Will take place on Saturday, February 6th, 2016

At Creekwood Middle School

  • All 6th grade orchestra students will participate in this event. The contest runs from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., but your child will only need to be there for about an hour. Until times are assigned, we can only estimate who will have a morning time and who will play in the afternoon. Please let us know if you have a scheduling need. We can easily work out the conflicts now, as we form the schedule for the day.
  • Each student is entered in two events: Solo – the student plays alone with piano accompaniment, a selection that is learned in orchestra class.Ensemble – a small group performs an orchestra piece together that has also been practiced in class.
  • Judges (other orchestra teachers) have been hired by Humble ISD to listen to the events and give constructive written comments and ratings. Students who receive ratings of “superior” are awarded medals by our school district. All students will receive a judge’s comment sheet.
  • Parents may attend their child’s performances. We encourage your presence!!!
  • Students NOT attending the event will perform their solos and ensemblesin class on Monday, February 8th. No medals will be awarded.
  • Mr. Farmeror Miss Sanchezwill play the piano accompaniments for the students.
  • We have to know who will be participating so that times may be assigned for each student and group. We need to know NOW who is attending so the schedule can be prepared. Please let us know if there is a time that will not work. You also need to know that when a child withdraws after the ensembles are assigned; it can jeopardize the success of the group. We will be scheduling for all 6th grade students (about 100 students).
  • Students taking from a private teacher may be playing a solo that is different from the assigned “class” solo. Please have your child assist you in filling out the form below so that the name of the alternate solo can be included. We have to make sure we have the piano parts for all of those selections.
  • There is also an opportunity for those students who are currently in piano lessons to earn a medal. As there is not a list for piano pieces, please ask your lesson teacher to provide a solo that they feel is appropriate for this event. This is not a mandatory event for piano students. This is just a chance to earn a third possible medal. YOU MUST CURRENTLY BE IN PIANO LESSONS TO PERFORM A PIANO SOLO.

Detach and send this form back to us (for a grade) by Thursday, January 14, 2016.


_____ (CHECK) will participate in the February 6th, 2016 Solo and Ensemble Contest

IFyou have a time preference, please choose one

_____ Early morning ____ Late Morning ____ Early afternoon _____ No Preference

_____ Will play the class solo Allegro____, Perpetual Motion ____, Rondino ____; or

_____ Will play solo assigned by private teacher

Name of solo and the composer ______

_____ Will play a piano solo

Name of solo and the composer ______

_____ Is unable to attend the February 6th event

Parent Signature______