Gunnison City Council Meeting and Public Hearing

Wednesday, June 17, 2015, 7:00 p.m.

Gunnison City Hall, 38 West Center

Gunnison, UT 84634

Present: Mayor Bruce Blackham, City Councilmembers: Thayne Carlisle and Blake Donaldson, Treasurer JoAnn Taylor, Recorder Janell Braithwaite, Parks/Cemetery Supervisor Matt Reber, Librarian Carolyn Childs, Police Chief Trent, Fire Chief Jed Hansen, Zack Jensen with the Gunnison Valley Fire Dept., Planning & Zoning Board Chairman Rory Ward, Gary Keddington with Keddington and Christensen and Citizen Mike Wanner

Presiding: Mayor Bruce Blackham

Invocation: Councilmember Robert Andersen

7:00-7:30 p.m. Public Hearing to Receive Public Comment and to Reopen the 2014-2015 Budget and Adoption including Budget Transfers

Councilmember Andersen made the motion to open the Public Hearing to receive public comment to reopen the 2014-2015 budget and adoption including budget transfers. Councilmember Carlisle seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 3-0 vote.

7:00 p.m. Public Hearing Opened

Chief Halliday questioned where the money from the sale of the police car went. Gary Keddington explained the money went to the general fund in the cash account. Chief Halliday would like to see the money go back to the Police PTIF account to help pay for the new vehicles along with the equipment needed to equip the cars. Mayor Blackham stated he appreciated this intent, but suggested the money be kept in the general fund to help the budget balance. The transfers from the water department to the other departments were reviewed. Gary explained the transfer amounts were the same as adopted in the original budget except there would not be a transfer to the swimming pool budget in this budget. The reasons why were reviewed. This included the decreased expenditures during the winter months the pool was shut down.

Fire Department Update ~ Chief Jed Hansen

Fire Chief Jed Hansen brought up the misrepresentation that had come forth the past couple of weeks regarding the emergency situation during the recent flooding. He wanted to be sure the Council knew he would be happy to come to any council meetings to answer any questions when these questions are brought up or need to be answered. He welcomed the Council to also call Brian Sorensen, Zack Jensen or Garren Lund if they need any questions answered. Chief Hansen stated he felt there was a good discussion in the meeting following the flood. He noted the additional cross training he would like to see take place between the Gunnison Police Dept. and the Centerfield Police Dept. determining what the capabilities of both departments are as well as what is expected. Councilmember Carlisle suggested the Council be involved with these trainings as well. Chief Hansen noted there were some great training DVD's available that he would like to purchase for the department that may help all that are involved. Mayor Blackham thanked Chief Hansen for their work, and suggested with the Council's approval that a "thank you" barbeque be held this summer. Chief Hansen reported this flooding had actually been a great opportunity to learn without a real catastrophe happening, and this will help them prepare for any future emergencies. Chief Hansen mentioned the letter he had put in the newspaper thanking all of those agencies involved in helping our communities.

7:23 p.m. Chief Jed Hansen and Zack Jensen left



Proposed Approval of "Independents Week" Proclamation: July 1-July 7, Buy Local First

Mayor Blackham read through the Independent's Week Proclamation noting the importance of shopping at home, and the support the local businesses give back to the community.

Councilmember Andersen made the motion to approve and support the Mayor's proclamation for "Independent's Week", July 1-July 7, Buy Local First. Councilmember Donaldson seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 3-0 vote.

Discuss and Proposed Approval of Resolution 2015-6, Amending Garbage Collection Fees

Councilmember Carlisle explained the landfill fees the cities have been paying are not adequate to cover the costs, and the county has determined to increase the landfill fees by .50 cents per month per household to close that gap. Councilmember Carlisle felt this was pretty reasonable considering the service the city receives, and recommended the approval of the increase.

