Q.1 , Q. 2 , Q.3 , Q.4 , Q.6 , Q.8 , Q.9 , Q.13, Q.18
Q.4, Q.5, Q.6, Q.7, Q.8, Q.9, Q.10, Q.11, Q.14, Q.15, Q.18
Q.2, Q.3, Q.4, Q.5, Q.6, Q.7, Q.9, Q.10, Q.11, Q.12, Q.13,Q.14
Q.3 , Q.6 , Q.7 , Q.8 , Q.9, Q.10
Q.1 , Q. 2 , Q.4 , Q.5 , Q.7 , Q.9, Q.10, Q.11
Subject - Physics
1. Home work should be submitted on or before 24/06/16.
2. All work should be in proper way and all calculation should be your note book.
2. Two materials silicon and copper cooled from 300k to 60k. What will be the effect on their resistivity?
3. A wire of restivity ρ is stretched to double its length what will be its new restivity?
4. What is the effect of heating of a conductor on the drift velocity?
5. What happen to the power dissipation if the value of electric current passing through a conductor if constant resistance is double?
6. Why are alloys used for making standard resistance coils?
7. Define the term ‘mobility’ of charge carriers. Write its S.I. unit.
8. State the two Kirchhoff’s rules used in electric networks. How are there rules justified?
9. Plot a graph showing the variation of current density (j) versus the electric field (E) for two conductors of different materials. What information from this plot regarding the properties of the conducting material, can be obtained which can be used to select suitable materials for use in making (i) standard resistance and (ii) connecting wires in electric circuits? Electron drift speed is estimated to be of the order of mm s −1. Yet large current of the order of few amperes can be set up in the wire. Explain briefly.
10. Explain briefly the process of charging a parallel plate capacitor when it is connected across a d.c. battery. A capacitor of capacitance ‘C’ is charged to ‘V’ volts by a battery. After some time the battery is disconnected and the distance between the plates is doubled. Now a slab of dielectric constant, 1 < k < 2, is introduced to fill the space between the plates. How will the following be affected? (a) The electric field between the plates of the capacitor (b) The energy stored in the capacitor Justify your answer by writing the necessary expressions.
11. Two point charges of +2 ×10-19C and +8 ×10-19C are separated by a distance of 2 metre. Find the point on the line joining them at which the electric field is zero.
12. Why electric field lines cannot form a closed loop?
13. Electric field in figure is directed alone + x- direction and given by Ex= 5Ax+2B where E is in Newton per coulomb and x is in meter A and B are constants with dimension. Taking A = 10N/CM and B= 5N/C calculate (i) the electric flux through the cube (ii) net charge enclosed within the cube.
14. Name the experiment which establishes the quantum nature of electric charge.
15. Can a body have a charge of 0.8x10^-19 C? Justify your answer by comment.
16. Does the electric line of force really exist? What is about the field they represent?
17. Mention similarities and dissimilarities between electrostatic and gravitational interaction?
18. Three capacitors of equal capacitance, when connected in series have net capacitance C1 and when connected in parallel have net capacitance C2. What is the value of C1/C2?
19. Define mobility of a charge carrier. Express it in terms of relaxation time. Give its SI and practical unit.
20. Define the term current density of a metallic conductor. Deduce the relation connecting current density (j) and the conductivity of the conductor, When an electric field E, is applied to it.
21. In a meter bridge, the null point is found at a distance of 33.7 cm from A. If now a resistance of 12Ω is connected in parallel with S, the null point occurs at 51.9 cm. Determine the values of R and S.
