IDAS form 34—South East Queensland Koala Conservation State Planning Regulatory Provisions
(Sustainable Planning Act 2009 version 3.1 effective 3 August 2015)
This form must be used for development applications involving material change of use, reconfiguring a lot or operational work within an assessable development area under the South East Queensland Koala Conservation State Planning Regulatory Provisions.
You MUST complete ALL questions that are stated to be a mandatory requirement unless otherwise identified on this form.
For all development applications, you must:
·  complete IDAS form 1—Application details
·  complete any other forms relevant to your application
·  provide any mandatory supporting information identified on the forms as being required to accompany your application.
Attach extra pages if there is insufficient space on this form.
All terms used on this form have the meaning given in the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 (SPA), the Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009 and the South East Queensland Koala Conservation State Planning Regulatory Provisions.
Mandatory requirements
1. What is the nature of the approval being sought?
Material change of use
Reconfiguring a lot
Operational work
2. In which part of an assessable development area is the proposal?
Koala assessable development area
Priority koala assessable development area
3. What type of development is being proposed?
Committed development—provide a brief description of the proposal
Linear infrastructure or community infrastructure
Development in an identified koala broad-hectare area
Extractive industry
Other—provide a brief description of the proposal
Mandatory supporting information
4. Confirm that the following mandatory supporting information accompanies this application
Mandatory supporting information / Confirmation of lodgement / Method of lodgement
A plan of layout at appropriate scale showing:
·  the proposed site design, including the proposed location of:
-  infrastructure such as buildings (including building or development envelopes where appropriate), roads and access tracks, fences, constructed waterways and areas subject to landscaping. This is to include existing and proposed alignments of services and infrastructure, with potential to act as barriers or impediments to koala movement.
-  essential firebreaks and fire management lines.
·  measures that will be adopted for safe koala movement opportunities
·  whether the development will be staged, and if so, the details, location and timing of these stages.
·  information on the habitat type on the site, as indicated by:
-  the Map of Assessable Development Areas Koala Habitat Values; or
-  ground truthing, including methodology undertaken.
·  environmental information, including:
-  evidence of presence or absence of koalas on the site;
-  the location, number and species of non-juvenile koala habitat trees that will be cleared, retained and planted;
-  sequential clearing plan and proposed koala spotter details; and
-  likely koala movements across the site and between surrounding areas. / Confirmed
Where applicable, supporting material is to be provided demonstrating compliance with the Guideline - Offset for Net Gain of Koala Habitat in South East Queensland Policy (November 2012) available from the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection website. / Confirmed
Not applicable
A statement about how the proposal addresses the assessment criteria listed in column 2 of the following tables of the South East Queensland Koala Conservation State Planning Regulatory Provision:
-  to the extent the proposal is in the assessable development area and is:
i.  committed development—Division 2, Table 2. / Confirmed
Not applicable
ii.  linear infrastructure or community infrastructure—Division 4, Table 4. / Confirmed
Not applicable
iii.  extractive industry—Division 5, Table 5. / Confirmed
Not applicable
-  to the extent the proposal is in an identified koala broadhectare area—Division 3, Table 3. / Confirmed
Not applicable
-  to the extent the proposal is in a priority koala assessable development area—Division 6, Table 6. / Confirmed
Not applicable
-  to the extent the proposal is in a koala assessable development area—Division 7, Table 7. / Confirmed
Not applicable

Privacy—Please refer to your assessment manager, referral agency and/or building certifier for further details on the use of information recorded in this form.


Date received / Reference numbers

The Sustainable Planning Act 2009 is administered by the Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning. This form and all other required application materials should be sent to your assessment manager and any referral agency.

IDAS form 34—SE Qld Koala Conservation SPRP

Version 3.1—3 August 2015