Creighton Students Union Full Board Meeting

Monday, October 3rd, 2016 | 5:15 pm | Skutt 105


Present: Anna Schroer, Caitlin Wright, Christopher Ceresa, Erin Quinlin, Jackie Rivas, Julia Neppel, Mina Mirzaie, Nick Wilsdorf, Connor Campbell, Trevor Schlecht, Isabella Sullivan-Powers, Mattie Smyth, Matthew Matternas, Patrick Marta, Emily Pass

Max Mills, Shravan Atluri, Ryan Ong, Kendall West, Sydney Fangman, Amy Reckin, , Andrew Valiquette, Brant Burbank, Brent Shishido, David Changstrom, Dominic Ilardi

Elaine Pinacate, Gessica Stovall, Karan Kumar, Lauren Schluenz, Michelle Walaszcek, Nara Tashjian, Nathan Woessner, Nicholas Mathy, Kelbey Heider

Not Present: Katie Kentfield, Simeon Gboun, Rachel Hortsch, Evan Daugherty, Hayley Bennet, Nick Samuelson, Kelbey Heider, Gabriella Hezel

Jose Galvan

Not Present:

I.  Opening Ceremonies

a.  Call to order (5:16)

b.  Invocation

c.  Attendance

d.  Office of the Provost: Discussion of University Accreditation

-Students can get involved in the university accreditation process by being a part of survey writing committees

-The survey will be designed to find out student satisfaction across the school

-The survey will be sent out in January

e.  Approval of Minutes

i.  9.19.16

(Approved 30-0-7)

II.  Open Discussion

-CSW (Committee on the Status of Women) is holding an event this week to promote Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

III.  Old Business

IV.  New Business

a.  Resolution 16-06

- Purpose: To have the Creighton Students Union (CSU) take a formal stance in support of the student-led Black Lives Matter demonstrations taking place on campus throughout the week of October 3rd, 2016

-Motion to discuss

-“Will everyone come to us for validation”

(Approved 29-3-4)

Motion that CSU encourages the cabinet to meet

(Approved 34-0-2)

b.  Resolution 16-07

-Purpose: To suggest the updating and addition of chairs, tables, and furniture to the Skutt Student Center, in areas where there are old couches and tables/chairs that can be replaced and/or updated to accommodate the increasing number of Creighton students using the student center.

(Approved 31-0-5)

V.  Executive Reports:

a.  President: Mr. Kayman Nixon

i.  Higher Learning Committee Update

-Keep an eye out for accreditation material

ii. Elections

-CSU is hosting a voter registration event tomorrow

-Can anyone help to set up that event tomorrow?

b.  Executive Vice President: Mr. Zach Pierce

i.  Public Safety Advisory Board

-2 representatives needed to sit on the Public Safety Advisory Board

c.  Vice President for Finance: Mr. Joe Peterson

i.  Appropriations Reports

Creighton Students for Life

-$15,118.88 (requested) and approved

Curling Club

-Requested $400 (approved)

d.  Vice President for Programming: Mr. Jake Wiesenthal

i.  Are You Smarter Than a BlueJay?

-Riggie 120 at 9:00 PM

ii. Fallapalooza

-Ticket giveaways this week

e.  Speaker of the Board: Ms. Sarah Huddleston

i.  Undergraduate Student Organization E-mails

VI.  Student Organization Updates/Announcements

E-Mail your organizations

VII.  Announcements

a.  Advisor’s Update

b.  Upcoming Funded Events

VIII.  Adjournment (6:07)