cultural reciprocity.
  8. Using the data in Figure 6.5, identify the three most prominent businesses in both the “Anglo” and “East” (Mexican American) areas of Los Angeles in the late 1960s.
  9. Analyze the process of assimilation.
  10. Examine the challenges of ethnicity that operate in China today.

Monday, 1/11 DQs for pages 173-178

  1. Examine Figure 6.6 and discuss the basis for the ethnic conflicts that emerged in the former Yugoslavia during the 1990s.
  2. Examine Figure 6.6 and discuss the basis for the ethnic conflicts in Afghanistan.
  3. Examine Figure 6.7 and account for the increased representation of the Native American population in the US census.
  4. Examine the consequences of Zelinsky’s charter doctrine on the history of the United States.
  5. Account for the areal distribution of Slavic islands in the US (Figure 6.8).
  6. Compare and contrast the settlement patterns of the Prairie Provinces of Canada with the American Midwest.
  7. Account for the boundaries of the Mormon cultural sphere identified in Figure 6.10.

Tuesday, 1/12 DQs for pages 178-183.

  1. Using the data on Figure 6.12, identify the states with African American concentrations greater than 50% in 1850.
  2. Discuss the factors that resulted in the Great Migration of black Americans out of the South in the early Twentieth Century.
  3. Discuss the factors that have contributed to the return migration of African Americans to the South in recent decades.
  4. Explain the distribution of African Americans represented in those states with more than 5% of their populations.
  5. Explain the problems created by the Census Bureau’s use of the term “Hispanics.”
  6. Examine the effects of Mexican immigration to the US on Mexico.
  7. Account for the apparently decreasing influence of chain migration in the destination decisions of current Hispanic migration.
  8. In light of the projected growth of Hispanic immigrants to the US, do you think there will be a greater trend toward Spanish bilingualism or a greater resistance to it?
  9. Account for the increase in Asian immigration in recent decades.
  10. Explain the especially large numbers of Filipino immigrants.
  11. To what extent do Asian Americans resist assimilation?

Wednesday, 1/13 DQs for pp. 183-187

  1. Explain the concept of the “Gateway city.”
  2. Explain the distinctive ways in which Quebec differs from the rest of Canada.

The following four questions pertain to data presented in Figure 6.16

  1. Identify the major (>80%) communities of White population in LA County.
  2. Identify the major Black concentrations.
  3. Identify the major Hispanic concentrations.
  4. Identify the major Asian concentrations.
  5. Explain and evaluate the measure quantifying segregation known as the index of residential dissimilarity.
  6. Discuss the major trends in urban segregation in the last three decades.
  7. To what extent are Asians the most integrated but the least assimilated ethnic group?
  8. Discuss the problems that segregation can create.
  9. Explain the external controls that inhibit the process of integration.
  10. Account for the worsening situation of minorities in the CBDs of major US cities.
  11. Discuss the validity of the following assertion: “. . . the clustering of specific groups into discrete, ethnically homogeneous neighborhoods is best understood as the result of internal controls of group defensiveness and conservatism.” (p. 187)

Thursday, 1/14 DQs for pp. 187-192

  1. Explain the decline in concentrated ethnic communities over generations.
  2. Explain the concept of the ethnoburb.
  3. Compare and contrast ethnic enclaves and ghettoes.
  4. Using the data in Figure 6.20, describe the patterns of expansion of Chicago’s African American community.
  5. Explain the causes and consequences of the classic southern ghetto.
  6. Discuss the process of Black ghetto development in the West.
  7. Examine the concept of “demographic balkanization.”
  8. Analyse the factors that determine the extent to which an immigrant group will pass along its cultural practices to the charter group.
  9. Identify and discuss the concept of culture rebound.

Friday, 1/15 DQs for pp. 193-198

  1. Identify the characteristic features of the Pennsylvania Dutch barn. (Figure 6.24)
  2. Explain the lot and field patterns illustrated in Figure 6.25.
  3. Account for the adoption of the metes and bounds land systems of the American south.
  4. Examine the effects of the adoption of the rectangular survey system on the cultural landscape of the US.
  5. Assess the advantages and disadvantages of the long lot system.
  6. Examine Figure 6.30 and identify the major sources of culture for coastal southern California.
  7. Identify the various cultural boundaries that characterize the South.

Tuesday, 1/18 Essay Exchange

Wednesday, 1/19Exam

Thursday, 1/20Essay Exam

  1. Define and contrast the concepts, processes, and (if applicable) the varieties of amalgamation, acculturation, and assimilation. Describe in what ways they have different implications for the societies in which they occur.
  2. Examine the ethnic complexity of Afghanistan with regard to language and religion.
  3. Examine the ethnic complexity of the former Yugoslavia with regard to language and religion.
  4. Discuss alternate systems of legal subdivision and description of rural land in North America. What were their respective impacts on field patterns, farmstead location, and landscape appearance in the areas in which they were found?
  5. Racial and ethnic clustering within cities has been a long-standing characteristic of American society. Discuss the "internal" and "external" controls accounting for the formation, durability, and/or disappearance of such clusters.
  6. Examine the processes that have resulted in the establishment of African American ghettoes. Include in your discussion regional variation.

No regional geography identifications for this unit.