Teaching and Learning Cooperative
Title of Proposal: Study Driven – A Framework for Planning Units of Study in Writing
TLC points requested: 10
(A 10 point TLC is a minimum of 40 hours with at least half of the hours outside the contract day. A 20 point TLC is a minimum of 80 hours with at least half of the hours
outside the contract day.)
Proposal Submission Date: 5/1
Proposal Description (2-3 sentences for publishing to prospective participants):
Immerse yourself in Katie Wood Ray’s book Study Driven as we learn to read with the eye of a writer. Teachers will learn to use their skills to identify standards based literary devices and create a resource file of real world examples of effective writing to use in their classrooms.
Intended Audience or Participant list: K-5
Implementation Timeframe (Beginning and Ending Dates): August 29, 2007- February 6, 2008
(No hours may be counted for any TLC until the proposal has been approved by the Professional Development Advisory Board.)
Proposal Facilitator: Denise Mikkonen/Cathy Lambert
Work Location: Highland Ranch Phone: (858) 487-8474 Ext. 4505
District Goals to be Addressed: PreK-12 Literacy (support for PreK-12 reading, writing, or mathematics)
Proficiency for all students across all grade levels and content areas, as measured by standardized state measures (CAHSEE, CST)
Increased access to rigorous curriculum
Intended Learning Outcomes: Learn to identify and collect a rich variety of texts that give students a clear vision of the writing they will do based on grade level standards.
Improve teacher and students understanding of word crafting and effective standards based writing curriculum.
Develop vocabulary that gives structure to curriculum development.
Professional Growth Activities – Acquisition of New Learning
As evidence of implementation, each participant is required to maintain a portfolio of
documentation regarding completion of her/his new learning, impact on student
learning and reflection activities. This portfolio will be reviewed by the facilitator
at the end of the TLC. Examples of documentation: time logs, meeting notes,
discussion group notes, lesson plans, student work samples, journals, etc.
State what new learning participant(s) will acquire through this proposal, including the timeline and/or hours anticipated:
Revised October 1, 2005
Participants will read the book Study Driven. -12 hours
They will identify literary qualities of texts, observe sample lessons, discuss, reflect, and collect samples of real world writing to develop their skills for teaching writing in the classroom. 10.5 hours (meetings)
Teachers will maintain a portfolio of: 5 hours
Ø text examples of quality writing
Ø student progress over time
Ø monthly and final reflections
See attached detailed meeting timeline.
Revised October 1, 2005
Hours OUTSIDE the contract day: 22.5
Hours INSIDE the contract day: 5
Classroom Implementation Activities
The impact of the newly acquired learning of TLC participants on student learning is critical to this section
State how participant(s) will implement new learning in the classroom, including the timeline and/or hours anticipated:
Participants will begin to implement strategies discussed in text.
Teachers will collect and share quality examples of literary strategies from real world text.
Students will examine text and identify specific text features.
Participants will plan ( 6hours) and implement (12 hours) whole and small group writing lessons, confer with students, facilitate peer conferencing, and evaluate student progress based on strategies in Study Driven.
Hours OUTSIDE the contract day: 6 hours
Hours INSIDE the contract day: 12 hours
Reflection Activities
State how participant(s) will reflect on their new learning, including the timeline and/or hours anticipated:
Participants will reflect at the beginning of each class session based on a focus question. (1 hour – already accounted for in meeting timeline.)
Participants will maintain a journal focused on insights from their reading. (1.5 hours)
Participants will analyze student writing samples for evidence of growth and decisions regarding next best steps. (Accounted for during classroom implementation.)
Engage in peer discussions based on text and classroom implementation experiences. (Accounted for in meeting timeline.)
Participants will complete a reflection paper as a culminating activity. (1.5 hours)
Hours OUTSIDE the contract day: 3 hours
Budget Request
If you anticipate needing fiscal support for the implementation of your proposal, please list prospective needs and estimated costs. TLC will fund up to 50% of site based TLC’s, not to exceed $500. TLC will fund 100% of district wide proposals, not to exceed $500.
· $29.00 + tax (Study Driven – Heinemann)
If you are the facilitator, will you need “facilitator hourly”?
Yes If so, for whom? Denise Mikkonen No
For a 10 point TLC, the paid facilitator hours cannot exceed 30 hours.
For a 20 point TLC, the paid facilitator hours cannot exceed 60 hours.
If you wish to receive points as a facilitator, in lieu of hourly compensation, you must write a separate facilitator proposal using the facilitator form.
Revised October 1, 2005