Subject – English
1. Write out application – 3 application for job
3 letter editor
3 placing order
3 Enquiry letter
2. Novel Reading – 7 chapters
Plot & character Sketch
3. Design a poster on Save Water / Cleaniless Drive / Value of books (On chart paper)
4. Read English newspaper daily and write 3 Reports on major Events.
Subject - Hindi
1. जनसंचार
2. रचनात्मक लेखन (पत्र, फीचर, आलेख)
3. भक्तिन , पतंग , आत्मपरिचय , सिल्वर वेडिंग – आदि की पूरी तैय्यारी आगामी मासिक परीक्षा हेतु
4. 2 रिपोर्ट ( विद्यालय वार्षिकोत्सव , क्रिकेट मैच )
5. 4 ओपचारिक पत्र (2 संपादक, 1 प्राचार्य , 1 नगरनिगम)
6. 2 फीचर ( बिन पानी सब सून , सोशल मीडिया दोस्त या दुश्मन )
7. 2 आलेख (ग्लोबल वार्मिंग , धरती पर जनसंख्या का बोझ )
8. 1 पुस्तक समीक्षा (हिंदी की कोई अतिरिक्त पुस्तक)
Subject - Chemistry
- What are isotonic solution ?
- An element with density
- 11.2g cm -3 forms a fcc lattice with edge length of 4*10-8 cm calculate atomic mass of the element ?
- Define an ideal solution and write its one characteristics ?
- Calculate the mass of the compound (molar mass=256) to be dissolved in 75g of benzene to lower its freezing point by 0.48 K (Kf =5.12 kg mol-1)?
- Some liquids on mixing forms azeotropes. What are azeotropes?
- State Henry”s law. What is the effect of temperature on the solubility of a gas in a liquid?
- State Raoult:s law for the solution containing volatile components .What is the similarities between Raoults law and Henry law?
- Explain the following:
- (a).Solution of chloroform and acetone is an example of max. boiling azeotropes.
(b) A doctor advised a person suffering from high blood pressure to take less quantity of common salt.
- What are meant by colligative properties. Give examples?
- Explain the terms :
(a). Piezoeletricity
(11).Solid A is very hard electrical insulator in solid as well as in molten state and melts at extremely high temp. What type of solid is it?
(12).A cubi solid is made up of two elements P and Q. Atoms of Q are presnt at the corners of the cube and atoms of P at the body centre.What is the formula of the compound.What are the coordination number of P and Q ?
(13).Differentiate between Schottky and Frenkel defect?
(14).What are F-Centres?
(15).Define the following terms:
(a). molarity
(c). Mole fraction
Very Short Answer Questions
1. What do you understand by procedural programming paradigm?
2. What do you understand by object oriented programming paradigm?
3. Why main function is so special in C++. Give at least two reasons.
4. What do you understand by the term polymorphism?
5. With the multiple definitions of a single function name, what makes them significantly different?
6. What do you understand by encapsulation?
7. Differentiate between object based programming paradigm and object oriented programming paradigm
Short Answer Questions
1. Write any two differences between Procedural Programming and Object Oriented Programming
2. List four built-in data types available in C++.
3. What are the advantages offered by inheritance?
4. Explain all the features of OOPs with their implementation in C++.
5. Explain advantages of OOP.
6. Compare the usefulness of default arguments and function overloading, supporting your answer with appropriate examples.
7. Write definitions for two versions of an overloaded function. The function’s 1st version sum() takes an argument , int array, and returns the sum of all the elements of the passed array. The 2nd version of sum() takes two arguments, int array, and a character(‘E’or ‘O’). If the passed character is ‘E’, it returns the sum of even elements of the passed array and if the passed character is ‘O’, it returns the sum of odd elements of the passed array. In case of any other character, it returns 0.
Classes and objects
Very Short Answer Questions
1. Distinguish between an object and a class.
2. How are class member functions different from class data members?
3. What are objects and how are the created?
4. Explain the significance of access specifiers in a class.
5. How are public members of a class different from private members of a class
6. What is the significance of scope resolution operator ::.
Short Answer Questions
1. Declare a class bank to represent bank account of 10 customers with the following data members: name of depositor, account number, type of account(s for savings and c for current account), balance amount. The class also contains the following member functions:
(a) To initialize data members.
