Minutes of the meeting held on the 25th October 2012 at BrynOffaSchool, Pant.

Shropshire Councillor Arthur Walpole requested that he be allowed to give his Report due to having to attend a meeting at Kinnerley.

12/107APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE were received from Cllrs. Crispin (family reasons), Griffiths (ill) and Melling (family reasons).

12/108POLICE REPORT for the Parish had been received by email. 2 crimes

logged in last month.Neighbourhood watch alerts were forwarded from The

Chairman, but Councillors could have these sent direct. Report of a

suspicious van at Llanymynech Village Hall which was logged on the CCTV

and an unknown person photographing children at the football matches.

12/109MATTERS RAISED BY THE PUBLIC. Scott Hamilton spoke about the

football club starting up in Llanymynech and wishing to use the playing field.

He was the new Secretary and they wished to play on alternate Saturdays.

They had played at Llandrinio, but they are now a welsh team and they had

spoken to Carol Jones and she had said it would be ok as long as the Juniors

are advised of this. The Clerk explained about the covenant in the Deed

which did not allow organised games on a Sunday as well as the cost of

maintenance of the field and the insurance. The football club pay for the use

of the changing rooms at the Village Hall and the cost of the Referee which

means approximately £50 per match, they pay match fees and do some fund

raising to cover their other costs of insurance etc. It was Proposed by Cllr

Mason and 2nd by Cllr Robinson that the team be allowed to play free of

charge for a season and then to have a review at the end, all voted in favour

of this Proposal. The Clerk advised about the plans for a skate park at the

Playing Field. It was agreed that the Council and Club should have a formal

agreement for the use of the field. The Club were asked to remind their

spectators not to park on the pavement on Station Road.


12/111MINUTES. Minutes of the meeting held on the 27th September 2012 were Proposed by Cllr Pollitt, 2ndby Cllr Mason, voted on by those present, Approved and signed.

12/112PLANNING: 12/02795/COU Briedden View, Penygarreg Lane, Pant –

Permission granted.

12/113SKATE PARK PROJECT. Report on the two meetings already held. A further meeting arranged for the 7thNovember to discuss fund raising and the subsequent meeting to be arranged with a presentation by skate park manufacturers.

12/114CORRESPONDENCE. SALC AGM to be held on Fri. 9.11.12 at The Lord Hill Hotel was noted. Invitation to Oswestry Leisure Centre on 8.11.12 would be attended by The Chairman. Invitation to STW 2012 Celebration at IronbridgeGorgeMuseum 13.11.12 was also noted. The Minor Injuries Unit would be opening at the new Health Centre on the 1st November. Cllr Mason reported that he had been invited to speak at a meeting at the Orthopaedic on the efficiency of the MIU.

12/115ROADS AND FOOTWAYS. There was a delay on the consultation to be held

on theReview of Shropshire Council's Speed Management Policies. A grid

theft on the A483 at Sweeneyhad been reported and quickly replaced.

12/116RIGHTS OF WAY There were no matters relating to footpaths

12/117WIND FARMS AND PYLONS. SNAP Statement had been received. Meifod

Community Council’s invitation to a meeting concerning a letter from National

Grid was noted.


Hotel, Llanymynech had been sold to a local developer. The project for Pant

playing field was reported on by The Clerk, and she read the Awards for All

application for the funding which could be matched by an application to the

LJC. Cllr Roberts enquired why the hedge had to be removed, as in his

opinion it was unnecessary. Cllr McConville explained about the standards

for visibility of childrens playgrounds. It was proposed by Cllr Mason that the

funding applications be made by The Clerk, 2nd by Cllr Pollitt and voted on by

a show of hands – 5 for, 2 against and 1 abstention. Therefore RESOLVED

that applications for funding go ahead.

12/119FINANCIAL MATTERS AND ACCOUNTS. Letter confirming appointment of

Mazars as external Auditor for 5 years. The accounts for payment were

proposed by Cllr Robinson, 2nd by Cllr Mason and approved, nem con, Cllr

Mrs.Gaskill abstained. The Clerk presented the half year Manual Balance

and explained the spreadsheet. The Bank statement verifying the balance

was also presented and approved.

12/120JOINT MEETING. The Agenda for the joint meeting with Carreghofa

Community Council to be held on the 30th October was read It was

suggested that the Llanymynech Village Car Park be added to the Agenda.


1087 / RPS / 1045.00 / Grounds maintenance.
1088 / G Gaskill repay / 318.51 / Website & hosting etc.
1089 / V E Byrne / 523.67 / Salary.
1090 / Scottish Power / 172.60 / Lighting energy Sep
1091 / V & W Electrics / 312.00 / Lighting maintenance Aug Sep
1092 / VEB repay / 74.60 / Title Plans and Stat Dec.