Councilmember Andersen made the motion to approve Resolution 2015-6, amending garbage collection fees, and increasing the garbage fees by .50 cents per month per household. Councilmember Carlisle seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 3-0 vote.

Mayor Blackham explained this was a county wide fee increase, and covered all those in the county that are involved in this co-op.

Councilmember Carlisle made the motion to close the Public Hearing to receive public comment and to reopen the 2014-2015 budget and adoption including budget transfers. Councilmember Donaldson seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 3-0 vote.

7:30 p.m. Public Hearing Closed

Proposed Approval of Resolution 2015-7, 2015 Budget Amendment

Councilmember Carlisle made the motion to approve Resolution 2015-7, 2015 Budget as amended. Councilmember Donaldson seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 3-0 vote.

7:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Public Hearing to Receive Public Comment Regarding the 2015-2016 Proposed Budget including the Proposed Adoption of Operating and Capital Budgets for Gunnison City including the 2015 Certified Tax Rate, Proposed Fee Waivers and Donations, Fee Schedule Changes and Compensation of Statutory Employees

Councilmember Andersen made the motion to open the Public Hearing to receive public comment regarding the 2015-2016 proposed budget. Councilmember Carlisle seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 3-0 vote.

7:30 p.m. Public Hearing open

Mayor Blackham mentioned the Council had held a work meeting recently to go over the budget, and felt quite comfortable with what they have had to do with it so far. Gary mentioned the first power bill on the water treatment plant had been received today for $2,500, and noted he had increased the amount in the power budget to be sure this will all be covered. Supervisor Reber felt this amount reflected the entire construction phase of the facility. Councilmember Donaldson called John Iverson with Sunrise Engineering to question this bill, and John answered that he would look into it. Gary mentioned he also added in a little more to cover the other wells and pumps for the year. He noted he also increased the wages by 3% to those full time employees as instructed by the Council. He mentioned the one new employee who was still probation was not figured in on this increase. Gary will be sure the judge is figured into this increase as mandated by state law. Gary then reviewed the sewer impact fees that will


need to be utilized. He stated $10,000 will need to be used up for sure by next year to avoid having to refund the money, and he has put a total of $45,000 in the 2016 budget for expansion of the sewer lines. Councilmember Donaldson reviewed the projects that could be done. Gary reminded the Council of the criteria for using these impact fees. Councilmember Donaldson stated he felt an expansion of the sewer line to the Gunnison Fairgrounds would be as good as any expansion the city could do right now. The discussion ensued regarding the installation of restrooms at the fairgrounds/BMX track, and the possibility of obtaining funding help through the County Economic Development. Supervisor Reber discussed the expansion opportunities at the fairgrounds for the Lions Club as well. Gary pointed out there is money sitting in a cash account that has been collected from these impact fees.

Councilmember Donaldson reported the tests had come back on the new well, and it looks like it is a go ahead project. He noted the well is probably a 400+ gallon per minute, and the arsenic is at 4 ppb. He stated John Iverson felt really good about the results from this well, and will begin pursuing funding for it.

Gary reviewed the transfers from the water dept. in the 2016 budget in comparison to the previous years' budget. Gary also pointed out the small increase put into the health insurance to allow for any increases that may take place in the renewal process.

Proposed Approval of Ordinance 2015-5, Compensation of Elected & Statutory Officers

The Council discussed the wages listed on the ordinance. Recorder Braithwaite pointed out it is the appointed employees that needed to be listed on this ordinance. The Council and Chief Halliday all reported their approval of the Court Attorney, and their utilization of her services.

Councilmember Andersen made the motion to approve Ordinance, 2015-5, Compensation of Elected & Statutory Officers. Councilmember Donaldson seconded the motion. The motion passes with a

3-0 vote.

Proposed Approval of Part-time Swimming Pool Employees

This will be tabled to a future meeting.

Councilmember Donaldson made the motion to close the Public Hearing to receive public comment regarding the 2015-2016 budget. Councilmember Carlisle seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 3-0 vote.