(b) To deposit money
(c) To withdraw money after checking minimum balance (say 1000)
(d) To display the data members on screen.
2. Define a class named Cricket in C++ with the following descriptions :
private members
Target_scope int
Overs_bowled int
Extra_time int
Penalty int
cal_panalty() a member function to calculate penalty as follows :
if Extra_time <=10 , penalty =1
if Extra_time >10 but <=20, penalty =2
otherwise, penalty =5
public members
a function extradata() to allow user to enter values for target_score,overs_bowled,extra_time.
a function dispdata() to follow user to view the contents of all data members.
3. Define a class ELECTION with the following specifications . Write a suitable main ( ) function also to declare 3 objects of ELECTION type and find the winner and display the details .
Private members:
Data : candidate_name , party , vote_received
Public members :
Functions : enterdetails ( ) – to input data
Display ( ) – to display the details of the winner
Winner ( ) – To return the details of the winner trough the
object after comparing the votes received by three candidates .
4.. Consider the following declaration:
class TRAIN
{ int trainno
char dest[20];
float distance;
void get( ); // a function to accept values
void show( ); //To display the details
Complete the member functions definitions
1. Define a class to represent a book in the library. Include the following members:
Data Members:
Book Number, Book Name,Author, Publisher,Price, No.of copies, No. of copies issued.
Member Functions:
(a) To initialize data members.
(b)To issue a book after checking for its availability
(c)To return a book
(d) To display the data members on screen.
Long Answer Questions
1. Define a class named Housing in C++ with the following descriptions :
private members
reg_no integers (Ranges 10-1000)
name char array
type character
cost float
public members
- function Read_data() to read an object of housing type.
- function display() to display the details of an object.
- function draw_nos() to choose and display the details of 2 houses selected randomly from an array of 10 objects of type Housing. Use random function to generate the registration no with reg_no from the array.
2. Define a class named Directory in C++ with the following descriptions :
private members
docunames string (documents name in directory)
freespace long (total number of bytes available in directory )
occupied long (total number of bytes available in directory)
public members
newdocuentry() a function to accept values of
docunames,freespace & occupied from user
retfreespace() a function that return the value of total kilobytes
available. (1 KB=1024 b)
showfiles() a function that displays the names of all the
documents in directory.
3.. Define a class Student in C++ with the following descriptions:
Data Members
Adm_no integer
Description char(30)
Score integer
qualified char
Member functions
A constructor to assign initial values Event_No number as 101,Description as “State level” Score is 50 ,
qualified ‘N’.
Input() To take the input for event_no,description and score.
Award(int) To award qualified as ‘Y’, if score is more than the cutoffscore
passed as argument to the function else ‘N’.
Show() To display all the details.
Complete the member functions definitions
Complete the member functions definitions `
4. Define a class Competition in C++ with the following descriptions:
Data Members
Event_no integer
Description char(30)
Score integer
qualified char
Member functions
A constructor to assign initial values Event_No number as 101,Description as “State
level” Score is 50 , qualified ‘N’.
Input() To take the input for event_no,description and score.
Award(int) To award qualified as ‘Y’, if score is more than the cutoffscore
passed as argument to the function else ‘N’.
Show() To display all the details.
Q Will the following programs produce same output? 2
Program 1
# include<iostream.h
# include<conio.h
void main()
int x,y=1;
cout<x<" "<y;
Program 2
# include<iostream.h
# include <conio.h
void main()
int x,y=0;
cout<x<" "<y;
Q What would be contents of following after array initialization?
int A[5]={3,8 ,9}
Q. What is the difference between the constructor and normal function?
Q. Find the output of the following program?
class state
{ char *statename;
int size;
state(){size=0;statename=new char[size+1];}
state (char *s)
{ size=strlen(s);statename=new char[size+1];
void display()
{ coutstatenameendl;}
void replace(state&a, state &b)
delete statename;
statename=new char[size+1];
strcpy(statename, a.statename);
void main()
{ clrscr();
char *temp="Delhi";