8:00 p.m. Public Hearing Closed

Proposed Approval of Resolution 2015-8. 2016 Budget Adoption including the 2016 Certified Tax Rate, Proposed Fee Waivers and Donations and Fee Schedule Changes

Councilmember Donaldson made the motion to approve Resolution 2015-8 and adopt the 2016 budget including the 2016 Certified Tax Rate, proposed fee waivers and donations and fee schedule changes, the Operating and Capital Budget for Gunnison City of $1,494,500 for the General Fund, $326,350 for the Pool Fund, $53,200 for the Irrigation Fund, $3,034,273 to the Water Fund and $293,000 for the Sewer Fund including transfers from the Water Fund to the General Fund of $123,000 and $90,000 to the General Fund for water usage and $8,300 to the Pressurized Irrigation Fund. Councilmember Andersen seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 3-0 vote.

8:03 p.m. Gary Keddington, Carolyn Childs and JoAnn Taylor left and Rory Ward and Mike Wanner arrived


8:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Public Hearing to Receive Public Comment on Proposed Amendments to Chapter 19, Sign Standards, Gunnison City Zoning Ordinance, and including, but not limited to, Proposed Amendment to Table 19-2, Allowed Signs in the Residential and Commercial-1 Zoning District

Councilmember Andersen made the motion to open the public hearing to receive public comment on the proposed amendments to Chapter 19, Sign Standards, Gunnison City Zoning Ordinance. Councilmember Carlisle seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 3-0 vote.

8:05 p.m. Public Hearing Open

Rory Ward, the current Chairman of the Planning & Zoning Commission, reported this sign issue had come before the P&Z Commission noting they had found there were some limiting factors for the businesses in town as well as some confusion to what the ordinance actually said. He explained the sign standards for walls had been increased from 10% t 30% feeling this would help the businesses. They also expanded the maximum projection signs from 12" to 30". The illumination was also changed stating it shall not be directed towards or illuminate adjacent or other properties, with the rest of the illumination issues discussed being tabled simply because they have not been issues to this point. Mike Wanner mentioned a wall sign was not previously allowed in the R&C-1 zone facing a residential property and verified this had been changed. Chairman Ward verified this had been changed.

Proposed Approval of Rec Board Member to Represent Gunnison City, 2-year Term ~ Councilmember Andersen

Councilmember Andersen reported there had only been one application received from a Gunnison City resident on time, noting this open position required that it was a Gunnison City resident. He explained he had spoken to quite a few people, but only one turned their application in, and this was the existing board member, Dr. Richard Nay. Councilmember Andersen suggested those interested attend the public meetings held by the Rec Board each month, and get involved while learning the function of the Rec Board preparing for an open position in the future. He will contact those who have shown interest with the approval of the Council. The Council agreed to this suggested effort.

Councilmember Andersen made the motion to approve Dr. Richard Nay for the 2-year Term on the Gunnison Valley Rec Board. Councilmember Carlisle seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 3-0 vote.

Review Plans for Gunnison Valley July 4th Celebration

Councilmember Carlisle reported the plans were going well, and there were just a few little things that needed to be taken care of. The activities and schedules were reviewed. Rory Ward explained no one would accept the DSA award this year, so this will only be given to the students. Councilmember Carlisle announced those vendors that were planning on attending the night of July 3rd. He felt all of the major activities were ready to go, noting those few activities that still needed a little planning and/or work on. Recorder Braithwaite mentioned the game John Christiansen, representing the CUCF, would like to host on the 4th, and Councilmember Carlisle suggested he call Rory Ward with the JayCees to get a location set up. The fireworks were scheduled to follow the concert, and Councilmember Carlisle stated he would coordinate the location for the fireworks show with the CUCF. Chief Halliday and Councilmember Carlisle mentioned their concerns for locations in storing the fireworks, and a discussion ensued.